sHIT HERO IS MAD also polly! :D

Basil -> Polly 6:25 pm

Basil: Hello Polly!!

Polly: Ah hello Basil!

Basil: How does it feel like finally having a phone??? :D

Polly: Come on, Basil, don't treat me like an old lady, I know how to use a phone

Basil: Hehe! Sorry not sorry

Polly: Heyyy

Basil: Pfft I'm sorry, Polly -w-

Polly: Boy, you better be, or no pasta for dinner tonight


Polly: Not anymore if you're going to keep talking like that, flower boy 🙃

Basil: Ahhh sorry!!

Polly: Haha got em

Polly: I was only kidding, by the way haha

Basil: O h

Polly: Who wouldn't give the best flower boy some pasta?

Basil: GAH Pollyyy!! You're embarrassing me in public and you're not even here! ><

Polly: Hehe! Sorry not sorry!

Basil: :')

Polly: By the way, did you apply for a part-time job at that flower shop?

Basil: Oh yeah!! Hopefully, I'll get it!! ^^"

Polly: I'm sure you will, Basil! You're the best gardener around! You can even provide fun facts about flowers to costumers

Basil: Yeah I know!! I'm thinking it could be fun!

Polly: I'm sure it will be, Basil.

Polly: Now come home quickly before the pasta turns cold!

Basil: Oh!!! I'll be there soon!!

Polly: Bye for now, Basil

Basil: Bye bye!!

Polly is now offline

Basil is now offline

Hero -> Kel 6:43 pm

Hero: Keeeeeel please console me.

Kel: eh??? whats up hero??

Hero: I am experiencing anxiety at its finest.

Kel: h u h ?

Hero: My college group chat is a complete NIGHTMARE! Charlotte just keeps spamming annoying pictures instead of doing her work while Stellar yells at her and Will and Mia are just... there!

Kel: uh-

Hero: They're so goddamn annoying I just wanna throw a chair at their dumbass faces!

Hero: And I know better than just unleashing my anger on them, so please, Kel, h e l p m e.

Kel: I-

Hero: I don't know what to dooo!

Kel: ...u know i think its better if u dont bottle up that anger or ignore it cuz its gonna become worse over time

Kel: its better 4 u 2 let it out b4 it actually hurts some1

Hero: That's... oddly mature of you.

Kel: ehh isnt that smth every1 knows?

Hero: Well, yeah, I just didn't expect you to be so... mature.

Kel: heh i have my moments uwu

Hero: You say to "let out my anger", but to what? I can't just scream at them.

Kel: uhhhh whatever u want ig? idk

Kel: oh! u can let it out on me!

Hero: NO.

Hero: We are NOT doing that. There's no way in hell I'm hurting you again.

Kel: its fine rlly

Kel: if it makes u feel better then u can yell at me all u want

Hero: No. Never again.

Hero: And that's final.

Kel: jeez fine-

Hero: Good.

Kel: then what do we do?

Hero: I'll go ask different people for help, I guess.

Kel: aight good luck bro

Hero: Thanks, Kel.

Hero -> Aubrey 6:56 pm

Hero: Hey Aubrey, could you help me with something?

Aubrey: uh sure what is it

Hero sent a screenshot

Hero: You're the only other person I think could help me.

Aubrey: you want to unleash your anger at something, but you dont want to hurt anyone?

Hero: Now that you say it like that, I feel really stupid asking people to help me with this.

Aubrey: nah nah its good

Aubrey: i can help you with this

Hero: Really?

Aubrey: yep

Aubrey: its simple

Aubrey: but first you gotta promise me you'll send me a screenshot of the outcome

Hero: What are you going to make me do?

Aubrey: dont worry about it

Aubrey: so here's what's gonna happen

budie bud budz 7:23 pm

Aubrey forwarded a screenshot



Basil: What in the world?!?!

Aubrey: Oh nothing I just convinced him on going off on his college mates B)

Basil: WHAT WHY???


Hero: I must admit, it was quite satisfying.

Kel: I-

Aubrey: Seeeee nothings wrong lmfaoooo

Kel: Holy shit he did go off on them


Basil: I feel bad for them-

Hero: Don't feel bad, they deserved it.

Basil: I-

Kel: who r u and where is my brother

Aubrey: he's gone

Aubrey: poofed

Aubrey: turned to ash

Aubrey: he got thanos snapped and will never come back

Aubrey: now its nothing but his empty, angry as fuck shell

Basil: oh god

Kel: NNOOOOOOoooo HeRo come back :'(

Hero: I'm here and I feel better than ever.

Basil: That's... good?? I guess??

Kel: I hope so

Aubrey: same i never want to encounter an angry hero tbh

Kel: Trust me, you don't.

Hero: I'm still sorry about that.

Kel: s h u s h

Kel: its in the past now >:(

Basil: ...I feel like I missed out on something???

Aubrey: same

Aubrey: not sure i want to know what it is

Hero: Even if you do, I'm not going to explain it to you.

Kel: ye

Kel: but anyway holy fucking shit, you fricking killed them bro

Basil: I think that's putting it lightly

Aubrey: lmfao saaame

Hero: Sorry...

Kel: oop there he is he's back!

Basil: Yaaay! :D

Aubrey: aw dammit

Hero: My anger is a one-time thing and it will never happen again.

Kel: two-time thing*

Hero: Right.

Aubrey: ur gonna tell me what this is about later, kel

Aubrey: one way or the other

Kel: that... sounds like a threat

Aubrey: it is.

Kel: wait shit

Basil: Oh boy-

Basil: I'll just... continue eating pasta, bye!!

Kel: NOOoo Basil save me :'(

Basil: I'm sorryyyyy!!

Basil is now offline

Hero: Do not threaten my brother, please.

Aubrey: no promises

Kel: ;-;
