When Juanjuan woke up, it was already very bright, and he waited for a long time but he still didn't get his little daddy.

    Juanjuan wrapped himself up in the quilt to play for a while, but he still felt bored, so he had to get up, put on his little socks, open the guardrail, and get off the bed. He was going to surprise his dad and baby daddy.

    After finally opening the door, he went to his father's room first, but there was no one there.

    He turned around and ran to the little daddy's room. Before entering the door, he was frightened by the smell of grapes overflowing in the room. The smell was too strong. As soon as Juanjuan walked in, he became dizzy, and he hadn't reached the bed Just fell to the ground.

    There was a muffled thud, and the two people on the bed didn't hear it, so Juan could only sit up tearfully, touched his butt, and ran to the bed feeling aggrieved.

    He forgot to move the rocking horse, so he could only go to the bed and call his father for help.

    Zhou Huaisheng woke up soon after hearing the sound. He turned around and carried Juanjuan to the bed, and quickly crawled into Lin Zhiyi's arms. He tried his best to pull up the quilt, trying to cover his little daddy, but before pulling twice, Lin Zhiyi suddenly woke up, buried his face in his curly belly, took a breath, and said with a smile : "Where did you get the little milk cake?"

    "It's Juanjuan." Jujuan corrected.

    "Oh, it turned out to be curls."

    Zhou Huaisheng put on his trousers and got out of bed, took out Lin Zhiyi's nightgown from the closet, stuffed it into Lin Zhiyi's bed, Lin Zhiyi put it on calmly, and then put it on again. Holding the curly hair to his chest, Zhou Huaisheng went back to the room and took a shower, and when he entered the master bedroom again, the two curly hairs on the bed hugged each other and fell asleep again.

    Zhou Huaisheng walked to the bed, Lin Zhiyi felt it, and woke up in a daze, Zhou Huaisheng leaned over and kissed him on the face, "Go on to sleep, I'll make breakfast." "Well, kiss again."


    Huaisheng So he pulled up the quilt to cover the roll, and then pressed Lin Zhiyi to exchange a long kiss. When they parted, he asked, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

    Lin Zhiyi thought about his physical condition with backache and backache, "It's lighter."

    "Okay," Zhou Huaisheng stroked Lin Zhiyi's hair, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

    Lin Zhiyi became inexplicably shy, Get into the quilt to rub Juanjuan's little buttocks and hands, Lin Zhiyi looked at Juanjuan who was asleep, and heard the sound of the kitchen downstairs, the sun was bright outside the bed, the blue sky was like washing, it was a perfect morning, Very sweet life.

    Lin Zhiyi and Juanjuan quarreled in bed for a while, and when they heard the sound of Zhou Huaisheng taking a bowl, Lin Zhiyi carried Juanjuan back to the children's room to change clothes. Juanjuan refused to wear yesterday's small yellow down jacket, and he turned his face away. Protesting with her mouth: "No!"

    "Isn't it pretty?" Lin Zhiyi thought this one was especially cute.

    Juanjuan turned his back angrily, "I just don't want it."

    Lin Zhiyi thought for a moment, and soon thought of what Zhou Huaisheng said at the door yesterday, he burst out laughing, and hugged Juanjuan from behind, "Which bad teacher said our family Juanjuan dances like a duckling? Our family Juanjuan dances the best, and my little dad wants to see it too, so give him a little Juanjuan dance, okay?

    " Like him, he turned his face away and pouted, "Even the teacher and children have seen Juanjuan dance, but little daddy has never seen it once. Juanjuan doesn't love little daddy anymore." "Juanjuan loves little daddy the

    most It's gone." Juanjuan eagerly turned around and hugged Lin Zhiyi, and after a while said shyly, "I can only do a little bit."

    "Show my little daddy."

    Jujuan reluctantly stood up to Lin Zhiyi. In front of Zhiyi, two small arms were raised slightly, imitating the teacher's tune, first tilted to the left, then to the right, and sang: "Xingxing, Xingxing, why are you blinking?"

    Because Juanjuan is small in stature, has a soft personality, and his movements are not large. When he raised his arms, he only raised them halfway. In order to show in front of Lin Zhiyi, he tried his best to raise his arms above his head, but he couldn't stand up when he looked at them. Steady, he staggered two steps forward, and accidentally stepped on half of the little sock on the other foot with one foot, and the little duck almost fell down after a thump, but fortunately Lin Zhiyi reached out to catch it. stopped him.

    Juanjuan was even more sad, and buried his face in Lin Zhiyi's arms and refused to move. Lin Zhiyi smiled for a long time, hugged Juanjuan, and went to the closet to find a cool black and white patchwork down jacket.

    After breakfast, before leaving, Lin Zhiyi and Zhou Huaisheng were reluctant to leave for a long time. Zhou Huaisheng became addicted and couldn't help pulling Lin Zhiyi into the storage room, leaving Jujuan to stand at the door in a daze .

    A few minutes later, Lin Zhiyi came out with a blushing face, took Juan Juan's hand, "Come on, Juan Juan, let's go to the early education class."

    Zhou Huaisheng followed behind, picked up the knee pads and gloves by the wall, and closed them Door.

    After processing the vacation applications of the two delivery boys, Liu Chengming, the supervisor of the Southern District, called, "Xiao Zhou, you did a good job in handling the fried chicken restaurant dispute last time. Some onlookers took pictures of the process on the Internet. The leader also looked at it, praised you for being calm and steady, and wanted to reward you, and said that as long as you work hard, the company will not treat you badly." "Thank you

    Brother Liu."

    "Okay, I have passed the message, you continue to work on you Yes, I have to continue to worry about the two-in-one takeaway and express."


    "Yeah, our company was originally not a site contracting company for Youtuan Takeout, but the big boss recently thought about being able to cooperate with express delivery again. Let’s combine it and contract the courier points in the two areas in the south. Now the various activities of Double Eleven and Double Twelve have a large amount of express delivery.”

    Zhou Huaisheng said: “But don’t consider the part north of Ping’an Street in the southern district. There are many old people in the old city, and the courier point was built and closed again." "

    You reminded me, I only pay attention to the price and didn't think about the population ratio."

    Zhou Huaisheng thought for a while, "Actually, you can go to the university town Look around, I remember when I delivered food to a university town once, a child complained to me that it was inconvenient for them to take the express delivery. There is only one express station, and it is still at the northernmost side of the school. I feel that it is also necessary to cooperate with the school. It’s very good, the logistics volume is large and stable, and it may drop a little during the winter and summer vacations.”

    Liu Chengming was stunned for a few seconds, “You have a lot of ideas, Xiao Zhou, are you a college student?”

    "No, I graduated from high school."

    "It doesn't look like it, but it makes sense."

    Zhou Huaisheng said quickly, "Don't take it seriously, Brother Liu, how do I understand?"

    Liu Chengming said, "It's okay, I think what you said It makes sense, I'll talk to the big boss later and listen to his opinion, then you can continue to work."

    Zhou Huaisheng hung up the phone and looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, and the afternoon rush hour would soon be over. To start, he went to the early education class to pick up the rolls, brought them to the site, and heated up the meal. As soon as he took a bite of the meal, the system started dripping.

    Zhou Huaisheng took care of Juanjuan while he was dealing with things, and when he was done, it was almost 1:30, and he didn't bother to heat it up. The meat dishes looked fishy, ​​so he ate some vegetarian dishes, drank a few sips of boiling water, and put away the lunch.

    Juanjuan lay on the bed and fell asleep, Zhou Huaisheng took out the down blanket to cover the little guy.

    Lin Zhiyi is also very busy here, the news of expanding the pharmaceutical industry has spread, the workplace has been selected, and is being renovated in full swing. Dingsheng's official website has also launched a concept promotional video of Dingkang Medical and a series of cooperation list of businesses.

    Xu Yang is not as enthusiastic as before. Since Lin Yande was imprisoned, his reputation for being a fool has become more and more famous. One employee even posted this joke to the general employee group by mistake, causing the scene to be very embarrassing. Xu Yang was originally a person who didn't care about anything and just wanted to climb up, but when he got older, he slowed down and looked back, and found that there was no one around him, only mocking and laughing behind his back.     Lin Zhiyi asked the secretary to call Xu Yang to the office, and said straight to the point

    : "If you are not in good condition, you can take a vacation. You should not have taken annual leave for two years."

, I can't go." Xu Yang pressed his tired eyelids.

    "Do you think you are qualified for the position of general manager of Dingkang?"

    "I know Mr. Lin, you have already talked with Mr. Yang. He worked in a medical company when he was young, and later he was in charge of the medical and nursing work of Dingna retirement community. He has more experience than me."

    "He is also older, and Dingkang will still hand it over to you in the future. In fact, you can take these few years as a buffer period. It is already very good to be able to sit in the position of vice president at your age. The medical industry is still relatively unfamiliar to you, and there is no harm in learning from Mr. Yang."

    Lin Zhiyi was talking about the past few years, a few years, it could be three or four years, or seven or eight years.

    Xu Yang knew that Lin Zhiyi concealed the promise at that time without showing any signs of expression, but he was wrong first. Although he only reported Lin Zhiyi's whereabouts to Lin Yande once and did not reveal any information, but also because of this report , Let Lin Yande follow the clues to find Lin Zhiyi's child and carry out the kidnapping. Xu Yang did not commit a crime, but he was at fault.

    Coupled with the fact that he has such a bad reputation in the company now, it's good that Lin Zhiyi didn't retaliate against him.

    "I see, I will cooperate with Mr. Yang."

    After Xu Yang left, the assistant came in and handed him two documents to be signed.

    What the chairman does most is to communicate with his subordinates. Lin Zhiyi was not a person who was good at words, but it may be Lin Yande's affairs and the existence of Juanjuan that made him mature instantly. However, Li has unexpectedly prestige, coupled with his flexible mind and decisive handling of problems, Dingsheng's performance in January has reached a new high.

    Soon, we will enter the last few days of the end of the year.

    The busiest thing was finances, and Lin Zhiyi had some free time, so he slipped to the early education class to accompany the examination papers when he saw that he had nothing to do.

    Juanjuan was very strong when he was alone. Although he kept falling down because of his small size, he never cried, but when Lin Zhiyi came, he immediately turned into a little crying bag, holding Lin Zhiyi with a grievance look like.

    The teacher walked over with tea and said: "Mr. Lin, you are here. Zhou Zhimeng's behavior is getting better and better. Last week, he was often embarrassed. When queuing up, he either stood at the end or stood at the back. Now He has slowly started to stand in the middle."

    Lin Zhiyi smiled and said, "I also feel that he has become more cheerful."

    Just at this time Zhou Huaisheng rushed over, and he was stunned, "Why are you here, Zhiyi?"

    "I can't come? I want to roll."

    Juan immediately hugged Lin Zhiyi, and kissed Lin Zhiyi's face.

    Zhou Huaisheng smiled, walked up and held Lin Zhiyi's hand, the two left the early education class side by side, and passed a jewelry store when they went downstairs, there was a pair of new rings in the window, Zhou Huaisheng took a second look, and wrote down up the price.

    "I want that." Lin Zhiyi pointed to three little bear dolls in a toy store. The surface was made of cloth and had no hair. The two big ones and one small were sitting side by side in the window.

    "Do you want Juanjuan?" Lin Zhiyi asked the questionnaire.

    Juanjuan nodded and said, "Yes!"

    Zhou Huaisheng walked into the toy store, asked the price without any hesitation, and asked the boss to get the unopened one. Lin Zhiyi and Juanjuan laughed, "Open it when you get home, okay?"

    Juanjuan decided to be cooler, and he only said one word, "Okay!"

    Lin Zhiyi thought it was cute no matter how he looked at it.

    When he went down to the first floor, he ran into Lu Jincheng head-on. Lu Jincheng was probably inspecting the work. He was a little surprised when he saw a family of three, "Why are you here?" "

    Jujuan is in the early childhood education class upstairs." Lin Zhiyi said.

    Lu Jincheng took the scroll into his arms and weighed it, "The little guy has grown flesh."

    "How are you doing?" Lin Zhiyi asked.

    "It's pretty good. The Chinese New Year is almost here. Just get over the busiest days in the mall." Lu Jincheng turned to Zhou Huaisheng, "I heard from Zhiyi that your work is going well now." "Yes." Zhou Huaisheng

    replied .

    Lin Zhiyi embraced Zhou Huaisheng's arm, tilted his head and looked at him with a smile: "It's going very well, and I've started to teach him how to write proposals these days." "Yo, the next step is to start a company, and the next step is to

    annex Ding Sheng."

    Zhou Huaisheng waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu, don't make fun of me."

    Lin Zhiyi suddenly thought of something when he heard the word annexation, and tiptoed into Zhou Huaisheng's ear and said two nasty words , Zhou Huaisheng helplessly reached out and squeezed his waist.

    Lu Jincheng was inexplicably upset, bowed his head and curled his eyes wide and small, Juan Juan didn't understand, so at first he wanted to be cool and silent, but seeing that Uncle Lu seemed to be troubled, he had no choice but to lean on Lu Jincheng's shoulder reluctantly, saying : "Uncle, don't be unhappy."

    Lu Jincheng slapped his heart, thinking of the man on the hospital bed, the original plan was to marry him home this year, but it seems that the progress is speeding up.

    I have to give birth to a cub early and make a baby kiss with Juanjuan.
