Chapter 2 - The Intervention

Sam woke up early the next morning. Castiel was sleeping silently in the next bed. The sun had began to creep into the cold, silent motel room, reminding the inhabitants that a new day had arrived. The intruding light teased them to wake and explore. It crept between the gaps of Sam's hair, waking him up from his slumber. He was still shocked by the dream that he spent the night embroiled in. Sam stood up out of his bed, his hair all matted together like a birds nest. He stumble towards the bathroom, calling to Cass to wake up as he passed. Castiel rolled over beginning to stir from his slumber.

He was up and dressed as Sam exited the bathroom. Sam walled over to his duffel bag, pulling out his suit jacket, shaking off the salt that had leaked out of its bag.
"Ready to go, Cass." Sam mumbled, his eyes showing the tiredness within him.

"Sam, are you okay with this?" Cass asked, "Well I mean we have to find Dean."

Sam looked into Castiel's eyes, wondering whether he knew about his dream from the previous night. He tapped Cass's shoulder as he passed, heading towards the door. Cass followed him out closing the door behind him.
They walked towards Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala in silence. Sam began to wish his brother were here with him, working this case alongside one another.

The drive to the apartment block was short but the silence of the motel room had followed them along the journey.
"Cass, look...I didn't answer your question.... And no, I'm not sure about doing this without Dean... But it's what he would have wanted." Sam finished, opening the Impala door stepping out.
Cass followed, still unaware that Sam was lying to him. It was obvious that his Grace was once again failing but he refused to allow that to stop him helping Sam find his brother.

The stairs creaked under the weight Sam's tread. It only took him 5 steps to get to the next floor, he repeated this up the next flight of stairs also. Room 13 was on the second floor, third door on the right.
Castiel followed Sam but due to the slight height difference he wasn't as quick as Sam.
Sam stood silently at the top of the stairs waiting patiently for the fallen angel, who's coat was slightly dirty and mud-stained.

Knock, Knock. Sam tapped at the door waiting for the detective in charge to come and invite them in.
"Come on in, agents," Detective Brune called, "Hope you boys aren't squeamish, it's a bloody one."

"We've probably seen worse," Sam chocked, the smell entered from the bathroom, intoxicating the whole apartment.
"I'm Agent Cole and this is my partner, Agent Cooper,"Sam introduced Castiel to the Detective, who shook his hand and began to fill the 'agents' in.

"We got a call at 0243 this morning alluding to a murder here at this address, we proceeded straight here and found this young lady cradled near the stairwell," The detective paused taking a deep breath before continuing,
"Me and another of my colleagues moved towards this apartment while another comforted the girl. When we walked in the smell took us by surprise,but when I found that bloody mess in the bath, I could have collapsed. In all my time as a homicide detective, I've never seen anything like this."

"The girl, may I talk to her, get her account of this," Castiel asked. The detective nodded, walking him over to the room opposite.


"Her name is Katrin, she found the body, and was at her friends while her mother may have been killed."


Sam stood outside the bathroom, not wanting to walk in. He pulled the courage to enter, putting on his bravest face and pushing down the handle.
To his dismay, Sam turned his head at the scene of atrocity that lay before him.
Blood splattered across the back wall, mangled flesh scattered all over the floor. The blood filled the bath while the body lay over the side, burnt in places and gnawed to the bone in others.
Sam hoped Cass was having better luck interviewing the witness.


Cass however wasn't having any luck interviewing Katrin. She was shaking and still in shock. The blade she had dropped now by her side again. Cass could sense that she was distressed.
"Excuse me, ma'am, May I ask you a few questions, I'll try to be quick," He tried again.

She only nodded, wishing to the questions would be short and end easily.
"Okay, did you see anyone else in your apartment at the time you found the victim," Cass asked, "Anything different about the victim in the last few days."

Again Katrin nodded but then she shook her head as if to answer yes then no. She gulped and replied,
"Mom was normal, that man was scary.. He had black eyes but he didn't try to hurt me."

"Black eyes??" realisation hit Cass like a train,
"Demon," he muttered, "What was he wearing, Katrin?"

"A grey T-shirt and a red shirt, blue denim jeans, it seemed as if he had been wearing them a while," Katrin sighed, "His eyes were bright green, and he had prominent cheek bones, shortish Brown hair in a quiff at the front..He was only slight taller than me but I don't know.."

Even by the clothes description, Cass knew the Demon they were after was Dean. It was only made more obvious by the remark about Dean's green eyes.

Hope you enjoy this new part of the story, comment please and sorry for the wait....

