Chapter 4 (end?)

Souya pov:

Morning arrives and I head back home immediately, I was gonna let Rindou know that I was gonna head home, but I wanted to get home right away. I need to apologize to Nahoya. I don't want our relationship to be ruin.

I get to my house and go in, I look around and see Nahoya on the couch passed out.

I sigh to myself and smile. I check around the house to make sure no one else is around which there wasn't.

I go back by Nahoya and shake him until he wakes up.

"Huh?" He says sleepily.

"I'm sorry." I say as I look down.

He stares at me.

"What?" He says clearly not awake enough to understand.

"Our promise that we made to each other and everything, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I say as I play with my fingers, it almost felt like I was confessing my feelings to someone because of how nervous I was.

He leans up and stares at me. He just looks down and sighs.

"If you forget again I'm gonna punch you, it's whatever like I said. Just don't miss again."

I smile and hug him, he hugs me back. I feel way better now.

"So we are gonna be good right?" I say as worry fills my voice.

"Yes, Rindou must of scared you with his story about Ran and him." He says as he lays back down.

I scratch my head.

"Uh, maybe." I say as I look away.

"I don't think that could ever happen to use no matter the circumstances, if you kill someone I would of killed that dude partner, so I'm pretty sure our relationship won't break." He says in a confident voice.

I smile, so does Nahoya.

"Let me treat you for lunch as I missed yesterday" I say as I pull out my phone.

"What no! But... if you make it a double date then..." a smile appears on his face.

"They are gonna kill each other!" I say quickly.

"Not if we are around, they aren't even gonna be sitting next to each other and if someone has to move, then they move." He says.

I mean he wasn't necessarily wrong but it made me nervous.

"I'll text Rindou to see what he says." I say as I open my messages.

"Ran already said sure but I just said 'meet at the cafe around 11-12' " he says as he shows me his phone.

"Okay" I say as I send the same thing to Rindou.

S: Souya
R: Rindou

S: hey meet at the cafe around 11-12

R: a date?

S: maybe

R: I'm all in for it then.


I smile as I stare at my phone.

"Someone is definitely in love, now tell me if you guys did anything." Says Nahoya as he sits up again.

"Ah well we did kiss and cuddled." I say as a blush comes across my face.

Nahoya laughs. "You guys are already progressing so much!"

"Oh shut up!" I say quickly feeling myself getting even more flustered

Nahoya laughs even harder. "What do you want for breakfast?" He manages to get out throughout his laughter.

"Just waffles" I say as I cover my face from my blush.

-fast forward to 10:30-

"Stop pacing Souya." Says Nahoya as he sits on the couch watching tv.

"I can't help it, what if something goes wrong?" I say.

"I told you nothing is gonna happen." He tilts his head back on the couch to look at me, he gives me a reassuring smile and I can't help but calm down a little.

I sit next to him on the couch as I calm my nerves.

Eventually 11 comes around, Nahoya and I get into my car and head to the cafe.

We arrive to see Ran there but Rindou not in sight.

"Why is your brother here?" Ran ask.

"You will see, let's go inside and find a table." Says Nahoya as he grabs Ran hand.

I nod understanding what he wants me to do. I take out my phone and open Rindou messages.

S: Souya
R: Rindou

S: are you on your way?

R: yep leaving now see you soon cutie :)

I feel my face getting hot by reading his last message, I shake my head ignoring it and waiting for him.

He gets here, he had a rose in his hand and gives it to me. I swear my heart exploded at that second it was so charming.

"Um, let's go inside." I say as I grab his hand.

He gives me a smile then we head in. Quickly his smile fades when he sees Ran and Nahoya.

He leans towards me. "Why are they here?" He ask.

"Just sit." I say as I take the inside of the table and he takes the outside.

"It's a double date!" Exclaims Nahoya. "For dating us and us being brothers"

I just nod my head, the atmosphere definitely changed. I could tell Nahoya felt it since he wasn't smiling much anymore.

"Okay if it makes this atmosphere go away then I'll do it." Says Nahoya.

Both Ran and Rindou look at Nahoya, he opens his eyes and glares at the both of them, which sent shivers through both of them. His pink eyes, filled with bloodlust glaring at the two once brothers.

He wasn't wrong the atmosphere broke instantly. He closes his eyes then smile at Ran.

"You should open your eyes more, that was hot." Says Ran as he places his chin on his hand, his arm resting on the table.

Nahoya just sighs.

"I look better this way anyway." Says Nahoya as he smiles.

"But it's harder to tell your emotions, even when your not smiling I can't tell if your sad or not." Ran whines.

"It's okay, you don't need to worry about me." Nahoya says as he grabs Ran hand.

"So why did you leave this morning?" Ask Rindou as he turns to me.

"I wanted to apologize to my brother for my actions and wanted to treat him somewhere, which is this place." I say.

"At least your a good brother." Says Rindou as he smiles.

I give him a small smile not knowing what to say.

"Don't be so awkward with each other" says Nahoya as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Uh..." is all I could manage to get out before my mind goes black.

"It's okay we will do more at home." Says Rindou as he smiles.

"Why do you never tell me when I'm coming over!" I say angrily.

"Aaaa I got to see you when your angry, I've seen all your emotions now!" Exclaims Rindou.

"Oh shut up!" I say as I turn away from him crossing my arms.

All of them just laugh, I'll be honest it was a good idea Nahoya suggested this, this felt very nice and it was a lot of fun!

1169 words

Author note
Again with a abrupt ending, I would write smut for what Rindou and Souya are gonna do but like I'm not to good with writing that, also let me know if you want to see Nahoya pov of this!! Since I wanna write a Ran x Nahoya story but I might do it in a school Au or something idk I'll figure it out- :> -Mikey
