Chapter 2

"(y/n)? Who the hell is (y/n)?" Klaus asked his brother as he sat on his own bed. Ben was sitting on the adjacent bed as he looked down at the ground and huffed out a laugh. "... She was someone special to me." Ben said but his answer only made Klaus even more confused. "Since when did you have someone special?"

Ben gave Klaus a look before he stood up. He walked in a circle before looking back at his brother with a rather awkward expression. He took in a deep breath before started to explain.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the final period. Students rejoiced as they all quickly tidied their desks and ran out the classroom. You and your friend were the last ones to leave since you both hated being pushed around by rowdy and hyper 14 year olds. As the both of you exited the building, you decided to go to the 7eleven store right around the corner. Your friend agreed to accompany you so now you were both sitting on an outdoor booth as you sucked on your blueberry slurpee.

While the two of you were talking, your friend got a call from her mom, telling her that she was coming to pick her up. She asked if you wanted to come with them but you declined, saying that your sister was coming to get you. She nodded and said her goodbyes before she walked back to the school's front to wait for her mother.

You stayed for another 10 minutes before you decided to leave. Your parents didn't give you a cell phone yet so you're used to calling your sister on the park phone booth. There was a payphone in front of your school but you preferred to wait in the park.

After you rang your sister to tell her that you were done with school she asked you to wait for a while since she was still in the middle of doing a project for one of her major subjects in college. You agreed and went to sit on one of the benches as you pulled out one of your notebook and began to draw doodles. You weren't a very gifted artist but you thought that drawing was really fun and it helped pass the time.

You were drawing a small cartoon fox when you heard the familiar tune of the Ice Cream cart that frequents the park. You quickly spotted the pink cladded vendor near the fountain and you were pleasantly surprised to find no one else waiting in line for his frozen goodies. You put your notebook back into your bag and approached him. You fished out the money left in your skirt pocket and counted it as you walked. You had enough for chocolate coated popsicles so that's exactly what you ordered. As the ice cream man rummaged through the insides of his portable ice box another kid had appeared and stood next to you.

He was slightly shorter than you but he looked the same age. His hair was neat and tidy and his face was a bit chubby and pouty which made him look kind of cute in your opinion. What really caught your attention, however, was his uniform. It looked like the boys uniform in your school only his was black and red in contrast to your school's light gray and blue.

You caught him trying to sneak a glance at you but he quickly looked away when he realized you were staring. You blushed, realizing it too and turned back to the ice cream vendor. He grunted a few times as he pushed aside popsicle after popsicle until he finally found the one you were looking for. "Here you go, young lady." he said as he handed it to you. You thanked him but before you could walk away the boy spoke.

"What popsicle is that?" he asked in a rather rushed tone, he looked a bit tense. "Chocolate coated." you replied. "How much?" he was stuttering a bit. "Sorry kid, she got the last one." the vendor said, cutting you off. "Oh..." the boy said disappointingly.

"You could try their vanilla one." you suggested. "It's almost as good." The vendor reacted to this and checked in his ice box for any vanilla flavored ice cream and sure enough there were some left. "I'll take one." the boy said. The vendor gave him his popsicle and the boy gave the vendor the amount that he owed. The vendor tipped his hat in gratitude and the two of you walked away. "I'm Ben by the way." he said as he stopped to extend his hand. "(y/n)." you shook his hand and smiled.

"Which school are you from?" you asked, trying to push the conversation forward. "Our uniforms are quite similar, other than the colors." Ben paused for a bit before saying, "I'm homeschooled, actually.". You stared at him, tilting your head as you raised a brow. "You need a uniform for homeschool?"

"Uh... " Ben was getting flustered and nervous as he found it more and more difficult to speak. He wasn't exactly used to talking to girls, other than his sisters. In fact, he wasn't exactly the most social of the bunch either. He stumbled on his words a bit as you patiently waited for him to continue the conversation with a growing smile but before he could mutter a full word you heard a beep coming from behind you. Your sister was waving at you and motioned for you to get in the car. You waved back before turning back to Ben. "Um, to be continued?" you gave him a shy but yet koi smile. "See you next time, Ben." you turned on your heel and ran towards your sister as she honked impatiently. "Yeah, see you." Ben mumbled as he watched you drive away.

Behind him Allison fell from a tree and Vanya stood up from one of the bushes. The ice cream vendor looked a little shock at this but said nothing. Allison quickly got up on her feet and dusted herself off. She squealed as she rushed over to Ben and squeezed his arms "Oh my gosh, Ben, She totally likes you!" hearing Allison say that made Ben's stomach flutter

"How can you tell?" Vanya asked as she walked up to them, picking off all the twigs and leaves that managed to get stuck in her hair. Allison rolled her eyes. "Uh, duh!" she retorted "She said she wanted to see him again."

"See you next time is a pretty loose expression. She could just be saying that to be polite." Vanya pointed out but Allison waved her off. "Okay Ben, you did good today but you gotta do better tomorrow when you see her again." she grinned. "You gotta stop the whole nervous-stuttering-thing, okay? You're starting to sound like Diego." Ben nodded as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. His forgotten popsicle was melting onto his hand.

"What makes you so sure she'll come tomorrow?" Vanya asked. "She always hangs out here after her school's dismissals." Ben said casually. Vanya cringed "How long have you been following her?" she asked "Isn't what your doing kind of... Stalker-y." Allison hushed Vanya and looked at Ben. "Don't listen to her. I think it's romantic." she stated and Ben gave her a half smile.

Ben still couldn't get over the fact that he was finally talking to you. He was already familiar with the feeling of butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees you but the hard thumping in his chest as he spoke with you was an entirely new sensation. "You guys promise you won't tell Luther and the others about her, right?" he looked at his sisters pleadingly. Allison motioned a zipper on her lips, placed her hand on her heart and gave him a wink as Vanya simply nodded.

The next day Ben was sitting on the bench where you usually sat and you greeted him when you arrived. The two of you continued your conversation you had yesterday and it wasn't long until the two of you really hit it off. You were laughing, he was laughing, Ben was starting to get more comfortable around you, the two of you talked until the sun was setting and your sister angrily came to pick you up because you didn't call her sooner. The two of you said your goodbyes but not before you promising to meet each other to here again. And you did. Everyday without fail.

You had to admit, if it was some other boy who approached you that day and you found him waiting for you in your usual spot in the park you would have booked it and waited for your sister at your school. But it wasn't just some other boy, it was Ben, and as much as it embarrassed you to admit it you saw something in him that you really liked and that's why you stayed.

Klaus looked at Ben with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you telling me you had a girlfriend back when you were still a little squidling?" he asked and Ben nodded. Klaus stood up and so did Ben. "Wait, wait, wait, so, you." Klaus gestured to Ben. "Ben Hargreeves, Number 6, adopted son of Reginald Hargreeves, had a girlfriend when you were 14?" he asked in disbelief and Ben answered with a simple yes. "How the hell did you keep that a secret from dad? From the rest of us? Why didn't you say anything when you came back as.... As.... This... " Klaus' brain was forming too many questions too fast and it gave him a small headache trying to process all of them and he groaned.

Ben looked down for moment, feeling a bit guilty, before saying, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you when we were kids. I just thought you were going to rat me out to dad or something." he tried to explain but Klaus looked at him with disdain. "But you told Allison and Vanya?" Klaus slowly, shook his head his voice getting higher. Ben sighed at his brothers over reaction. "I needed advice on how to talk to girls, okay! If I my super power was to smooth talk girls into liking me I never would have told them." he tried to defend himself but Klaus was still visibly upset. At this moment, Ben was starting to miss high Klaus. Sober Klaus always gets so moody when he's in the withdrawal stage.

"You know what? I can't deal with this right now." Klaus said as he flung his hands down his legs. "I'm going to go and try to get something drink from the cafeteria because oranges juice never lied or kept secrets from their brothers.". He stormed out the room leaving a frustrated Ben huffing with his arms crossed.

Hi guys!
Just want to thank you all for giving this story 100 reads and 10 votes already after the first 2 chapters Huhu. I really hope I can finish this book since I'm currently a huge Ben fan girl and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself if I don't.

Thank you again. I hope you all will stick around for future chapters. uwu.

Also, Disclaimer, I have never been to a rehabilitation institute before, I'm only writing what I've seen in movies and TV shows so there are many aspects of this book that is inaccurate so I'm so sorry about that.
