Fourteen: Consequences

I sit in stunned silence as one of Renly's spies from Kings Landing tells me Tyrion's plan of attack for tonight. People are muttering about him being 'no better than the Mad King' and 'it's a monstrosity'. Others await my reaction.

"Quiet." Everyone hushes at my demand, "Lord Tyrion is planning something we would expect from a Targaryen. A mad one at that. We cannot stop it, we have learnt of it too late. But we can use it, to show the people of Westeros who the Lannisters are and what they do!" I'm standing up now, "this is what they do. They brutally murder, they burn their enemies on their ships instead of fighting them on the battlefield! This tells us what to expect! It tells us how we must lay siege to the Red Keep when the time comes! It shows us what we are fighting for is just, for a realm not cowering in fear! For a realm of peace and happiness! This shows us that we must go on, through hardship and loss!" I look at the Karstarks, "because this is who they are and what they do!"

I go silent and for second no one says a thing, leaving me worrying if I sounded like a blundering fool. Then someone from the crowd yells, "Queen Isabelle!"

Everyone follows yelling my name and sure I can look like a queen but I can't stop thinking about Tyrion. What if I had attacked the Blackwater? Would he have engulfed me in wildfire?

Later that night I'm sitting with my council, a meeting that I called. "With the knowledge we now have of the Lannister battle plan I feel we should add a new law, I plan on calling crimes against humanity. What does everyone think?"

"It shows that you think about your people not just the lords and ladies of Westeros" Catelyn says.

"I agree but who do you intend on charging with it? Just Lord Tyrion?" Lord Edmure asks.

"Lord Tyrion for the Battle of the Blackwater and Lord Tywin. For Castamere. He killed men, women and children uninvolved in the battle and that is surely a crime against humanity" I answer.

"This news of a new law must be spread around immediately, around the people as well as the lords" Edmure advises.

"Could you please see to that for me Lord Edmure?"

"Of course my queen."

The small meeting ends there and I make my way to the tallest tower of the keep. Many stairs later I'm at the top, looking up at the stars. Men are dying now, painfully, being drowned and burned and shot at. Balon Greyjoy will lose this battle no doubt and we have to find a way to cross because Robb's decided that he wants to go back North. I'd bet all the money I have that he crosses at the Twins and changes his mind. Decides to send Bolton men instead and will have to beg a favour off Lord Frey.

I'm worried about meeting Oberyn again, he's said to arrive in, at a maximum, two days. He has Ellaria and if he marries me then that will have to stop. What if he hates me for that?

War is less complicated than this. Even losing some of Robb's men while he goes running off North like a twat. "Hold Riverrun" he says to me. I told him, loudly, in front of everyone that I am his queen and he will not demand anything of me and if I see an opportunity to gain land while he's gone I will. I also told him if he thinks I will miss my chance to take Casterly Rock then he is much mistaken.

Robb proceeded to apologise then retire. It will be harder to take the Rock than Kings Landing. The Rock is almost two leagues wide from the furthest point east to the furthest part west. I won't need it if I take Kings Landing first but passing between it and the Reach will be difficult as the Tyrells left Renly.

There's a scream and I, as well as my Queensguard rush toward it. I find Renly dying on the floor. "No, no, no, no, no!" I kneel next to him, "don't leave me Ren, please don't leave me alone." Slowly the life fades away from him and sobs shake my body. I can barely see through tears. He's gone. Gone! Why?!

I start tipping tables in his room. Why would someone do this?! He didn't deserve this!  "Uncle Ren?" suddenly k feel really small and collapse beside him. "Wake up, please wake up" I beg while Ser Willam stands in the doorway. "Wake up!" I yell. The knife's still in him and on the hilt the words hear me roar are engraved. Tywin.

"You will die for this Tywin Lannister. If you thought I was a threat before this then you better fear me now. I won't hear you roar though, I will hear you beg for your life" I say to the knife.

You better watch your back Tywin, Cersei, Joffrey, Tyrion. Because Renly was a Baratheon. I am a Baratheon and Stannis is a Baratheon. And Ours is the Fury.

A/N Hi everyone! I know this is different but it's fuel for Isabelle. Hope you like it and thanks for reading 💙💙
