Chapter 2

One year later

After a year of practising, we were finally ready for out first show. Everyone was fairly confident, but I was really nervous. If we didn't do this right... let's just say, we would be in big trouble.

As we got ready in our big shared apartment, I sat on the bed in my room, counting off all the things I needed to do. My role in the show was very important if this trick was going to work.

"Dora, you alright?" Henley called from our shared bathroom. "You need any help with your makeup?"

"I don't know what to wear!" I called back. It was true; I was still dressed in my pajamas whereas everyone else was all suited up in their black attire.

Henley came out of the bathroom, looking stunning in a short black dress and her signature gloves and blazer.

"Hmm," she turned to my wardrobe and started hunting around. "How about this?"

Henley was holding a cut-out black dress with sleeves up to the elbow. The skirt was tight and ended just above my knees. In her other hand was a pair of black leather high-heeled ankle boots with laces.

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about that!" I gushed. "Yes, it'll be perfect!"

Chuckling and shaking her head, Henley put the items on the bed next to me and left the room to give me a bit of privacy. When I emerged and went to the bathroom to sort out my hair, I found Jack. He looked so good in that black button-down...

"Pan, you look gorgeous," he stepped back from the sink as soon as he spotted me in the mirror.

"Thanks, you do too. But do you have to call me Pan? Seriously, can't you call me Dora like a normal person?" I asked playfully, grabbing my hairbrush.

"Sorry, but Pan is my special nickname for you," Jack grinned, nudging my shoulder with his. I blushed in delight. He has a special nickname for me!

Over the past year, my crush for Jack Wilder had intensified. I thought that perhaps the increased amount of time I spent with him would make my feelings fade away, but in fact, I fell in love with him even more. The way his chocolate brown eyes sparkled when we talked, the way he would incessantly fix his hair before going places, the way he would lick his lips whenever he was nervous; it just made it harder for me to even think about getting over him.

"So, are you nervous?" Jack asked, looking at me in the mirror. I fustratedly pulled at my hair.

"Not at all," I lied. He wasn't as scared as I was; they were all fairly confident. Except for me. Continuing to hurriedly style my hair this way and that, I waited for his response. In the end, I decided to leave my dark hair straight and natural.

"Pan, stop lying." Jack gripped my wrists and pulled them down. I turned to face him, slightly surprised. "You always get aggressive with the things you're handling when you're scared."

"Wow, you've studying me that closely, eh? Maybe you could be the mentalist in our group!" I joked half-heartedly.

"And you also try and make a joke out of things too. I haven't been studying you, it's just pretty easy to notice these things after a year." Jack rolled his eyes. He let go of my wrists, holding my hands instead, and I relished the feeling of his calloused palms on mine.

"I just- I don't know, I just don't wanna stuff up!" I confessed. "I don't want to get into trouble. I might mess up everything!" I looked down at the floor, but Jack lifted my chin up to face him.

"You won't mess up anything; you won't get in trouble. Pan, you'll be fine. We'll all be fine." he sincerely promised. I gazed into his warm brown eyes.

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

Jack's eyes were locked on mine. He reached up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and I subconsciously leaned closer. His other hand crept down to my waist and he closed his eyes...

"Jack, are you- woah!"

We sprung apart. Danny was at the door, his eyebrows raised so high they almost disappeared underneath his fringe. My face was burning red and I'm sure Jack felt the same way.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt! I'll, er, leave you guys to it." Danny apologised, backing away.

"No, no, it's okay. You can talk to Jack. I have to go get my shoes anyway." I reluctantly excused myself. I gave Jack a quick smile and patting Danny's shoulder, walked out of the bathroom and back into my room.

I sat down in the bed, sighing. I should have just kissed him. I thought miserably, reaching for my shoes. I stopped when I sensed someone at the doorway.

"I saw what happened." Henley smirked, kneeling before me.

"No, it wasn't what it looked like, I swear-" I started to protest my innocence, but Henley simply laid a gloved hand on my knee.

"You don't have to deny it, honey. It's pretty clear that you have crush on Jack." she said.

"How do you know?" I interrogated suspiciously.

"You told me. Just now!" she smirked triumphantly. I rolled my eyes at Henley's cleverness.

"Okay, that was smart!" I held up my hands in defeat.

"You know, chances are, he likes you back. Danny tells me that he's always gushing about how great you are." Henley revealed.

"Really?" My heart surged with joy. She nodded and chuckled.

"Really. Anyway, this will have to wait. Honey, we've got a show to perform!" Henley got up from the floor and bounced out of the room.

I laced up my boots with much more vigour and energy. The thought that maybe - just maybe - Jack liked me back put a permanent smile on my face.
