EIGHT: Welcome to My World


"You're crying," Lauren commented upon seeing tears fall from my eyes. I grinned as she wiped them.

"Sorry I just-" "We missed you, too," she cut me off.

"How did you know what I'm-" "Because I'm your twin," she bragged.

"Right," I agreed.

It felt good knowing that finally, we are already okay. Indeed, it was out of plan. But I guess it was just destined to happen. That night, I had a good sleep. It was the most peaceful one since I arrived. It seemed like a heavy baggage was lifted from my shoulders. Uncle Victor was right. And the day he was talking about has come. It was too sudden. But I guess Lauren's stare and Ann's letter did the work. It felt great. Really great.


The next day, Lauren woke me up. "Hey, get up," she sweetly commanded.

"Why? It's too early," I replied as I checked on the alarm clock.

"My alarm hasn't even rung," I added.

"Let's make this day special for mom," she whispered.

"You owe her a lot of presents. Like for Mother's Day, birthday, Christmas..." she was serious of mentioning all the celebrations I missed for the past years. But I cut her off by putting my hands against her mouth.

"Okay, I get it!" I stopped her. She pouted like a child. I had to admit, my sister is such a sweet girl.

"I have a plan, too," I winked at her and stood up.


"What is taking you so long?" she knocked on the door. I was at the bathroom then when she started to sound really impatient.

"Wait up okay? It's hard to change my clothes."

"Open up. I'll help you." I opened the door, holding my shirt and bandage.

"The scar looks horrible," she commented as she helped me put on my shirt.

"You have to get this treated. Promise me," she said with an imperative tone as she assisted me in dressing up my bandage.

I nodded. "Don't let your dreams be just plain dreams, James."

"Now you sound like mom," I commented. She played with my hair. Just like the way she used to when we were kids.

"Hey! It's hard to fix this up," I clamored but she just smiled.

"Let's go?" she asked.


We went downstairs and called the driver to come with us. He started the engine while Lauren sat at the backseat. I followed her.

"Why didn't you seat there?" she asked, referring to the front seat.

"Louie was my passenger," was my only reply.

"It's going to be okay, soon. We'll help you," she encouraged.


"A box of corn muffin, forest of berries with cream and fresh mango juice for the most beautiful mom in the world," I woke mom up by my loud voice. She gently opened her eyes and smiled as she saw her twins coming.

"Is this the start of a happy life with my twins?" she asked.

"It is. We'll make each of your day special, mom," Lauren agreed.

"These are my favorites," she said as right after seeing what were on the tray Lauren was holding.

"James picked everything. We woke up too early to get those muffins. The store still has a lot of loyal consumers," she shared.

"Why do I have a feeling that the rest of the two months will be as happy as heaven? My son is really back," she asked as she pulled my arms.

"I missed you, James," she kissed me on my cheeks.

"I missed you the most," I finally gave her my surprise.

"I believe you are making up for the coldness you have shown these days. These are the most gorgeous set of tulips I have ever received," she reacted upon receiving a bouquet of tulips. She also took the yellow one I gave the other night.

"These are really beautiful son. It is extra special since it's from you and Lauren," she said.

"No. That part really was just his idea. You don't have to give credits on me."

"I love you, two," mom spoke. I could see she was deeply touched by what we did. She was almost in tears.

"We love you more," Lauren and I said in unison.



After the reconciliation, the house suddenly had a fresh and soothing ambience. For years, it was a mere grand house. But after James broke the gap between him and his family, it transformed into a home. Indeed, a house is different from a home.

On a Monday night, Lauren got a call from her mother. She had to leave for a photo shoot in Thailand. James was a bit upset but he knew she would be back soon. "Well Ann can take care of you for a while," Lauren suggested.

"I'm a big boy now. I can manage," James replied.

"Ann, tour James in the studio. Bring him to your fashion shows. I'm sure he would love that. Would you?" she asked.

"Sure," Ann smiled at him. He beamed as well.

"Oh, my God!" Ann exclaimed.

"Why?" Lauren asked. She got a little worried.

"Did you see it? A smile! Finally, a smile. Oh, My God!" she cried out as if his smile was a matter of life and death.

Lauren sighed in relief. "I thought there's something wrong, you silly," she calmed herself.

"Seriously! That's the first time I saw him smile! Dude, you should wear that all the time. It looks so damn good on you," she said.

"Ann, you're funny," Lauren couldn't help but laugh. James was blushing. And when she realized that he really was, Ann felt a bit awkward.

"Sorry," she was shy.

"It's okay. I know he is good looking. Just like his sister," Lauren bragged.

"Don't flatter yourself," Ann battled her eyelashes.

"Stop giving me advices. I should be the one giving you. Stop looking at him. You might fall," Lauren slipped.

"Lauren!" James and Ann yelled at the same time.

"Kidding," she took it back.


"I see you and Lauren get along very well now," Ann said as she sat beside James on the swing at the garden.

"I do not even know why. It was too sudden," James replied.

"No, it was not. I know you had been fighting with yourself for about a month."

"How sure are you?"

"More than a hundred percent," she grinned.

James looked down. "Her stare broke my heart," he shared.

"Mom's tears-" he wasn't able to finish his words.

"But I'm pretty sure you didn't do that because your conscience kills you. Right?" she asked.

James was silent for a while. He just stared at her.

'Tell me it was not out of pity, James,' was running though Ann's mind.

"I'm not as rude as you think, Ann..." he explained.

"I made a mistake. I went overboard. But I love them. That, I guess, was what I realized upon seeing Lauren and mom cry that night," he added.

Ann smiled. It was more than what she thought James would answer. Because of which, she confirmed that being rude and aloof were only his defense mechanisms. And that the wall he made was just out of pride and not of anger.

"Family," she smiled.

"Family," he repeated.

Their eyes met. Both grinned. No words were needed to be said. They both felt it. Family was the most important thing in their lives.


A few days later, Lauren left for the photo shoot. That same day, Ann asked James to go with her on her fashion show. She took him at the backstage. "Hey guys, this is James. He is Aunt Marie's son and Lauren's twin brother" Ann introduced.

Everyone stopped. "Lauren's guy version, so hot!" a girl randomly yelled. James blushed.

"Yes, he is," Ann agreed as she patted James' shoulder.

"Wait James, suit yourself here. I have to get ready."

One of the organizers, Cathy, approached him. "Let's go to the VIP area."

"But Ann's here," James objected.

"You'll enjoy the view there better," she encouraged.

"Bye James!" almost all the girls bid.

"Bye," hesitantly, he smiled.


The show started and James was seated on the front row. There, he got a good view on what was going on. The runway was filled with models as the theme was Greek Mythology.

James found it okay. He never watched a live fashion show except that day. The models were hot. Their sexy bodies were emphasized by their God and Goddess looks. The designs were simple yet elegant. They were variations of white and gold colors. Accessories stood out on plain dresses. They were all barefoot, making it harder to ramp on stage. But he all could say that everyone justified the theme.

After a while, Ann was seen on stage. She looked different to James. He did not even think it was her until she reached to end of the ramp. "Ann?" he asked.

Ann looked at him and winked. True, she was like a goddess. She was wearing a long white empress cut dress. The chiffon cloth used accented her figure. It was simple as it was accessorized by gold sequins and a thin braded rope. Her hair was braided as well and she was wearing a pair of brown earrings.

'She is really beautiful,' James uttered in his mind. No one else heard but his heart alone. He took a deep breath and sighed. Unexpectedly, his heart skipped a beat.


Since it was a weekend the next day, Ann was again scheduled for another fashion show. That time, however, Marie and Ellie would be watching.

Backstage, there was something going on. The show was about to start in a few minutes but one male model had not arrived yet. Cathy was freaking out. If he would not arrive, the show would not be complete. He was supposed to be the star. He was supposed to ramp the best rock star clothes at the end.

"What do we do now?" the organizer yelled. The models were getting scared as she started panicking. She was known for being very strict. But the model did not follow her. Ann was getting worried as well. She was supposed to be the guy's partner.

'What do I do?' she asked herself. Then suddenly, an image of a guy who seldom smiles flashed in her mind. Angst on his face. Fierce look in his eyes. He was perfect for the show.

"James," she whispered. Cathy stopped upon hearing his name.

"Right. James is perfect! I'm sure the clothes will fit him!" she exclaimed.

"But, he is injured. You must have seen the bandage on his right shoulder," Ann hesitated.

"Oh God, what do I do now? The show is about to start in a while. And there's no way that Gerard is coming on time," she was freaking out even more that time. Ann was worried as well so she left the area and looked for James outside.

"Hey James!" she shouted as she waved. She signaled James to come near her. She could not display herself on public because it will spoil the show.

James went near and asked her what was wrong. "Is your right shoulder okay?" hesitantly, she asked. James looked at his shoulder and told her that it was.

"Uhm..." Ann was thinking of the right words to say.

"What is it?" he was curious.

"One model's going be late. Can you substitute?" she pleaded with her hands.

"What?" James was shocked.

"No way!" he stated.

"But, Cathy is freaking out. We need to find someone to walk there with me," she explained.

"I said no." James was serious. He had no interest. Even until Ann stared at him and gave him a puppy dog's begging eyes.

"Please?" Ann was persistent.

"I have an injury right here," he used it as an alibi.

"You said it is okay. For just a few minutes, please?" Ann's eyes were almost in tears.

"No." James walked out.


The music played. The rock star outfits were displayed on the runway as models flaunted them. With heavy make ups, black and metallic colored apparel, furious aura, and hot bodies, there was only one word that could describe the show- Ferocious.

The stage was on fire. It was one of the best collections ever ramped off on that runway. The designer was off to reveal himself after the last two people. The music was changed, the beat was harder. More than rock, it was sexy.

The girl was Ann. Her hair was neatly ironed. She was wearing thick eyeliner around her almond eyes. The gray contacts complimented her looks as well. The red lipstick, however, was a no match. Her kissable lips stood out and added sexiness in her attire. She was wearing a black hanging blouse styled with indefinite cuts, showing her piercing in her bellybutton. Her short-rugged skirt reiterated her firm legs. And finally, to match her red lipstick was a five- inch red wedge that she showed off on stage. With him was a new guy, James.

He was wearing plain black sneakers and black pants with chains laced on his right side. His inner ecru shirt was dirtied by black ink of scribbles. The main act was his jacket. A proud rock star one made of genuine leather. It shined by itself. But the bits of diamonds on the left pocket took the attention of almost everyone. His hair was gelled and his eyes looked even sterner with only a bit of eyeliner.

James and Ann ramped together. Ann projected perfectly while it came naturally from James. She had to shift her character three hundred sixty degrees while James just had to walk. It was not hard for him. But he felt awkward. They had to tie their wrists together with a black scarf.

Marie and Ellie, on the other hand, wore smiles on their faces upon seeing their children walking on the runway together. They looked good with each other. Especially James, since he was a first timer.

Upon reaching the end of the runway, the two paused. They looked at each other with anger. They were face to face, less than an inch apart, as they raised their hands. Then suddenly, they turned to opposite directions and with much force, they were able to untie themselves. Right after which, there was a blackout. The two turned around, about to go back. Then the paint at the back of their clothes glowed. Ann's blouse read Fashion while James' jacket read Rocks. After reaching the other end of the runway, the lights went on again. The designer showed himself as both James and Ann escorted him.

It was a successful show. A great production. A new discovery of talent. All people involved deserved the standing ovation.


"You nailed it!" Ann exclaimed right after exiting the stage. Everyone agreed. They were giving comments as they were surprised how James rocked the show.

"I bet this won't be the last," she added.

"I agree. Miss Marie's twins are the best," Cathy praised.

James could not say a thing. He did not know he actually did well. He had fun. That was all that mattered to him.

"All done, wear this again," Ann gave him his bandage as she helped him undress his jacket.

"Thanks, James," Ann said. His smile was his reply as welcome.


Almost everyone had left the dressing room except for James and Ann. "How am I supposed to get this off?" he irritatingly asked as he wiped his eyes with a tissue paper. Ann chuckled. His eyes were turning red already and the eyeliner was just spreading. She took a makeup remover and put it on a piece of cloth.

"This is how you do it," she held his face and gently wiped off the edge of his eyes to get rid of the mesh.

A few seconds after, they both felt awkward. James abruptly took the cloth from her and turned to the mirror again. "I can do this. Thanks," he said. Ann beamed. Then a ring was heard. It was from her phone.

"For a while," she excused herself. James, on the other hand, carried on getting his eyes cleaned.


James was done cleaning his eyes while Ann had not returned inside yet so he decided to get his and her things to leave the place. He was about to turn off the lights when he suddenly heard someone sniffed. That person was probably crying, he thought.

He searched where the sound was from. He shoved the curtains to see if there was really someone else aside from him inside the room. Then, he finally saw her. He saw a short haired girl, maybe of average height, shedding tears at one corner. "Why are you crying?" he asked. When the girl noticed him, she immediately packed her things up and left the room. James was left clueless. He did not know the girl. But he was sure she was one of the models because of her flat ironed hair and dark eye makeup.

He was supposed to leave when he saw a bracelet from the place the unknown girl to him was sitting. Its accent was a wood carved in shape of a heart. He studied the piece and saw an engraved word, Someday.
