Trouble at school

Author: I'm gonna take a short break from this story so I can get back to working on my sonic story. Thanks so much for reading and hope everyone had a great Happy New Year's. :-)
(BTW. (f/f)= favorite food)
You exited the entrance of your townhouse and started walking down the path that leads you to school. You would have ran to school, but you were already late so what's the point. It's not like it was your first time. Anyways, it was your last day as a seventeen-year-old, so why not cherish it.

The streets were decorated with colorful Christmas lights and decorations and paved with a fresh white blanket of sparkling snow. You had to admit, you kinda enjoyed the bitter cold of the winter weather. You felt the wind whip through your (h/l) (h/c) hair as the frostbite nipped at your cheeks. The soft snow crunched under your boots with every step you took. You looked up into the sky, watching as the delicate snowflakes slowly descended down to Earth when.......
"OOF!" said a little voice from a figure that had bumped into you. You looked down to see a little boy, probably age six or seven, sitting on his butt, in front of your feet. He wore a blue coat, light blue jeans, and white sneakers. The boy shook his head, riding his black curly hair of any debris from his fall. Wondering what he ran into, the boy looked up at you with bright green eyes full of innocence and curiosity. He stared at you as the wind delicately blew against your (h/l) voluminous hair and the peek of the morning sun's rays rested against you, almost giving you a glowing effect.

Getting annoyed by the uncomfortable staring, you snarled at the child and crossed your arms. "Watch where you're going, kid." Your words snapped him out of his trance as he got up and picked up his red backpack that had fallen in the collision. "Oh! Sorry, lady. Have a nice day!" He said before he smiled brightly at you ran away. You stared after the boy quizzically. 'Such an innocent kid....' you thought. You didn't care for kids. You mentally brushed off what just happened and continued your walk to school.

~Time skip~

In your homeroom, your teacher was just finishing up attendance check.
"Ok, I think that's everyone. Is there anybody that I missed?" Suddenly, the door slams open and an eerie breeze flowed through the room, sending chills down the spines of the present students when they saw the being in the doorway. "I'm here." You said monotonously. "Late again, are we Ms. (l/n)?" A scoff escaped your lips as you rolled your eyes and simply walked to your seat. The classroom was eerily silent for they feared you, which is just how you liked it.
You walked until you reached a lone seat in the back corner of the classroom, next to the window. You carelessly tossed your backpack on the desk and plopped down in your seat.
"Well students, since it's the last day you may talk among yourselves for the class period. Merry Christmas, everyone." With that, your teacher sat down and began reading a novel she had previously started. While the class started to converse with each other, you remained quiet and boringly played around on your phone.

"So, how are things going with you and Blake, Michelle?" You hear a red-haired girl next to you ask a blonde haired girl. "Terrible, Jenna. Last night, I found out he has been cheating on me all this time." The girl known as Michelle replied in a heartbroken tone. "Well, that's what happens when you date a guy like him. I'm so sorry, Michelle. And it happened so close to Christmas." Jenna said, sympathetically patting her friend's back. Michelle only wiped away a few stray tears that escaped from her eyes. "'s just I thought he loved me. I didn't think he would do this to me." 'How pathetic,' you thought, as you scoffed and rolled your eyes to the back of your head. As your 'father' once told you, 'Love is nothing more than a mere weakness. Never have a weakness, (y/n). For they can be used against you.' Therefore, you have never experienced love.

Your glossy (e/c) eyes strayed to the window, where they happened to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes.....?! Feeling as if you're eyes are playing tricks on you, you furiously rubbed them, before looking back towards the window to find nothing but the snowy weather outside. Feeling slightly bewildered by what just happened, decided to just shrug it off and proceed with what you were doing. That is until a conversation between two boys got your attention.
"Hey, I was talking to my little brother last night and he kept going on and on about how he had seen met Jack Frost." You froze, for your curiosity had risen. 'Jack Frost...?' you thought. "Yea dude, my little sister is the same way, talking about the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Sandman, and Santa Claus exist. She calls them the 'Guardians.' 'The...Guardians...?' Your thoughts were short-lived when the sound of the bell had rung, signaling students that first period was over.

~Time skip(again)~

It was now lunchtime. The cafeteria was filled the bustling noise of students chatting and eating their lunch. You chose not to eat school lunch for you never understood what kind of slop they served here. Horse meat? Dog meat? Alien body parts? Whatever it was, it looked disgusting, so you refused to eat it. Instead, you brought your own lunch. Right now, you were sitting on your spot away from everyone else, eating (f/f), when the drama began to stir in the room.
"Hey, Sweetie." You looked across the room to see the school bully, also known as Blake, standing in front of the two girls from your homeroom. "Go away, Blake! I told you it's over! Just leave me alone!" Michelle said as she and Jenna began to walk away until a loud slapping noise echoed the room. The chatter of the other students immediately came to cease as they stared in shock. Michelle sat on the floor, tears streaming down her face as she held her now red cheek. Jenna ran quickly ran to her aid, before glaring back at Blake. "What's wrong with you!? She said to leave her alone!" Blake angrily glared back at her. "This has nothing to do with you. She's innocent and weak. As long as she stays like that, I can do whatever I want to her."
This struck a nerve with you. You despised it when an innocent person was called weak and you refused to watch it. Almost immediately, you stood up from your seat and marched towards the abusive delinquent. "Hey!" You said to him. Blake turned around and looked you up and down. You did the same, examining the various tattoos and piercings on his body. Sometimes you couldn't help but question how this boy is a high school student. Blake smirked at you before saying, "Well, if it ain't (y/n) (l/n). I've been hearin' a lot about you." You only narrowed your pretty (e/c) eyes at him before crossing your arms. "I believe she said to leave her alone." You said in a warning tone. Blake scoffed at you. "So?"

He said crossing his arms. "What makes you think the innocence is a weakness?" Blake gave you a skeptical look, before laughing at your words. "You're one for talkin'. What do you know about innocence? Last time I checked, you were never an angel." You growled at him. Blake smirked amusingly while moving his blonde bangs out of his face, showing off his dark green eyes. "I ain't afraid of you, (y/n)." He said. "You should be." The words escaping your mouth menacingly. By this time, the other students in the cafeteria have crowded the two of you. "Oh yeah?" Blake asked, leaning into your face 'til the point that the tip of your noses nearly touched. "Why should I be afraid of you?" Absolute tension filled the room. Students were on edge for the top two troublemakers in school were now face to face. You stared at your opponent before a sinister smile was plastered on your face. "I'll show you." Before anyone could process what had happened, the once silent room was filled with the agonizing screams of a boy who had no idea of who he was dealing with.
