
Basic info

Name: -----

Age: 16 when I first shift

Birthday: valentines day

Social status: honorary pogue, Rich kid

Time Difference: 1 minute in CR is 1 day in DR

Location: Kildare County, North Carolina-Outer Banks

Job: volunteer at a local hospital clinic, and I work at a surf shack

Year: 2022


My eyes are a super light blue/ green color. My hair is long and pin-straight and it goes to my hips- it always looks like it has just been washed and dried and it always looks good. My hair is also a lot thicker and I have a lot of hair. My eyelashes are a tiny bit longer and fuller, I have no acne and I can't get any and my skin is always perfect and looks glowy- not oily. My eyebrows are always perfect- never any stray hairs. I don't have any eye bags or dark circles. My cheekbones and jaw are slightly more defined, and my teeth are perfect- they are super white and straight. I have a cute button nose proportional to my face. I have no double chin. I have a perfect hourglass body and a super flat stomach with toned abs. My boobs are a B cup- are proportional to each other and to my body. I am 5'3. My butt is slightly bigger, I don't have any hip dips and my glutes are bigger and still proportional to my butt and each other, and I have no stretch marks. I have no other hair on me except for the hair on my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. My knees aren't ugly and are the same size and are the same color as the rest of my legs. My nails are always perfectly manicured and are naturally long. My feet aren't ugly and my toes are proportional and they aren't crooked. My toes are also always perfectly manicured. I have the best side profile. My feet are also significantly smaller.  I don't look stupid when I run and when I'm doing any physical activity I still look pretty. Even though I do lots of sports I don't have a bulky body and I am very slim. I also have the perfect smile with dimples and all. My lips are always moisturized/glossy. I have perfect posture. I have the best side profile. I have a small sea turtle tattoo on my right ankle and a tiny dinosaur tattoo that I got with Kie on the side of my right index finger. I have a belly piercing and a constellation ear piercing. No one ever thinks I look bad or weird in anything. I am prettier than Sarah Cameron.  In conclusion, I am the hottest and prettiest person in America.


I have no uterus (No children 🤭) but that doesn't cause any medical issues. I NEVER get sick. I don't get any cramps. I have a fast metabolism, I never have body odor and my armpits never stink or sweat. The only hair on my body is the hair on my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes.


I am extremely good at surfing, I can play any instrument, I can hold my breath for a long time. I am the best at cheerleading. I can do any skill/ stunt in any sport. I can also sing like Madison beer and I can read sheet music very easily. I'm great at painting and drawing and anything with art and I am extremely creative. I can swim extremely fast. I am great at acting. I can play/do every sport like a professional. I never lose any competition. I can read sheet music and I can sing beautifully.. I can paint better than Edgar Degas and I know how to hit every note in music and how to draw or paint anything and perfectly execute everything. I can bake and cook anything and everything perfectly and can make up my own recipes that taste great. I am classically trained in everything. I can speak, read, and write every single language with perfect accents. I take ballet and I get the lead in every showcase. I am the most talented in anything I do.  I never forget choreography and I execute everything perfectly.


In 2021 Is my 9th grade year except that year I am in California. In 2022 is when I return back to Kildare and I am a sophomore who attends Kildare High.  I excel in school and I am the smartest one in school. All teachers and staff love me. School is extremely easy for me and I never have to do any assignments. I only get A's on my tests and assignments without even trying. I am a very good writer and I understand math and science. I have at least one of my best friends in every single one of my classes and we sit together and our teachers never separate us. I am in all advanced, honors, and AP classes. When I attend Kildare High in my 7th period, French 2 class,  JJ,  John B, and Pope are in it with me. The only reason they're in that class is because I translate for them and give them answers. Every year school starts on the second Monday of August and ends on the last Friday of April. I have perfect handwriting and I can write in cursive in all languages I know.
