

Third person pov.

Seungmin woke up tied in a chair with no chance of escaping. He was scared but then realized that he was black belted in taekwondo. He was too scared and couldn't move at that time It was very different for him.


Third person pov.

Meanwhile at skz's dorm chan was starting to get worried since seungmin is not back yet when he heard a knock. Chan opened the door and it was lee know asking him if he saw seungmin since he woke up with no one beside him. Chan told him that he left a while ago then never come back. Lee know grabbed his phone then called for seungmin but no one answered. Both of them started to get worried and checked his location but it was off(Damn yuna is smart). They also checked the whole mansion but he wasn't there. They started thinking that he might have been kidnapped but who did it.



Old man👴: anyone saw seungmin?

Gymaddict🏋️: no




Innie♥️: no hyung is there anything wrong?

Minhoe🤬: he hasn't come home yet

Old man👴: its almost night

Dramaticasf🥟:he wouldn't get kidnapped right? he is strong like really he once hit me and it took days for it to heal

Innie♥️: or you are just dramatic but when did he left hyung he might just be eating dinner or sleeping somewhere else for tonight

Old man👴:he left at 2pm now its 7pm and he isn't answering me and minho's calls his location is also turned off.

Onetwothree🥇🥈🥉:thats strage

Sunshine☀️: what did min tell you before he left

Old man👴: he said that he will go to a nearby store to buy snacks

Gymaddict🏋️: no one will buy snacks for 5 hours


Third person pov.

They all started to get worried and thought that he really got kidnapped so they called the police and jyp and he was mad i mean who wouldn't its his son that is kidnapped and he called many police to find him.


Third person pov.

Yuna's boyfriend opened the door and gave seungmin a tray of food. Seungmin didn't know who the guy was. The guy left to go who knows where and locked the door. Seungmin thought that they were smart at first but now he thinks that they are dumb since how will he eat if both of his hand is tied. He then saw his phone on the table and thinked of an escape plan and decided to do it tomorrow.

