There she stood.

Her short brown hair swayed along with the breeze as she stood on the shore.
Her feet getting slightly buried in the sand.

"Hey.. Risa. Do you think we'll be together forever?"

I raised an eyebrow at her question.
She turned around and the sunset's dark orange lights had shined on her brown hair. She looked absolutely beautiful under the light, She held her hair so it wouldn't get in the way of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear.

"Do you believe in Destiny then?"

I chuckled, Her question seemed too childish.


But Destiny hurt her, Destiny almost.. Almost tore us apart.

I think her question meant something.
Her question.. She wanted me to believe in Destiny--
No.. She NEEDED me to believe in Destiny.

Did I? I did not.

Hold up.

Do you think the Destiny I was reffering to was the synonym for fate?
No. Destiny is DEATH..

'It' grabbed her feet.
Manaka shrieked in horror.. I was petrified. Her legs were dripping of blood already.

I shook myself out of my state and ran to her aid, I tried to pry the beast off of Her.
But I could feel pain dig in my skin.
I almost screamed, it hurt.
But I can't get scared now.. Manaka is in pain. 

While fighting off the beast, I got a glimpse of it's features.

It's body was a tall shadowy-like figure.
Long, Black and Crooked Nails that were sharp and painful. It had no eyes.. No ears..
But it's mouth was definitely bloody hell.
It dripped of blood from it's previous victims. I can't let Manaka become of those people.. 'Destiny' can't have her.

I succesfullu got it off me, I quickly attacked it from behind and wrestled the beast. "Run! Manaka! RUN!!"
Before Manaka could stand up..

Her short brown hair was now red..
The sand was red..
But it wasn't because of the light the sunset had emitted.

Blood splashed from Manaka..

And Me.

If I were dead.. How come you're reading this right now?


W.. Watanabe Risa.
Never wrote this.

I'm coming.. for you.



"I'm not CRAZY!!"

"Ms. Nagahama! Please refrain yourself from making a scene! Look.. Lockdown is coming in soon-- agh!"
The Night ward guard threw me in my room. I huffed..
I was never sick. Psychosis, Depression and Anxiety my ass.. I was perfectly fine!
I totally am. I sighed and leaned on the wall.
.. I really am fine, Why won't no one believe me?
Psychosis? I can totally tell the difference between reality and fantasy.
Depression? I am not depressed, I was totally happy! But.. I got locked in this freakin' Mental hospital..
Anxiety? What was I ever anxious about?
I sighed.

Until I heard my door unlock.

My eyes widened and I got my flashlight ready.

Until I realized it was Yurina, Another patient from this hospital.

"Ah.. Tecchan. They made you sleep here tonight again?" she nods and chuckles sheepishly.
Hirate Yurina, I never knew what her illness was.. But she's 2 years younger than me, I swear to god I'll let her out of here with me. She's way too young to be locked in a horrible place like this!
".. So.. Neru, Do you like it here?"
I was shocked at her question.
"I don't. It's horrible here"
"Well.. I do" she smiled. She looks so cute and innocent.
"How come? It's so.. So.. So negative here!" I exclaimed.
"Well.. The doctors are nice. And.. It's peaceful around here" she said.
".. Well" reconsidering about my feelings about this place?

.. Never, I will never like this place.

"I totally hate this place" I said and rolled to my side.
"I won't ever leave this hospital though. I like to call it my.. Sanctuary" She whispered.
"Eh? You're--" I yawned. "-Weird.."
Sleep eventually took over.

"Ms. Nagahama.. Who were you talking to.. Last night again?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You made Yurina-chan sleep at my room last night. I was talking to her" I said. I received another weird look from my Psychiatrist.
"Yurina..?" she asked.
"The 16 year old Girl..?"
".. Hirate Yurina does not exist, Neru"
I laughed. "She does! She was hugging me last night.. It was warm, Doc! How come it wasn't real?"
He whispered something to the nurse.
"Alright. That's enough for the day" I stood up and was guides back to my room by the nurses.
I was again.. Alone.
"Hey.. Neru" The door opened and it was Yurina herself.
I smiled at the sight of her.
"The darn psychiatrist told me you never existed!" I laughed.
Although she only gave me a peculiar look. "What if I don't?"
I raised an eyebrow at her remark.
She giggled after. "Just messing with you"

"NERU! Let's go! GET UP!"

My eyes widened. I was suddenly running.. I was suddenly running to the rooftop. "Neru... Neru.. Daisuki--"
Her voice was croaking and she was on the verge of tears.
"Yurina? I love you too but what's going--" I was cut off with a kiss.
"I love you Neru---"
"But I don't have time"
I felt the ground disappear.

I just realized..

What was I really holding on to all these days? I felt like she was there..


Why isn't she here now?

I opened my eyes. I was suddenly in my bed.. Wasn't I just on the rooftop?
.. The space beside me was empty.

What was I holding on to?

Nagahama Neru, 18 years old.
Diagnosed with Psychosis, Depression and Anxiety. She wasn't able to tell if the girl she was imagining, named as 'Hirate Yurina' truly existed or not.. Theorized to be due to her depression for being alone for several years after her family died.
She was anxious and insecure about herself so she never really socialized.

A/N: I'm leaving you with this Special.
Hopefully, Christmas break is coming soon!
And I promise, I'll update with more chapters!
Until next time, Love y'all!
