first day of first grade - Harry

your alarm went off at 6:30am i tried getting Harry to wake up but he wouldn't budge, so i got up to collect Darcy from her bed and wake her up for her first day, last night we went out for dinner, lets just say it didn't go as planned because of fans and paparazzi, she was pretty upset because of that, so we made her a deal saying that we would go out again tomorrow and if they follow then we wont let us affect us until they are too close, she said that they could take pictures, but they had to let her be with her mummy and daddy. 

"morning Darcy, its time fir your first day of school" i didn't even have to try a second time to get her up, she moved with a big smile on her face and sat up embracing me in her small arms and grabbing my neck.

"good morning mummy, where is daddy?" she said pulling away

"he is still in bed, wanna go wake him, were up a little bit early today" i said to her and she had the biggest smile, she climbed out of her bed and ran down the long hallway and jumped onto my side of the bed before embracing her dad with her small arms 

"dada wake up, its time for my first day of first grade, i am finally going to be with gracie (Niall and Leah's daughter) again" she said moving her dad, without a second push he woke up. wow, i wish he woke up that easy when i try to move him. he moved on his back and pulled Darcy on top of him so both of her legs are separated between his torso.

"what! already, i didn't know my baby was going to school today, aww snap, i am gonna miss her so much, shes my other half" ever since Darcy was born her and Harry have been really close, lets just say she was a daddy's girl

"yea, daddy i am, but we get to spend the whole day after, so you wont miss me that much!" Darcy said laying her stomach on her dads chest, just like she did when she was a new born

"but i will miss you, what am i going to do while your gone" Harry said to her 

"hey daddy, while i am at school, for your next album with the boys can you write me a song, for me when i need to hear your voice when your on tour?" Darcy said putting her head in her dads neck

"hey you know i will always be here for you, no matter what but of course i will start writing once you leave for school" Harry said rubbing her small back

"okay, but you are all coming with me on my first of school, so get up" she said getting off her dads chest

"hey we need to get Jupiter out of bed, you want to come and help me?" i said to her, he green eyes looked at me in the dark and nodded she came off the bed and went down the hallway until she was at her brothers room, she opened the door and let her in, i was still at the door when i saw her walking backwards with her nose blocked with her thumb and index finger

"eww, he smells" she said, Harry and i both laughed, i walked into the bedroom and grabbed the small baby that had his binky in his mouth and holding onto his blanket with tomato red cheeks

"morning baby boy, how are you" i said to Jupiter, he bounced up and down in my arms, i gave him a kiss on the cheek before seeing someone else place a kiss on his head, it was Harry, i smiled and he gave me a peck on the lips

"morning" i said to him, he had no shirt on and his stomach was imprinted with lines from sleeping on his stomach

"morning, let me get mr and you can go and get Darcs ready for school" he said putting his hands out to get Jupiter

"OK good luck with that" he didn't really enjoy the fact that dad would change him and not mum, so he was a mums boy, thankfully, i at least have one child that likes me

"oh he will be fine, trust me" he said putting Jupiter in his arms and hugging and rubbing his small back

"okay fine, i will be downstairs if you need me, c'mon Darcs, lets go get you ready"

about five minutes later while Darcy is eating her cereal i hear screaming, coming from Jupiter's room, i laughed to myself and went up the stairs down the hall to Jupiter's room, walking in and seeing Jupiter refusing to get his nappy changed

"need any help?" i went over and changed him and got his shoes on and went downstairs to see Darcy in tears

"hey what's wrong" i said to her

"i-i d-don't-t want-t to-o go-o to scho-o-ol-l" she said while crying, i out Jupiter in Harry's hands and picked up Darcy, she put her head on my shoulder while i swayed her side to side 

"hey, remember Gracie is going to be there, you don't have to worry, unlike other kids their not going to know anyone, your lucky" i said to her 

"i know, but i am still scared" she said to me raising her head off my shoulder with her red puffy eyes showing 

"and its okay to be scared, but you need to be excited, you are going to see new faces and a face you have seen since you were born" i said to her. after that she seemed to be OK with going to school, 8:00 and were out the door.

we got into the car, Harry put Darcy in her car seat while i put Jupiter in his

"you ready for big girl school" Harry said taking the wheel

"so ready" Darcy said "i am going to be in a big girl school, yay" she said getting more excited the closer we got to the school that went all the way through year 1 to year 12, so the school was quit big.

we arrived and went to the gate and said out goodbyes

"don't miss me to much Dada, i will be out of school before you know it, and Jupiter, don't miss your bug sissy to much she will be back soon" she said to us

"i will try not to miss you too much Darcs" Harry said as we waved goodbye to her and she walked off with Gracie and a new friend

"i guess thats it, were back to one child for 4 hours" i said grabbing Harrys hand

"i guess so, until we have to do it all again in a few years for Jupiter" Harry said squeezing my hand

"hey watch it mister, he is only 10 months old" i said and he laughed 
