Chapter 7

Time skip 2 days*

Buck POV

The past few days have been great me, Eddie and the kids have been spending time as a family in the apartment. We decided that Chris and him would stay with us for a few more nights and then we would go from there. We had shift again today and although I still hate to leave Ella I know she's safe with Carla and if I just go about everything like normal shift will go by fast hopefully.

The first few hours we are just chillin at the station hanging out and playing video games. We had a few medical calls but nothing big but of course the second we sit down for lunch the alarms go off for a big warehouse fire.

When we arrive on scene there are big flames already consuming the building. A guy runs up to Bobby telling him he's still got 2 people trapped inside. Bobby gave the orders for me and Eddie to go inside to look for the people and for hen and chim to start treating the people outside.

Me and eddie run inside hoping to locate these people quickly as the buildign could go anytime now. Luckily we found the first person already making their way towards the door we walked her out quickly then wen my searching for the male victim. "LAFD call out if you can hear me!@ I shouted hoping to get a response. "LAFD" I say again. I heard a whine coming from the other side of the room. "Eddie over there!" I shout so he could hear me. " Cap we heard the guy we are trying to locate now" Eddie says over the radio updating Bobby on our status. " Copy that. Diaz Buckley move your asses this thing is getting unstable." Cap responds i Troy and focuse on my job and just get things done. We locate the guy he's trapped under a macheline me and Eddie are slowly but surely getting it off of him when cap yell off er the radio. "Evacute all units evactuate now the buildign gonna blow!" Me and Eddie look at each other I can feel my heart race. Before it wasn't a problem I would have stayed and disobeyed orders to save a life but now I have ella Chris and Eddie I don't know what to do.

"Buck come on we got to go we both have kids now let's go." Eddie says grabbing the halligan front he ground. He was right we did but what if this guys also had kids I couldn't just leave him here to die. So I used every ounce of strength I could and started lifting the machine up off the guy.

Eddie POV

I saw that look in Bucks eye he wasn't going to leave every time he gets that look one of us ends up injured. I decide that I wasn't going to let him go down bulybhimself and it would make it quicker if we both stayed. So I jumped down and started to pull the guy from beneath the machine. I could here Bobby shouting through the radio for us to evacuate using every threat he could muster we were gonna be in deep shit for this one.

The flames were getting hotter and the smoke thicker once the guy was freed we moved as fast as we could out of the building. We got about a foot out of the building before it blew. All three of us were thrown the the ground with a hard hit. Next thing I know is I see black.

I wake up in the ambo with a killer headache, Hen looking over at a nasty gash on my head from the blast. I instantly started to panic I didn't see Buck and we weren't moving . " Calm down lover boy Bucks outside getting checked out by Chim. You passed out and he was mighty worried." I sighed in relief deciding to ignore her 'lover boy' comment.

Buck POV

We barely made it out of the building when it exploded. Me and the victim were thrown one way and Eddie was thrown a few feet away from us. I can hear the yells from hen, cap and Chim as well as other firefighters around us I decide to now lift my head up and look around. I see hen and Chim running towards me and the victim while another paramedic team run to Eddie. When I look over at him I don't see him moving, and his eyes are closed and I start to get worried.

I didn't know how serious I'm he might have been injured but I knew it was my fault. If I listened to cap and gotten out of there immediately eddie wouldnt be hurt we would all be safe. All the thoughts are running through my head as a third paramedic team rund over to the victim we saved while hen and Chim start looking over me. "I'm fine please go help Eddie!" I shout not wanting strangers working on my boyfriend, needing to know if he was okay. "Fine but as soon as we confirm he's okay one of us is looking after you." Hen says calmly before they take off towards eddie.

They roll the stretcher over and a few firefighters pit him in it then he's moved to the back of the ambulance. I just stand there not knowing what to do or where to go. "Come onย  let's go wait for them by the ambo." Caps says in a monotone voice. I know it's my fault Eddie's hurt and so does everyone else. I did this.

We wait outside the ambulance for news of how bad it is. At some point which I don't remember Cap walks away to go fill in the cheif. Chim gets out of the ambulance and walk over with the med bag and starts checking me out. "How's Eddie is he okay?" I question Chim. "Eddie's fine he was knocked out front when hit he'll have one hell of a headache when he wakes up but is fine." He finishes making me sigh in relief. This wasn't out of the ordinary for us when the other would get hurt we would kinda lose it so nobody was suspicious that I was worried thankfully.

I let chimney check me out as promised while silently running through all of the possible outcomes that could have happened. Eddie could have died or been seriously injured, hell I could have died or been seriously injured. All of the what ifs ran through my head until I heard the ambulance doors open revealing hen and Eddie. I could have cried when I saw how beat up he looked with cuts and scrapes all over his face and arms. He also looked exhausted and worried. Was he worried about me? I thought to myself. Hen and chim walked off and the second they did he pulled me into a hug. I stood frozen scared that if I moved I might break. I had never felt this way before but that's nothing new since I die walked into my life everything's a new feeling.

3rd POV

Eddie hugged him for what felt like forever but was only a minute before pulling away. "Come on baby let's go home." Eddie said in a quiet voice so nobody else around could here. "I thought you were gonna stay at your place tonight?" Buck responded as they started making there way back to the truck since they saw everyone else packing the gear up. "I was going to but after this whole disaster I just want to cuddle with you,Chris and Ella. Just us being a family. If that's okay with you of course." Eddie said in a pleading tone he really needed to make sure they were okay.

"Of course it's okay with me I want that to." Buck said now smiling as they dropped the topic while they hoped into the truck. Both men were all smiles as they got dressed into 'street' clothes and hoped on the truck after saying goodbye to their friends. They were met at the apartment with a still awake Ella and Chris all smiles excited to see Buck and Eddie. Carla left them wishing a goodnight and well wishes little did they know Chris told her about their little confession. She was happy for them to finally be happy.

The group cuddled on the couch for awhile watching a Disney movie and eating popcorn before bed. That night the two men went to sleep with a peace knowing that with each other and the kids they would get over any hurdle.

If only it was that simple

But why can I imagine Eddie putting Ella in this!^^
A/N- so haven't updated in awhile sorry about that but made it through vacation so with hopefully start updating more often. Anyways enjoy :) also we love their optimism it's so innocent ๐Ÿ˜‡
Word count: 1498
