Chapter 8

Sorry guys for the long wait but the good news is that I finish the whole story. 


Bella POV:

I arrived home after my shift at the hotel, tired and exhausted. The pain in my body was unbearable, but I had gotten used to it over the years. As soon as I entered the house, I felt a shiver down my spine. I knew what awaited me. My aunt and Diya were waiting for me, wearing their cruel smiles.

"Where do you think you're going, you useless girl?" my aunt spat at me.

"I-I just came back from work," I stammered, hoping they would spare me tonight.

"Well, you're not going anywhere until you finish the chores," Diya growled, her eyes filled with hatred.

I knew better than to argue with them. I quickly changed into my cleaning attire and got to work. As I swept the floors, my mind drifted back to the hotel, to Mahir. The way he looked at me, the way he called me beautiful. It was the first time someone had ever said those words to me, and it made me feel something I hadn't felt in a long time - hope.

But as much as I wanted to escape from this hell, I couldn't. I couldn't leave my aunt because she was the one who raised me after my parents died. I thought I deserved everything that was being done to me. I thought I was a curse, bringing nothing but trouble and pain to those around me.

The abuse from my aunt and cousin was not just physical, it was also verbal. They told me I was ugly, disgusting, and that I should just kill myself. Their words cut deep, leaving scars on my heart that would never heal. But they were wrong. I knew I wasn't ugly, even if no one else could see it. And somewhere deep inside me, buried under all the pain, I still had a flicker of hope that things would get better one day.

I finished my chores and retreated to my room, the only place where I felt a semblance of safety. The room was small and cramped, but it was my sanctuary. I locked the door behind me and collapsed on the bed, exhaustion taking over. But sleep didn't come easily. Nightmares haunted my dreams, reminding me of the darkness that surrounded me.


Thank you @sweetymuya for your support and thank you for commenting. 

@4writergal4 thank you for commenting.

Thank you @RozyKumari6 for your support and thank you for commenting.

Thank you @ThahsinaThahsi for your support and thank you for commenting.

@SafeenaAmjad thank you for commenting. 

@Asya_ksg_sj thank you for commenting.

Thank you @PoonamSharma102 for your support and thank you for commenting. 
