Stunning (Harry)

I made my way up the elevator to Louis’. He called me a few hours ago asking me to come over and hang out and I accepted as I always do. Louis and I have been best friends since well…forever. We grew up together and knew from the start we’d be great friends, he treated me like I was his sister and I did the same he was always like an older brother to me, always looking out for me. You honestly couldn’t be much closer friends then we were.

I reached for my phone in my pocket to text him, as if reading my mind it rang in my hand alerting me I had an incoming call. The signature ringtone blasting, I answered it immediately knowing exactly who it was.

“Hey Lou!” I called happily through the phone.

“Hey Jordyn!” He mimicked my excited tone.

I laughed and rolled my eyes not realizing he couldn’t see me. “What’s up?” I asked.

“You almost here love?” he asked me.

“Yup, coming to your door now…….OPEN UP!” I yelled so he could hear me through the door…although he still had the phone to his ear. I heard him laugh into the phone and on the other side of the door as he got closer. I hung up as I saw it opened.

“JORDYN!!!” He yelled pulling me into a bear hug and spinning me around. I laughed at him and squeezed him just as tight as he squeezed me.

“hey Lou!” I said through my laughter.

He finally put me down and smiled at me. “So-“ before he could finish I heard a loud crash come from the kitchen and a few swear words followed close after that.

“Harry, what the hell are you doing man?” Louis yelled running into the kitchen.

I followed close behind almost bumping into him when he stood in the door frame blocking me from being able to see anything. I was short compared to him and couldn’t see over his shoulders.

I heard a low gravely toned voice speak up from in the kitchen “Sorry” he laughed “I dropped my plate no worries Lou!”

Louis made “tsk” noise and I saw him shake his head. I could practically see the grin on his face.

I slowly pushed myself up on my toes to look over Louis’ shoulder, my head just passing it. I settled my chin on it trying to get his attention.

Looking ahead I saw the back of a curly brown headed boy leaning over throwing something out in the trash, the muscles in his back flexing through his snug t-shirt. I raised one of my eyebrows as I watched the muscles in his biceps whilst he continued his actions.

I felt Louis’ cheeks form a smile as it pressed against mine, he turned slightly to look at me.

“Forgotten about me?” he whispered noticing my staring.

“Never” I said over exaggeratedly, my cheeks breaking out in a blush. My toes began to hurt and I had to stand back on my flat feet behind Louis again.

He had his arms crossed and a smirk trying not to laugh as he was leant on the door frame.

“The troubles of being short…” he said out loud.

“what?” Harry said. “I’m not short, Lou, what are you talking about?”

Louis shook his head. “oh no, not you” He laughed. “This one” He used his thumb to point out the person standing behind him. Me.

“who?” harry said confused.

“ME!” I yelled. “LOUIS MOVE!”

“Never!” He said

“Who is that?” harry asked!

“That’s Jordyn she’s-“ Louis couldn’t finish his sentence because I cut him off by giving him a nice pinch on the butt. He yelped and jumped away from the door frame grabbing his bum.

“OW!” he looked at me in shock. “What the- You just pinched my bum!” He stated in disbelief. I began to laugh.

“you wouldn’t get out of the way Louis!” I raised my eyebrows at him.

As I turned my attention to a chuckling Harry, my breathing hitched and I lost all ability to speak. His brown curly hair was messily swept to the side of his face and his bright green eyes had my full attention.

His eyes gradually met mine as I noticed them roam my body a few times. He displayed a cheeky smile my way, and had his arms crossed as he leant back on the counter. I smiled back at him and turned to Louis who was now watching me and Harry, his eyes drifting from one to the other with an eyebrow raised in our direction. He then shrugged and pulled open the fridge.

“Louis Tomlinson, have you no manners” I heard Harry’s slow husky voice speak up. “A beautiful girl like her is present, and you don’t bother introducing me?”

His eyes stayed on me even though he spoke to Louis.

He slowly pushed himself off the counter and made his way to me whilst fixing his hair by shaking it a few times and pushing it over to one side.

He made his way toward me and stopped once standing about a foot away.

“I’m Harry” He stuck his hand out to me never letting his cheeky smile falter from his face.

“Jordyn” I answered happily as I shook his hand laughing lightly. The feeling that was sent through my body as his hand enveloped mine was unexplainable it was something I wasn’t familiar with.

His smile widened and he gently squeezed my hand “Nice to meet me you Jordyn”

“Likewise” I answered.

“Aaaalright so let me do the introductions…shall I?” Louis finally pulled his head out of the fridge and came over with a sandwich in his hand.

“Uh Lou-“ I tried to tell him we already had but he didn’t let me finish.

“Harry Styles, this here is my very best friend Jordyn, has been ever since I was a kid!” I smiled and nodded agreeing with the statement letting him finish what he had to say. He turned and signed to Harry “Jordyn, this here is the one and only… Harry Styles, he is also my best friend! There. now you’re introduced…Get lost Harry, I’m having a movie night with Jordyn!”…Louis turned to me “Like old times!”

I smiled at him and shook my head “Louis that’s rude!” I laughed. I turned to Harry who was stood there his eyebrows raised at Louis’ words. “harry you can stay, its alright” I offered. In all honesty I really wouldn’t mind having him around, and plus he’s very easy on the eyes!

I saw his smirk pull at his lips noticing that I wanted him to stay, and I blushed.

“it’s alright babe, I have to get going anyways. But thank you for offering” He pronounced the word offering loud and clear turning to Louis sending him an indirect message.

Louis let out a pff and walked out of the kitchen.

I shook my head and laughed as he stepped into the living room. Harry caught my attention once again by clearing his throat.

“I better go” He sighed. I smiled at him and told him I’d walk him to the door.

He smirked before nodding and heading to it.

“it was nice meeting you Harry” I said as he grabbed his jacket off the chair sitting by the door. He turned around and locked his eyes to mine.

“Likewise” he imitated my earlier statement. As he pulled out his keys from his pocket he took hold of the door readying to open it. Before he left he gave me another look and stopped, letting go of the door, he smiled at me and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

Handing it over, he raised his eyebrows motioning for me to take it.

“oh right” I laughed, I took his phone and entered my number. He took it and looked at it as if making sure I put it in.

Once he did he pushed the phone back in his pocket and looked up, “I’ll call you tomorrow, yeah?” He asked as he fixed his curls.

I nodded “Yeah, okay”

Before finally leaving he went in and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, and breathed in smelling his cologne sending my mind into a frenzy at how amazing it was. His thumb gently rubbed at my lower back before he whispered a low and husky “Bye love”.

Goosebumps arose all over my body and I shivered as his breath tickled below my ear, before he pulled away completely I felt his lips give me a light kiss on the cheek, I bit my lip trying to hold back the smile that was itching to be displayed.

He pulled away and went to open the door giving me one last smile and a cheeky wink accompanying it, before closing it behind him.

“Mother of god” I muttered to myself. This boy, he already had me wrapped around his finger…

When I went back to Louis in the living room, I saw him looking back at me over the sofa. He had smirk as he saw my guilty smile play at my lips…He knew, he knew I was attracted to Harry and I didn’t even have to tell him.

“Quite the looker, isn’t he?” He laughed.

I flopped down by his side and lay my head on his shoulder..”Christ Lou, why have you never introduced me before!”

He let out another low chuckle. “I have now”


After coming home I had a hard time sleeping, all I had been thinking about was Harry. Weird, boys don’t usually get me like this. I mean, honestly I’ve never lost sleep over a boy before.

After lying in bed for a few hours, tossing and turning I let out a big huff. It was 2 in the morning, not bad I guess.

I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand and groaned…who texts people at 2 in the morning…really!

I opened the text and read it as a smile grew over my face.

Before I fall asleep… Goodnight beautiful! x- Harry

I felt my heart flutter at the slight thought he was thinking of me too.

Smiling, I texted him back instantly.

Night Harry! X- Jordyn

I went to put my phone back thinking there wasn’t much left to say, I felt it vibrate again.

Sweet dreams babe Xxx –Harry

I was right, there wasn’t, but I could to tell he wanted to have the last word. I smiled before putting my phone down. His texts had given me some sort of comfort I sighed and smiled, instantly falling asleep.

When I woke up the sun had decided to greet me with an unpleasant beam directly to my face.

I had a battle with my mind, debating if I should get up or not. Before actually making my decision I heard my phone vibrate from the other side of my bed. I tunerned my head staring at it for a couple seconds, making my decision I reached over and opened the text.

Morning love x –Harry

I felt my breath catch in my throat and a big grin spread across my face.

Morning! x-Jordyn

As soon as I sent it no sooner then a couple seconds later my phone began to ring in my hands.

My heart beat began to beat at a faster pace and i clutched my phone knowing exactly who it was that was calling.

I answered and put the phone to my ear.


“Morning love” Harry answered. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sound of his happy voice echoing in my ear.

“Morning” I said as I sat up in bed. “what time is it?”

I could feel his smile through the phone when he said “its 11:00 babe” I heard him chuckle and I laughed lightly.

“Yeah, so uh…I…wondering if…did you want to-“ He was stuttering and I found extremely adorable that he was nervous.

Finally he spit it out “Did you wanna goto dinner tonight…with me?” He asked quickly.

I smirked and raised an eyebrow “As in….a date?”

“Ye…well..only if……..YES!” He finally said, letting out a sigh of relief.

I felt a big smile appear on my face and slight blush creep up “So you’re asking me out?”

There was a slight silence and then “Yes!” He exclaimed.

I laughed “Alright”

“Yes?” he asked

“Yes Harry” I played with my hair gently as I accepted.

“Good! Alright so is it alright if I come pick you up around….7?”

“Yeah, perfect!” I answered.

“Great! I’ll see you later love” He finished.

“Okay, bye Harry”

“Bye babe” As I put my phone down I still had a goofy smile glued to my face. Harry Styles just asked me out?


I checked the clock and it was 6:55. I sighed taking another glance at myself in the mirror, approving the outfit I chose and making sure my hair was still perfect.

I heard a loud knock coming from the front door and jumped in surprise, my heart began to speed up as I felt my nerves kicking in. My hands beginning to tremble lightly and I took a deep breath, picking up my phone and everything as I made my way to it. I finally put my hands on the door and felt it shake as he knocked once more.

As I pulled it open I was laughing at his impatience and lifted my eyes to his. He had a warm smile displayed toward me and I felt myself turn into putty under his gaze. His eyes glanced down to my appearance and his jaw fell slightly. I smiled nervously as his eyes came back to mine.

“Hey” I said shyly.

He smirked and came closer “Hello love” He greeted, planting a light kiss on my cheek, which caused them to change to a darker shade of pink instantly, making me look down to avoid him noticing.

He chuckled and brought his hand to my chin lifting it gently to make my eyes meet his. “Don’t be shy babe” He said slowly. He then gave my chin a little push upwards and I smiled wide at him.

“That a girl” He winked. Stepping back slightly he put his hand on the back of my elbow and slid it down my forearm until it met my own interlocking our fingers.

“Come on, let’s go.” He dragged me out and led us to the car parked outside my house. He pulled the door open and helped me up into the passenger seat and closed it behind me. I watched him step around the front of the car, fixing his hair once before pulling the driver’s side door open and settling in himself.

The car started and I watched him in fascination as he made sure everything around him was fine as he adjusted the mirror. I kept my eyes on his face, and scanned his features, taking the time to admire them. His jawbone was defined and strong, his eyes a deep green that captured you every time they met yours, his lips a dark pink and slightly damp as he ran his tongue over them a few times and finally I saw his dimples appear, one deeper on the one side as he bit his inner cheek in concentration.

I was pulled out of my observing when he set his arm on the back of the seats, his elbow resting on his and his hand on mine as he turned his head to watch as he backed out.

“so are you going tell me where your taking me?” I turned to look at him as we drove to wherever we were going.

His cheeks curled up into a smile and he glanced at me quickly before returning his eyes on the road.

“Dinner” He said as he lowered his hand to the middle where mine was tangling our fingers.

“And wheeeres dinner?” I asked smirking at him.

“here” The car came to a stop and I looked up to see an apartment building.

“uuh Harry where are we?” I asked as I bent down to get a better look out the window.

I heard him laugh as he stopped the engine and stepped out of the car to open my door.

“Come on babe” He smiled down at me as he stuck his hand out to help me up.

Taking it, I stood and he led me inside taking the elevator up and he stopped us outside a door in the hall.

He smiled at me before opening the door and gesturing me to walk in. “ladies first” he said.

I laughed and slowly walked in. I heard him come in behind me and he walked to the front of me taking off his jacket, asking me for mine.

“Welcome” He said chuckling at my confused expression.

“Do you live here?” I asked quietly as I scanned the entrance.

“mhm” He nodded. Placing his hand on my lower back to guide me he said “This way”

I walked along with him anticipating what exactly we were doing at his apartment.

Once we reached the door way I was blown away at the sight in front of me. He had dimmed the lights in his kitchen, whilst there were candles spread out here and there giving it a warm and romantic look and the table was set beautifully with our dinner already plated.

I gasped and stared in awe at the sight in front of me.

“Did you do all of this?” I asked turning to Harry smiling appreciatively.

He returned it instantly and nodded as a blush crept up on his cheeks “I know it’s a little cheesy but-“

I interrupted him “Harry I love it!…thank you” He let out a sigh of relief and grabbed my hand leading me to the table.

We ended up sitting there for hours talking about anything and everything, every once and a while I’d catch him staring, a cute smile plastered on his face as he did it. His eyes always seemed so fascinated when I spoke and I loved the feeling of him actually listening to me. He was leaning on his elbow as he attentively listened to more of what I had to say.

“Sorry… I talk a lot, I know!” I laughed.

He just grinned “It alright, I don’t mind” He lifted himself, sitting up straight.

“I hope not” I giggled “I just, when I’m comfortable around someone …I just seem to talk, its like-“

“You’re comfortable around me?” He asked smirking.

I began to play with the ends of my shirt and nodded looking up at him blushing.

He winked “good” getting up he grabbed my hand. “Let’s go watch a movie?”

“Let’s!” I grinned at the idea and stood up running past him to the living room and flopping on the sofa. I heard his low chuckle as he walked in raising his eyebrows at me when he saw I was all comfortably laid out laughing at myself.

“Get up” He ordered motioning me over to the cabinets by the television. I groaned exaggeratedly and giggled as I walked over to him. He had an amused look and shook his head at my giddiness.

“I’m guessing you like movies babe?” He asked when pulling open the cabinets to reveal a huge collection of movies, all stacked and nicely organized.

“Love!” I stepped in front of him gently toward the collection letting my eyes scan over all of them. “wow..” I said in awe.

I felt two hands lightly brush against my back and slide themselves slowly around my waist to the front of my stomach. I smiled to myself enjoying the contact as he pulled me closer so that my back was pressed against his chest.

I felt a tingle run down the back of my neck as his breath fanned over it. I leant further back into him letting him know it was okay for him to get closer. Turning my head slightly I smiled at him; and he tightened his hold on me slightly and responded with a godly perfect smile, displaying his dimples in my direction.

I saw his eyes drop down to my lips a few times and purposely bit my lower lip knowing he was watching them, he licked his and looked up to my eyes one last time before pushing his lips against mine.

Goosebumps had risen on my body at the feel of his plump lips against mine. He gently planted slow pecks on my lips and I felt his hands push up, sliding them to my neck and holding them so that his thumbs were placed by my ear and his fingers tangled in my hair. The kiss had a bliss feeling displayed between one another, his gentle and caring actions making me weak in the knees, the way his perfect his lips fit with mine.

He pushed his lips down and held them there a little longer until he finally pulled away.

I opened my eyes to see a smirking harry as he licked his lips gently.

I smiled back as my cheeks turned pink and spun around to the cabinet again.

Harry gently leant forward, his lips hovering over the skin of my neck. “Have you chosen one yet?” He asked as he lightly pressed his lips down in the crook of my neck a couple times, fanning his breath on my skin a few times before standing up straight and settling his chin on the top of my head, still holding me in his arms.

I glanced up at him and he looked down, he gave me a wink in which ignited another goofy smile on my part and most definitely another blush.

“That one” I pointed to a movie. He nodded and reached over my shoulder grabbing it.

After he put it on he came back over to me grabbing my hand and leading me over by the sofa. He sat down and looked up at me waiting.

“Come on love” I gently plopped down, snuggling in his side. Before the movie began I felt him play with my hair and I looked up to his eyes.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are Jordyn?” He whispered lowly while looking over every inch of my face.

As I blushed a deep crimson I felt a smile creeping up and he gently pushed my chin up brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

He leant down slowly and pecked a light, loving kiss on my lips.

I snuggled into his chest wrapping my arm around his waist as he pulled me closer, one arm around my shoulders and his hand settling on my waist, holding me tightly.

Before I began to fall asleep on him that night I heard him whisper softly as he played with the ends of my hair.

I felt the light tingle still present on my skin as he pulled away from gently laying a soft kiss on my forehead.

