Chapter Five

So today's finally the day.

Y/n still on her bed snoring peacefully unaware of the current time, her sliver her messy and with her laying in a composure.


Her older brother yelled from outside her room door causing her to flinch slightly but still no bothered enough to get up.

He sighed in frustration and barged into her room staring down at her figure angrily.

He hit her on the head causing her to fall off.

"Wakaaaa" she whined

"Don't Waka me get up or else you'll be late" he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm down a bit.

She let out a loud yawn while rubbing her eyes tiredly she turned to him "be late for what Waka?.. it's not even school time"

"I'm done with you" he shook his head and rolled his eyes walking towards the door but she held him back.

"C'mon Waka don't be mean maybe I've forgotten"

"It's Manjiro's birthday today" he rolled his eyes.

She blinked simultaneously trying to process the information given to her "Oh shit I forgot" she ran into the bathroom hurrying to get ready.

"She really forgot about this...this kid" he deadpanned while walking out of her room.

⋋✿ ================= ✿⋌

After a healthy breakfast and some argument we're finally on our way to the Sano's house. We are taking Waka's bike because mom said she was busy and wouldn't be able to drive us there.

Holding on to Waka firmly to avoiding falling off he does through the traffic so we would make it in time. He already gave Shin-chan a call telling him we might be a bit late because of a 'certain someone'.

"Hey Waka"

"Yeah what" he scowled sound really annoyed already all I did was call his name.

"Are you gonna be there for the party?"

"Yeah some of my friends are gonna be there so I guess so"

He didn't hear anything from her after that. Did he shut her up?

He turned his head to see her looking at him with a shocked expression on her face.


"You have friends Waka?!" Her sweat dropped as she asked her older brother. There's no way he has friends he's always either in his room or with Shin.

"What do you mean of course I have friends!" He shot back

"Waka since when did you have friends? If you want to lie at least make a reasonable one" she folded her arms.

"What is there into lie about" he mumbled

"Well I'd say it's hard to believe"

"This kid I swear to God" he dead panned.

"Hmm Waka I'm hungry"

"That's a shocker" he spat out sarcastically and rolled his eyes. She has the appetite of a hippo and funny enough she's still as skinny as a bone.

"C'mon please there's a snack store up ahead" she tugged on his shirt begging him to let her have at least one snack.

He almost lost balance on his motorbike "Y/n!! Stop that are you trying to get us killed?!"

She let go of his shirt.

"We're almost at the Sano's so calm your stomach down a bit geez"

"But I'm still hungry" she whined

He who was at the edge of throwing his little sister off his bike decide to stop the bike and calm down a bit. Turning off the engine he turned to look at her "You better make it quick" he issued handing her money.

Her face lit up with delight, her brother has never treated her before. "Ooh thanks Waka you're the best!" She squealed and ran off into the store.

He could only sigh as he watched her run off into the store, if only she were this happy all the time.

Leaning on his motorcycle while folding his arms waiting for the return of his sister he decided to phone Shinichiro to tell him that they might be a bit late.

Grabbing the device from his pocket only to realise that it was dead. How could he have forgotten to charge the damn thing. He slid the gadget back into his pocket and sighed angrily.

"What the hell is taking her so long?!"

After about eight minutes have passed she returned carrying a bag of sweets and treats.

Looking both sides she crossed the road safely, she scanned the area searching for her older brother soon after spotting him she ran towards him waving with the bag of sweets she had in her hands.

The boys was pretty much surprised he only gave her a small amount of money, where in the world did she get all these from. Did she steal them from someone?

She waved her hand infront of his eyes "Hey Waka, WAKA!" She narrowed her eyes angrily at him, what was he spacing out over this time?

"What took you so long?...and where the hell did you get the money to buy all that?" Narrowing his gaze at her slightly demanding for an answer.

She blinked her eyes simultaneously soon after she had processed his question "oh these...they were having a sale" she explained with so much excitement. She was one of the lucky people who got their things paid for so she decided to not let that opportunity go to waste. Grabbing almost anything she could find and the store actually paid for it, What a lucky day for me.

"Talk about good luck huh"

"I know right! And plus I still get to keep the money you gave me" she wiggled her eyebrows at him smirking victoriously.

"Actually no...give that back"

"Hey that not fair Waka!! gave me this money fair and square!" She shook her head vigorously refusing to return the money to him.

"Then I guess you can walk all the way to the Sano's house then" he got on his bike and started the engine while smirking at her already smelling her defeat.

"Oh C'mon Waka!! can't do that!"

"Last I checked this is my bike so yes I can" he teased

She gave in and gave him the money back but that didn't stop her from kicking him in the shin before getting on the bike.

"That hurt!"

"Serves you right you big bully" she pouted.

He was this close to strangling the life outta her but since they were already late he'll let it slide this time.

"How long till we get there?"

"It depends"

"Depends on what?"

"Whether or not you'll be able to shut up the rest of the way there"

"Hey! That's mean Waka... you're being mean again" she pouted "I'm gonna tell Shin-chan" she added folding her hands.

He only rolled his eyes at his little sister and continued to ride. After twenty minutes they finally arrived at the Sano's. Getting off Y/n ran towards the dojo with the bag of sweets in her hand where it looked like the party had already started.

Running from a distance she spotted a familiar figure just up ahead. "Is that.... Keisuke?"

"Y/n!!" Waka who was waking towards her called her from behind.

She turned around to face him "yeah what?"

"How may times have I told you not to run like'll get hurt"

"Yeah..I'm sorry"

"Here" he handed me the gift I brought for Manjiro, I totally forgot about it.

"Thanks Waka I completely forgot about this" wiping away her sweat, she sighed out of relief.

"C'mon Manjiro and the others are with Shin-chan"


"Yeah some new friends".

Sounds pretty interesting, I'm looking forward to meeting these 'new friends'.

And there they are.

"Hey Shin sorry we're late"

They all turned to look at us seems like they were playing cards. It was Manjiro, Keisuke, Shin, Emma, this other guy with a scar, a big guy looks pretty buff, a girl looks just about out age, a boy just about our age that's pretty much it.

"You guys finally made it" Shin smiled standing up and walking over to us. "Hey Y/n" he crotched down and waved at me.

"Hi Shin-chan sorry we're late" I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"Yeah you guys are pretty late did something stop you guys on your way here?"

"More like someone" Waka glanced at me.

"Classic Y/n always looking for something to put in her mouth am I right?" Keisuke laughed as he walked over to my side putting his hand over my shoulder.

"So what's in the bag?"...he asked me smiling.

"Not your business that's for sure" I pushed him off me and brushed the dirt off my shoulder. "First of all who are these guys?" I asked pointing to the other two guys  and the kids.

"We should be the ones asking...Wakasa you never told us you had a sister before" the guy with the scar turned to Waka.

"Oh here's a theory maybe it's probably because you NEVER ASKED!" Waka spat out.

"Woah there calm the heck down" the other big guys spoke.

"Why are you even talking to me?" Waka looked pretty annoyed maybe he doesn't like that guy?

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot cats can't understand English" he spat back

"Okay that's it" an irk mark formed at the top of his head. He was ready to throw hands.

"That's enough you two" Shin swooped in and held Waka back I've never seen him this annoyed before even by me. This is pretty interesting.

"He started it!"

"And I'll finish it if you both don't shut up!" The scar guy spoke

"Yeah you could hurt me" Waka scoffed






Manjiro and Keisuke chanted as the pressure became more intense

"We wanna see blood!" I yelled

"That's right!"


"You guys aren't helping (╥﹏╥)" shin seemed pretty fed up with them.

After a while of chaos they finally calmed down. They scar guy introduced himself as Takeomi. The big guy's name is Benkei apparently he doesn't get along with my brother. The boy's name is Haruchiyo he's one of Manjiro's friends and the girl is Senju Haruchiyo's little sister. They are nice and pretty cool. I guess Waka wasn't lying when he said he made friends, although it is kinda shocking.

"So this is pretty much the party?" I asked because they were the only ones here.

"Yeah Manjiro doesn't exactly like going big when it comes to parties"

"So I got all excited over nothing"

"But look on the bright side we have sweets" Keisuke smiled brightly grabbing my bag of sweets.

"You mean my sweets" I yanked the bag from him.

"C'mon Y/n y'know what they say sharing is caring" Manjiro spoke optimistically.

"I guess I have no reason to care then" I tilted my head slightly smiling innocently.

"Yup she is definitely your sister Wakasa. It's almost like your the same person" Takeomi mentally facepalmed himself.

"Hey now don't compare me with that brat" he spat out.

"Yeah that's right me and him have nothing in common!"

"You're siblings" Keisuke deadpanned

"Nothing!!" I spat back crossing my arms and turning my head.


"I like her now, she's cool"

"C'mon Y/n just share please"

"No I got these sweets outta pure luck and I'm not giving them up for anyone" I held the bag of sweets closer to myself in a protective manner.

"Why so selfish!" Manjiro spat

"She is just like you so don't try to act all innocent" Keisuke narrowed his eyes at him.

"Ha? I share my snacks right Emma?" He turned to Emma with an expectant look hoping she would back him up.

"Yeah right I literally asked you for one cookie just this morning and you completely shut me down" Emma took that one personal...she's gonna get her revenge pretty soon.

"See Mickey mouse, you hear that do don't even try coming after me when you can't even do it either"

"Hahahahah She just called you Mickey mouse" Baji was laughing so hard everybody started to laugh..laughter is contagious after all(╥﹏╥).

"Hey what'd you just call me?!"

"Are you deaf so should spelling out for you or something?"

"Here we go again" Shin sighed

"Like brother like sister I guess" Takeomi sweat dropped.

"Gimme that" Manjiro dragged the bag away from me..

"Give it back!" I pulled it to

"Why can't you just share dammit!" he pulled on it.

"Why have a party with no snacks idiot!" I pulled on it again

We kept on tugging and pulling the bag away from each other until someone grabbed it from above.

"HEY!!" we both shouted at the same time .

"Stop fighting both of you" Shin ordered.

"She started it" Manjiro muttered

"What was that?!"

"None of your business"

"Enough already!!"

"Sorry Nii-chan"

"Good now apologize both of you" he shifted his gaze from Manjiro to me then to Manjiro again.

"Why do I have to apologize he started it?!!"

"She does have a point though Shinichiro-kun"

"No one asked you Baji" Manjiro darted his eyes at him

"I'ma just stay outta this" keisuke back out and went to sit with Haru Senju and Emma.

"Try not to get involved Baji just sit back and enjoy the drama" Emma adviced him

"Yeah those two are a force to reckon with I probably wouldn't want to be 'that guy' if you know what I mean" Haru added  supporting Emma.

"Do they always argue like that or?" Senju asked

"You have no idea" keisuke deadpanned

"Now apologize" Shin who was trying to make the atmosphere less toxic by making the two to make amends.

"No I'm not apologizing to him"

"Well same here"

"Why so stubborn (╥﹏╥)" Shin turned to look at Wakasa "Help me out here man"

He only sighed and walked up to them taking the bag of sweets from Shinichiro and opening it up.

"Hey! What are you doing Waka those are mine!" I spat.

"Hey those are ours stop that!"

He only proceeded to take one sweet out of the bag tearing the wrapper off he started to lick it savouring the flavours making sure they were getting agitated.

"Woah this one tastes really good come try it Shin" he smirked at the
two of them before handing a piece of candy over to Shin. Taking it in his mouth his eyes widened.

"Woah it is good come try it Emma" he seems to have guessed what Wakasa was up to.

"Hey don't share my candy like it's some Halloween party!!"

"Shinichiro stop!!"

"What's that you want it come get it then" Waka loved to tease me because of my height but this is going overboard. He smirked at us before handing another piece of candy to Keisuke.

"Don't you dare!" I glared at him

"Do it keisuke" Waka persuaded him.

"Baji I swear if you don't I'll kill you" Manjiro also glared at him

"C'mon Keisuke don't be scared eat it"

And he did he took the piece of candy into his mouth and so it went on until I couldn't take it anymore.


"Hm? Is someone already their limit?"

"You win Waka....I'm sorry Manjiro"

"See that wasn't so hard" he ruffled my hair and gave me the bag of candy.

"Yeah right" I rolled my eyes at him.

"And Manjiro?" Shin who was waiting for him to also apologize.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled

"I'm sorry what?" I put my hand in my ear leaning in closer to his face "I couldn't hear you could you repeat that"

"I said I'm sorry!"

"That's better"

"You two have problems" shin deadpanned

"A lot" keisuke added putting emphasis in the 'lot'.

"Can we just cut the cake and get this party over with" Emma Whined.

We all chuckled and Shin went to get the knife. We cut the cake and played some games. We played Simon says and Keisuke was targeted a lot by Manjiro, you'd think he has a grudge. We did make overs for the boys Shin's makeup was my personal fave, it was giving 'Bonita'.....

Now it was time for the presents.

"Okay I'll go first" shin said before running off to get something from the garage. He came back with a little motorcycle, I think it's called a Moped or something.

"Woah it's so cool Shin-nii!" His eyes sparkled with amazement. He hugged shinichiro, it was pretty cute.

"You're welcome Manjiro" he chuckled

"But you know I've always wanted a CB250T..will I get one soon" he smiled

Shin ruffled his hair and chuckled "I'll think about it"

"Okay everyone step aside it's my turn!" Keisuke seemed pretty proud of himself maybe be got something good for Manjiro?

"Here is my gift!" He pulled out a Doraemon plushie it is so cute.

"It's Doraemon..woah thanks Baji" he really liked it huh.

"So my gift is better than Shinichiro's?" He perked up

"Not a chance in hell but I still like it" he stated harshly with an innocent smile on his face.

Keisuke was frozen stiff it was like a bullet straight to the heart. "o-oh okay"

"No hard feelings though"

Haru and Senju got him a red sweater with a red card saying ✿~...HAPPY BIRTHDAY...~✿.

"Alright who's next.. Wakasa-san did you get me something?" Manjiro questioned him with a smile on his face expecting a gift from him as well.

"Why would I want to waste my money for such things?".

"C'mon at least you would have gotten me something even if it's a book" he felt betrayed.

"All the times I babysat you in Shin-chan's place is more than enough"


"Wait you babysat him? But when mum always asks you to babysit me you always say you're busy!" I can't believe this guy.

"It's all for the money sis mom doesn't pay me does she?"

"So you'd pick money over me?" I wasn't to surprised but it was a bit shocking.

"Anytime, anyday" he replied. He's so unbelievable

"I'm telling mum when we get home" I huffed my cheeks crossed my arms.

"Now Y/n it's your turn"

Everyone else got him such great gifts mine wouldn't be important right?

"C'mon Y/n"

"Okay then here" I pulled out a small box and handed it to him.

He took it and looked at me curiously "may I open it?"

"Go ahead"

He opened the box and when he saw what was inside his mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"You like it?"

"What is yell us don't leave us hanging!!" Keisuke who was getting impatient rattled.

He took it out if the box. It was a miniature replica of the CB250T.

"I love it thanks Y/n" he smiled putting the item back in its box "I'll cherish it with my life".

"You're welcome and Happy birthday" I return the smile it feels good to make someone happy like this.

"Alright guys thanks for coming bye" shinichiro waved them off as they left me and Waka were about to leave as well.

"I guess I'll see you later" Manjiro said to me

"Yeah I guess so. Don't miss me to much okay?" I smirked

He chuckled "I won't"

"Bye Shin bye Emma see you guys!!"

"Bye Y/n Good night!"

"So..." Waka spoke looking at me

"What ?"

"Did it go as planned?" He asked starting up his engine.

"Meh" I shrugged my shoulders before getting onto the motorcycle.

We drove home safely but either if us were to lazy to do anything so we just went to bed. Mum didn't come home tonight it's just us .. Again.

I wonder......

What it feels like to have a happy home.......

Does it feel great?

I wish I had the opportunity to experience it.

But atlas...

The world has never been in our favour.

Author's Note


The new episode had me crying fr(╥﹏╥)

How was the story?

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See you in the next chapter (◕ᴗ◕✿)

