
L/N - Your Last Name

Y/N - Your Name

H/C - Hair Color

F/C - Fav Color

SF/C - Second Fav Color

F/ N - Fav Animal

F/G - Fav gem

H/L - Hair Length

T/S/F/A/M - The Sound Fav Animal Makes

~Shall be updated as goes on!~

~4 weeks later~

Y/N's P.O.V

We have returned back to the village, and i'm the middle of okay and dying. It's gotten to the point the only 2 times I have gone out was when Garroth and I went on another date, and when i attempted to guard again but couldn't because the was i was in...

I sat down on my couch and looked at my bracelet, it was flashing Blue, Green, and red

Red - dying 
Green - Healing
Blue - Sad

I Sighed, red was only light and green was glowing brighter then it was when Garroth first stuck my bracelet back on me..Slowly healing..Slowly...I got up and got a sack and fed Lola and looked at my book shelf and noticed half of the books I have, i never got to read. I Took a stack of books and set them down next to couch making Lola's head pop up.

I laughed and sat down and picked up a book "The White Dress" it was called "By TheGirlOfFanfics" I love when people try to hide that it's them. They always choose cool names, and you never know if you know them or not! I sat down and started reading.

It happens i only have book 2, and not book 1, that happens to be called "Old Guard, New Feelings" i just kept reading anyways because its 7 in the morning and I have nothing better to do! The book ended vary sadly but also good..When the parents died trying to make sure their youngest was okay..

I just i'm just giving out spoilers, and a lot of people hate them! but just hint, the kid goes to his aunt's back in O'Mlistic! I smiled by the time i finished the last book it was only 2 in the afternoon. I sighed and got up to eat something, I love reading when you have nothing else to do!


DON'T WORRY I AM STILL THINKING ABOUT THE SECOND BOOK'S ENDING!! And i wanted to know, near the end would you mind if I added my oc? If so here is info on her! 

Name: Princess 
Last name: Ro'meave (if realted to Garroth) Zvahl (If realted to Laurance) 
Brother(s) or Sister(s): Vylad,Garroth, And Zane (if last name is Ro'meave) Cadenza and Laurence (if last name is Zavahl)
Likes: Friendly things, Helping, and more
Dislikes: evil things, being rude, and things like that
Pets?: Yes, two dogs named Hunter and Bell 

 Info on pets if have them: 

Name: Bell
Male or Female: Female
Dog or cat: Dog
Owner: Princess 
Type: Collie (puppy)

Name: Hunter
Male or Female: Male
Dog or cat: Dog
Owner: Princess
Type: Golden Retriever (Puppy)

Please tell me if you would enjoy if Princess got added to the book, and if she should be realted to the boys or Cadenza and Laurence! thank you!
