Chapter Six

"This VT stuff is kind of annoying" Dianne commented. The two of them, along with a small camera crew, had boarded a train back to Joe's hometown to film a video about his roof thatching days. "I mean, we could be rehearsing right now."

Joe nodded in agreement. "Definitely. But we'll have plenty of chances. Plus I've got the recordings from yesterday that I can go over to make sure it's definitely in my head."

Dianne smiled and leaned closer. "You're such a good student."


Two hours later, Dianne was half way up a ladder with absolutely no idea why she had agreed to this.

"Just one more step. Come on" Joe encouraged from his place beside her.

Knowing her limits, Dianne stopped and took a breath. "Nope. That's all I've got."

She heard Joe laugh, but daren't turn around to meet his eyes. "You did so good!" He said as she began to slowly move back towards solid ground. "I'm proud of you."

The tone of his voice told her that the sentiment was sincere.

Finally feeling able to, she looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks. I do try, you know."

The filming experience had involved meeting some of Joe's family; his aunt and uncle who ran the business he used to work for. Dianne got on well with them, and was pleased to see that Joe appeared to come from such a kind and fun-loving family.

"So do you all of your family live around here?" Dianne asked as they made their way back towards their hotel for the night.

Joe nodded. "Yeah, everyone's pretty close by. I mean, Zoe is in Brighton obviously but my parents and grandparents and stuff are all still around here." Dianne smiled.

"That's so nice. Your uncle was so funny. I can see where you get it from."

Joe smiled. "Definitely. Just wait until you meet my dad. He's worse than me for the bad jokes."

"If he's anything like you, I can't wait to meet him."


As the car pulled up to the front of their hotel for the night, Dianne's phone began to chime a familiar tune. Joe turned his head to acknowledge it.

"You're just so popular" he said as she checked who was calling.

"Sorry, I'll take this and I'll see you later?" Joe watched as Dianne stepped out of the car and walked into the hotel lobby.

"Hi, baby!" she said before disappearing from view.

Joe's mind raced as he collected his bags and made his way into the hotel. He'd only just relaxed after finding out she had split up with her boyfriend. Were they already back together?

As he made his way into the elevator, he thought about the past few days. Dianne had changed over the week, for the better he thought. She was calmer, happier and they were having fun.

She was touchy and flirty and he had been letting himself enjoy it; reasoning that- because she was single now- a little flirtation wasn't going to hurt anyone.

But if she was back with him, then everything was going to have to change.

Change back to how they were before.

As Joe opened the door to his hotel room, he took stock of the white-hot feeling burning inside him.

Joseph Sugg was jealous.

Jealous of another man.

Jealous of another man who had her.


Being in Bath for the night meant that Joe had an opportunity to see some members of his family.

All being well in the competition, they would be back close by next week so he could see more people if he wanted to. His mum had offered to take him out for dinner since they hadn't seen each other in a while.

"Isn't Dianne joining us?" his mother asked as they embraced in the hotel bar. Joe shrugged.

"I didn't actually ask her. That's quite bad, isn't it... Let me call her."

Trying his hardest to forget the conversation he had overheard earlier, Joe called Dianne.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked as soon as she picked up.

"Yeah, I'm all good. I wondered where you'd got to, actually. I'm starving. Do you want to go and get some food?"

Joe smiled. "Actually, that's why I was calling. My mum is here and she wondered if you'd like to join us for dinner?"

Dianne held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she leaned down and pulled on a pair of black boots. "I'm putting my shoes on now. Give me five minutes?"

Joe laughed. "Perfect. We're in the bar. Do you want me to get you a drink?"

"Ooh... yeah. I'll go for a white wine, please. Small, though. We have got to dance again tomorrow."


Dinner with Joe's mum had been as lovely as Dianne had imagined it would be.

Joe's family truly were great, and it was so nice to see how well Joe and his mum got on.

Despite having a great time, and lovely food, Dianne couldn't help but notice that Joe was a little more distant than he had been over the last few days.

They had really started to gel as a team, and she was enjoying the banter and the touch of flirtation that had developed as they had settled into their new partnership. Maybe it was because it was the first time Dianne had met his mother, or maybe he was just tired, but he was looking at her strangely, leaving her worried about what was going on in his head.

At the end of the meal, Dianne and Joe both said goodbye to his mum and made their way back up to their rooms.

"Hey" Dianne said softly as they left the elevator. "Is... is everything ok?"

Joe sighed deeply and ran a hand across his forehead. "I... yeah, I'm fine."

Dianne scrunched her face, her doubt and confusion clear. "You're not fine. Something's off. Do you want to talk about it?"

They were outside her room now.

"We could have a tea?" She offered.

Joe looked down as his feet.

"Please?" Dianne asked, hoping Joe could hear how serious she was.

She opened the door and held it open. Joe walked through and stood in front of the desk.

"Don't be weird, you can sit on the bed. Or one of the chairs." Dianne smiled as she picked up the kettle and took it to the bathroom to fill it.

When Dianne left the room, Joe took a moment to collect himself. He had been hoping all night that he wouldn't notice how awkward he had been. He couldn't help himself, and had kept looking at her during dinner. In the back of his mind, he was hoping to see some sort of sign. Some sort of indication of whether her boyfriend was back on the scene. But, no. He was going to have to toughen up, admit that he had been thinking about her and ask.

"Who..." he cleared his throat. "Who were you talking to earlier? On the phone. Did you and your boyfriend work things out or...?"

Joe watched as Dianne's expression changed. He felt dread sink into his skin. His heart raced.

Dianne took a deep breath and walked over to her bed.

"Come sit with me." She patted the empty space beside her. "Sit with me and I'll explain everything".
