Ch9 Interlude

(Warnings: Mentions of blood and Wounds and the horrible conditions the mers went through.)



You didn't have a chance to finish before you were suddenly gripped around the waist by one extremely emotional mermaid and yanked forward. You remembered some pain from knocking into some of the others before you were suddenly in the giant tub under the water. A second later you were pulled back up by desperate hands as you stuttered and spat out water. 

"SHE'S BLEEDING! SHE'S BLEEDING!!," Suma wailed out as she gripped onto your shoulders still crying. "Aaaaaaahhhahahaaaaa!!"

Makio, Hinatsuru, and the new merman stared at you both tears still streaming down their faces and holding one another..but just staring. Eventually they all looked at one another before Makio broke the silence.

"Exactly w-where is she bleeding from?"

"Her fa-faaaaaace!!"

"Suma, there's no blood on her face."

Suma instantly stopped to stare at them, sniffled, and then turned to your deadpanned face. Her blue eyes widened in shock before she reached out to rub along your not hurt face. "But ... Where'd it go?"

"AH!! You must've mistaken the blood on her for mine!", the merman exclaimed loudly making the three look at him.

Uh oh.

"YOUR BLOOD!?," Hinatsuru asked horrified seeming to just now take notice that her friend had visible injuries and dried blood on his body.

"INDEED! She saved my life with medical kissing!!"

The silence was so full you could hear a pin drop outside of the rain. ..The girls again looked at your horrified face before you facepalmed yourself. Why? Why you? Why did this always happen to you?

"For the last time it's NOT kissing! It's CPR!," you practically shouted from where you stood in the water.

"My apologies!," he shouted again.

"Let's back up real quick."

Again they all looked at one another as you waded through the water and pulled yourself out of the tub and onto the edge. At least you were already wet from the river and rain so it wasn't a big deal. Everyone silently watched as you wrung your dress out and horrifiedly noticed that there was a trail of water and blood across your floor from the merman dragging himself along your house. You'd have to clean that up right away before anyone saw. Your head turned back on them all still staring back on you. But first things first. There was a matter of emergency. They watched you quickly walk to the shelf, and just grab multiple bottles and clothes before coming back and stopping in front of them.

"Alright, Everyone. Bath time!" You dropped the bottles off in front of the tub. They flinched as the bottles thudded along the tiles.

The man blinked. "Bath?"

"Yes. You smell like fish and blood. Plus the rest of you could use a cleaning too!" You pointed directly at the man who looked cross eyed at your finger. "Get him cleaned up so I can take a look at those cuts! I'll be back after I take care of a few things."

Those few things being taking a quick bath in the guest room and mopping up the mess he left behind before anyone saw it. You were swift in your actions. Despite the coldness of the water you quickly bathed before dragging a mop and bucket full of water to the front where to your disgust, it smelt heavily of copper and fish. It was a disgusting scent that almost caused you to vomit. Instead you dunked the mop into the bucket and began scrubbing away the blood and dirty water trail. Following the trail from the front door and down the hall reaching the doorway before opening it and just coming right in. The door opening startled the man on the inside causing him to snap his head over to the door. You paid him no mind just continuing to mop your way into the room following the trail to the bath. Steam hit you as the four of them stared back at you. 

"Are you done?" You took a glance up. The man was looking at you, looking cleaner but not quite there yet. Hinatsuru was rubbing suds through his hair as the other two paid attention to his tail carefully rubbing it down along the strange fins.

"Not quite but we'll be quick," Hinatsuru answered going back to work on the blonde's hair making him close an eye.

"Good. I'll grab you some more dresses to borrow in the meantime. " With a final dunk you paused a moment to look over the four of them as they worked. "....How are you feeling, Sir?"

"IM STILL IN INCREDIBLE PAIN!", He shouted back to you making you blink. "But I'm feeling much better knowing that my wives are alive and well!"

You just...stared. "Oh..Ok. Um. How's your wounds look?"

"They're not at all deep! I'll be healed in approximately a month's time!"

Did he always shout his answers? "Well even if you're sure you're ok, I should still bandage you up. Finish cleaning up and I'll bring you all some clothes and food." F/c eyes looked him over. He stopped bleeding but you could still see the cuts along his forehead and chest and the largest one down his bright tail as Suma and Makio worked soap carefully along his scales. "I-...I-I don't know if I have enough bandages to cover all of those wounds. B-But I'll see what I can do."

"Anything you can do for him is fine." Hinatsuru waved a soapy hand at you. "Don't worry about us. Go do what you need to."

Four pairs of eyes watched you leave taking the mop and bucket of dirty bloody water with you. The door closed behind your retreating form and once again there was silence except for the heavy storm outside. He laid still and silent for his wives, content to let the three continue their tasks. To be perfectly honest it felt pretty nice having them run their hands along him rubbing the...Soap the human called it over him. He wasn't sure what this weird smelling gel stuff was, but it didn't smell too bad. Smelt like sweet flowers as it was worked over his body by the three. For what felt like forever he finally spoke when Hinatsuru went to go rinse his hair of the strange concoction. 

"Is that a danger?" The pink haired mermaid paused in her actions of lowering him back down into the water with a blink. The head of golden suds nodded up towards the door. "The human?"

"Y/n?" Then something happened that completely caught him off guard. Hinatsuru frowned upon him. "Of course not. It's thanks to her that we're even alive."

Brows rose higher up on his face. "Really? Well color me surprised. EXPLAIN PLEASE!"

The loud boisterous voice earned him a round of giggles that made his heart beat up out of his chest and his body long to hold them instead as he was lowered down to be submerged. Mud, soap, and dried blood being washed away from his body surprisingly he felt much better. 

"Remember how we explained how we ended up in that tank?" He nodded. Yes. They had explained most of their life away from him before the human had come back to mop up his blood trail. "Well, she was the one who got us out. She brought us here and fed us, kept us clean, and practically provided everything we asked for or needed. I fear she's becoming very stressed about how difficult it's become for her."

"Is that so? I am not surprised when she insisted on helping me. I am unsure of how true it is, but she informed me that I had stopped breathing!" The three paused. "If that's true then without her medical kissing I surely would've died!! I owe her a handful of gratitude for her heroic deeds!"


There was a loud splash as Makio dropped what was left of his tail in shock staring wide eyed at his smiling face. "BREATHING!! I did say that!"

"Uh. And you didn't think to mention that?!"


Makio looked ready to go throttle him out of frustration and might've if Suma didn't just slap a handful of soap on her hair and started humming along happy as can be now that Rengoku was here and a sign of Tengen had been revealed to them all. Makio jumped..but just accepted her fate as their usually crying counterpart continued to run at her back and head.

"I think she'd like that." Fiery eyes looked back up to Hinatsuru's smiling face. "If you thanked her I mean. It'd mean a lot to her...but there's also something that I think we can do for her." She gently rubbed at his head where he floated up on the water.

"Oh?" The way Makio and Suma had stopped to look at him and the tone in which Hinatsuru was using had caught his attention. "And what might that be, sunlights?"

There was a ripple effect of wide almost scheming smiles. "What do you think about Y/n so far?"

Well out of everything he certainly wasn't expecting THAT question. It came out of nowhere actually. One that made him give pause and his smile turn to a line as he blinked. What did he think of the human woman?

A hum escaped his throat as his arms crossed instinctively. ".... She's obviously a very selfless woman which is surprising of a human." He settled on which visibly pleased the other three. "She's clearly also very kind and compassionate by everything you told me and what I've personally witnessed. But I do have to question why you're asking me such a thing."

His answer was the three giving giddy excited smiles at him. To which made his heart once again skip a beat.

"Honey, just hear us out."
