Ichihoshi Hikaru x Female Reader

Requested by Nosakayuma

Yay! My number 1 favorite boy from the Parallel Series! 😍

(Y/N)= Your Name


(f.c)= Favorite Color

(f.a.)= Favorite Animal

(f.a/n)= Favorite Animal's Name


It is a beautiful day at the Inazuma Japan's camp grounds.

"A perfect day for a nap after practice~" you thought out loud as you flop into the soft green grass and close your (f.c.) eyes while holding your soft (f.a.) plushie in your grasp.

Ah yes, you, (S/N) (Y/N), are a member of Inazuma Japan as a defender. In soccer, you're really motivated to play and work hard. But outside of the field, you always sleep whenever and wherever you go. You even got a nickname known as 'Sleeping Beauty', which you don't care.

How a Sleeping Beauty became an active soccer player is a big mystery to the team. Heck, even Nosaka is skeptical about your abnormal sleep cycle and somnolent personality.

Just as you were about to doze off to dreamland, you heard footsteps coming your way. You open your eyes to see Ichihoshi Hikaru looking down at you with his hands on his hips.

"So this is where you're napping now, (Y/N)-san." Ichihoshi said.

"Oh, hey Ichihoshi-kun~." you said sleepily.

"Come on, we have a meeting for our next match." Ichihoshi offers his hand to help you get up.

"Eh~ but I wanna sleep~" You whined while hugging your plushie tight.

Ichihoshi sighs, "You can have your nap after we have our meeting."

"Can you just tell me about the meeting while I'm asleep?"

"No, I want you to be there."

"You're stubborn, Ichihoshi-kun~"

"You're the one to talk, (Y/N)-san."

You hummed sleepily for a moment. You never knew why Ichihoshi have this thing when he would always get you to wake up from your slumber. 

'Oh that's right....It happens when Hikaru-kun was Mitsuru-kun during the match against Shining Satans....' you thought as you doze off to memory lane.

~Dream/Flashback: The Match of Inazuma Japan vs. Shining Satans~

You are on the bench with your plushie, feeling a bit more drowsy than usual. Sleep is your one cure and you need it now, even when your team are behind on scores. Normally you're energize of playing soccer, but for some reason, Coach Jiyun had told you to not sleep at all until the match of Shining Satan. You whine about it, but if it means to win the match, you comply. Also, Coach Jiyun will let you have your naps until the FFI is over, which you immediately accept it.

Inazuma Japan have been fall into hypnosis from Shining Satans and they can't break it from them.

'Hypnosis, huh...? That's sounds nice~...'  you were about to doze off when Coach Jiyun puts on a loud alarm sounds that causes the team from the bench to jump out of shock. Even the players on the field were spooked out from the alarm.

"(Y/N)-kun, get ready~" Coach Jiyun said as he continues playing his game as Lee Kobun turns off the alarm.

"Hai~" You said languidly as you place your plushie on Tsukushi's lap, "Tsukushi-chan, can you hold (f.a./n) for me please?" Tsukishi nod as she holds your plushie.

You are sub in for Fubuki and you walk towards to the position that Fubuki was while you stretch your body and yawning.

"(Y/N)-san, are you going to be okay?" You notice that Ichihoshi, in this case Mitsuru, is walking towards you and ask with concern. You notice a slight change of his tone, like sarcastic, but you ignore it.

"I'm okay, Ichihoshi-kun~" you yawned again, "I won't let the team down. We can still win, right Ichihoshi-kun?"

You can hear Mitsuru mumbling, "We'll see about that..."

The game resume and one of the member of Shining Satan got a hold of the ball and go straight towards you. He's going to use the same hypnosis on you like he did to the other Inazuma Japan players, but...

"Zzz..."You doze off while you're standing in the same spot.

"SHE FELL ASLEEP?!" the whole stadium shouted in surprise, even the opposing team is shocked.

"(Y/N), WAKE UP!" your teammates, minus Mitsuru, shouts at you to wake up.

It took a while for you to wake up when you saw a shocking looking Shining Satan player as he dribbles the ball, but you quickly stole the ball from him.

"Huh~? I didn't get hypnotize~?" You wondered as you dribble the ball to the field.

"Don't think you can get away from it twice, girly!" another player did the same trick before, but apparently you were too sleepy to focus as your eyes are tempting you to close them and then miraculously, you dodge him.

The whole stadium were jaw dropped when you pass by all the Shining Satan players. Even your teammates were shocked as well. Are you even awake or sleeping while playing soccer?

Even Mitsuru looks shock as well, 'How did she even do that?! She was sleepy!'

You then pass the ball to one of the forwards of your team and yawns. 

In the end, Inazuma Japan won and you immediately head to another room so you can sleep peacefully now.

So there you are, sleeping where it's quiet as your teammates celebrate their victory. You then felt a presence looming over you. Almost as if you know that person, you grabbed the person's wrist and drags them down to the ground. You began to snuggle onto that person as you get even more drowsier.

Ichihoshi, now as Hikaru, felt flabbergasted and blushing at the same time. 

"H-hey (Y/N)-san, let go!" the bluenette shouted as he tries to get you to release him.

"Mmh~ Nee Ichihoshi-kun... or is it the little brother?" Hikaru stops when you utter his name, "Did I do well?"

"Huh?" In Ichihoshi's mind, both Hikaru and Mitsuru were shock on how you know there personalities are in one body. They thought you might be talking in your sleep.

Ichihoshi look down to see this vulnerable side of yours. It made Hikaru blushing red while Mitsuru accidentally choke his saliva. 

'Does (Y/N)-san always sleeps so adorable?!' Hikaru mentally freak out.

"Zzzz...." your soft snores echo through the room as Ichihoshi gives in and keeps you company until you're awake.

~End of Dream/Flashback~

You slowly open your eyes and sees Ichihoshi Hikaru's face above you. Instead of feeling the grass under your head, it's been place on Ichihoshi's lap instead.

"Hmm~? Ichihoshi-kun, you didn't go to the meeting?" you asked as she can see it's getting late.

"I told Nosaka-san that I won't be coming to the meeting and keep you company." Ichihoshi said as he blush, too embarrassed that he just wants to be by your side.

"Really~?" You weren't so sure about that. 

You place your hand behind Ichihoshi's head and push him down towards you. Both of your lips connect for a sudden kiss. Ichihoshi's face became really red and steam is practically showing from his head. You, on the other hand, enjoy the kiss and it made you sleepy even more.

So, you ended the kiss and make yourself comfortable to sleep, "You don't have to be embarrassed, Hikaru-kun. I love you too."

"Eh?!" Before Ichihoshi can questioned you, you already fell asleep.

Ichihoshi sighs, but smiles softly at your sleepy form. He then carried you bridal style and walks back to the dorms.

"You really are a Sleeping Beauty, (Y/N)-chan." he said to your sleepy form and gave you a kiss on the lips, "But, you're mine Sleeping Beauty."

Wow, I made it so long lol

I believe this is my first time writing a fluff story so I'm not sure if it's fluffy enough XD

I hope you like this one-shot, Nosakayuma! :D
