Chapter 5: Thunderstruck


I'm walking back to my place. I just love the way Paris looks after a rainstorm. The air is pure, the sky is dark, the stars are out... it's—"Hey, Marinette!" I stop in my tracks. Adrien is standing in the middle of the street, dripping wet. Oh no! A car with no headlights is coming straight for him, they won't see him in time! What should I do? What do I do!?! For a split second I'm frozen, I try to move my legs but they stick to the ground like a cake to an ungreased pan. When I can hear the car's engine roaring is when I can finally break free!

"Aaaaadreeeeein!" Time seems to be moving in slow motion as I run over to him, grab his wrist, and yank him out of the way onto the sidewalk, just in the nick of time. The car zooms past and splashes us both. My eyes are wide, My breath is rapid and I'm shivering uncontrollably, not because of the cold, but because Adrien could have been killed! I don't even realize I'm hugging his arm until my arms hurt from being so tense. How he is not in pain, I seriously have no idea?

"Marinette?" Adrien, seemingly unaffected, looks down at me but doesn't take his arm away from me. "Are you okay? You don't look so good..."

"You-you-you could have... died." I say in barely above a whisper.


She doesn't look so good, considering it was me who almost died. I gently grab her shoulder and tell her to take deep breaths. For the first time, I notice her outfit: ripped jean shorts, fishnet tights, a skin-tight tank-tube top, and black boots. Her hair, worn in a short braid in the back, is a silky black, and her skin looks a deathly pale.

Marinette seems to have calmed down, but she's violently shivering.

"Sorry, I'd offer you my jacket, but I don't think it'd help." I joke. Marinette, for the first time in a long time, laughs.


I cut my laugh short. His joke really wasn't that funny. My bare shoulders feel cold after he removes his hands. I look at him: His blonde hair has turned a murky brown, and his green eyes are all the more jubilant in contrast. But, he's dripping wet; he smells; and he looks like he's just crawled out of the sewer. He'll be in huge trouble if he shows up to his house like this. I sigh. Am I really going to do this...?

"Come on." I grab his wrist and start leading him to my house. I guess I am.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"To my house. Your father clearly won't appreciate you coming home like," I turn to him and gesture at his appearance. "That. So you're going to come to my house, shower, change, and then go home." Marinette sounds different. More, take charge, confident, and weirdly like Ladybug. But hey, I'm not complaining. When we get to her house, she leads me up the stairs. After grabbing a sweat pants and a hoodie that says "Led Zeppelin", she shoves them into my arms and pushes me into her bathroom.


I can't believe Adrien Agreste is showering in my shower. The old me would've freaked out. But now, all I can think about is how slow he's taking! I'm freezing!!!!


I put on the sweat pants and pull the hoodie over my head. I'm really trying to ignore the discomfort I feel about wearing Marinette's clothes. I sniff the collar, it even smells like her: coconut with a hint of blackberry. Wait, since when do I know what Marinette smells like?!?

When I open the door, Marinette is standing there shivering, suddenly I feel guilty for taking my sweet time.

"What took you so long?!" She says between chattering teeth. "I'm fr-fr-freezing!"

"Sorry I—" Marinette pushes a mug of hot tea into my hands, then hurries into the bathroom and turns on the shower. I gratefully sip on the Honey-lemon flavored tea. Marinette's room looks about the same as it did when I last saw it... but cleaner. There's no half-finished fashion designs laying out, or cut up magazines.

"Here." I jump and almost spill my tea. Marinette, dressed in plaid pajama pants and a T-shirt, is holding her cell phone; she presses into my hand.

"What's this for?" I ask. She furrows her brow, like it was obvious.

"You should probably call your dad and let him know why you're late."

"Oh right!" I quickly call his number and wait. No answer. Not that I'm surprised. I call Nathalie's. No answer. Even my bodyguard doesn't pick up.

"Strange..." I mutter.

"What is?" Marinette asks. She's also sipping a hot beverage.

"No one at my house is answering. They must all be busy..." something doesn't feel right...


The loudest crash of thunder I've ever heard shook the room.

"Eeek!" Marinette squeaks.

"Marinette!" Sabine calls. "Is everything alright?" She pokes her head through the trap door. "That was a big crash of thunder—Adrien? What are you doing here?"

"Adrien's here?" Tom calls from downstairs.

"Adrien, what brings you here?" He asks.

"Well I—"

"He got splashed, so I offered to dry his clothes." Marinette interrupts.

"That's all you kids were doing, right?" Tom raises his eyebrow. Marinette slaps her forehead.

"Dad! Adrien was just leaving!"

"Oh I don't think that's such a good idea, honey, the storm's looking pretty bad. There's mass flooding, I could barely see the door on my way in here!" Sabine pipes up. "Perhaps Adrien should spend the night."

"In separate rooms, of course." Tom chimes in. I sneak a glance at Marinette—she's violently shaking her head no.

"Oh, I really shouldn't. My father will be worried."

"Oh don't worry, I'll call him, I'm sure your safety is much more important than a curfew." Sabine assures me.

"Okay, I guess I'm spending the night then." I say and awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"In separate rooms." Tom says again.


"How did this happen?! Why is Adrien spending the night?!?" I ask Tiki, after my parents showed him to the guest room.

"Oh, Marinette, it's not the end of the world! Besides, this is a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other better!"

"But I don't want to get to know him better!!" I cry. This has to be the worst thing that has ever happened to me.


Another thunder crash shakes my room. I dive under the covers with a scream. Why did it have to be a thunderstorm?!?

"Marinette?" I hear someone crack open my trap door and walk towards my bed.

"Are you alright? I thought I heard you scream?"

"I'm fine." I squeak from under the covers. Adrien gently lifts them up and peeks in.

"Are you sure?" He looks down on me kindly, making me want to punch his face...

I nod vigorously.

"Alright..." he sets the comforter back onto my head.


...but I really don't want him to leave. I shriek and grab his hand, then quickly let go. I feel him sit beside me on the bed.

"Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" He asks. I pull the covers off my head.

"No! Maybe... yes!" I bury my face in my hands. "It's humiliating!" Adrien says nothing. I peek through my fingers,

"You know, no one knows this about me... but I'm terrified of mice." I laugh but quickly disguise it as an awkward cough.

"It's true. I really don't know why, but they terrify me. I totally freeze up when I see them." I look at him: he seems genuinely embarrassed.

"Wow, that sucks. So Mouse and the Motorcycle must be traumatizing then?" I try to joke. Okay, that might have been too soon.

"Not anymore than Black Beauty must have been for you." He smiles. He's right though, that is one movie I'd rather not watch again.


Now I'm holding onto Adrien so tightly I'll bet he's suffocated by now.

"Sorry." I say and let go.

"Do you... do you want me to stay here?" I bug my eyes out. "Just until you fall asleep!" He quickly adds.


I nod and remerge back into the bed. I feel him shift to the end of the bed and lean against the wall. *Yawn* Hopefully I will fall asleep soon...
