another South Park oc

Name:Luna Thompson
Nickname:dumb@$$ (mainly by Cartman)
Age:10-16 (depends on rp)
Personality:kind, naive, easily impressed, easily manipulated, rebellious,  (though this trait isn't really unlocked until she's lived in south park for a bit)
Family: Gianna Thompson (mom), Luke Thompson (dad)
Looks:(before moving to south park) light brown hair,blue eyes, freckles (after living in south park for a bit she dyes her hair light purple)
Clothes:(before moving to south park) white sweater,black skirt,brown boots with fur on top (after moving to south park):grey jacket,red shirt with the words 'question authority' on it,ripped jeans,white tennis shoes
Friends: Cartman,Stan,Kyle, Kenny, Craig,token,Clyde,bebe,wendy
Backstory:Luna moved to south park when she was 8 but not for reasons you would think her parents be long to a cult and they moved to south park to convince other people to join the cult Luna grew up sheltered never being a loud outside till they moved making her rather naive to the outside world and her parents manipulating her and being super controlling most of her life definitely wasn't helping she makes friends with the other kids quickly this helped her come out of her shell and become independent much to her parents dismay since she stoped listening to them as much and started doing her own thing


Superhero name:  toxic Craswaisy
Powers:vines, blessing from mother nature (healing), flower power (she grows flowers around her enemy and sprays them with fumes dazing them for a few seconds before landing a solid punch)
Ultimate move:Venus fly trap
Kryptonite:how naive she is

(Art not mine)
Coon and friends or freedom pals:coon and friends)


Title: Luna the thief
Powers:what's in the dark comes to light, distraction (she uses a trick of sort to distract her enemy before attacking),pick Pocket

Kkk or elves: elves
Weapon: switch blade
