Season finale reactions

Okay so a lot happened in these finales and I wanted to share my reaction to them and my theories of what may happen!

First off for Chicago med I'm doing an in-depth one over on my manstead story because that one really left me shocked.

For Chicago fire I have to say one thing before we actually get to the cliffhanger. I cannot actually believe that Sylvia said yes. I mean I'm all for it but I definitely thought she was gonna get together with Casey!!! And second off with the fire I don't think anyone is going to die. Now if they were to injure someone I believe it would be Herman however it really could go either way, you know? But I think Herman will be in critical condition but they manage to bring him back to a stable condition!

For Chicago PD I just want to say things aren't looking good. For starters Ruzek is in jail and well I don't see a way out at this point in time unless he confesses that he's covering for Antonio. And speaking of Antonio why why why why why did he start using again? I thought Hank helped him get over that, right? God don't get me started on Hank. I know Hank
