"He was eating my pussy and I jumped sooo damn fast when I felt his tongue on my bootyhole." Serayah explained as we stepped into Orlando Outlet Marketplace, an outlet mall in Orlando

"Girlll, you ain't like it?" I looked at her with my mouth open

"It was surprising, Ion think nothing should go in yo' butt." She shook her head, typing her password into her phone

"I ain't never tried nothing in the butt and I'm sure I can go without." I said, for surely based off how she was making it seem

"No, for real. Let's go to UGG though." She said, looking towards it

"What he said after you jumped?" I asked, curiously as we walked towards UGG

"He was like "youn like that?" and I told him no, so then he just said "my bad" and he asked to fuck." She shrugged

"He had some good ass small dick too." She nodded, raising her eyebrow at me

"It ain't about the size of the wave, it's about the motion." I laughed and we clapped hands in agreement before walking into the store

"Then big dicks will f yo' life up though." I added

"Seriously." She co-signed, then we went to the footwear section of the store

"These cute." I stated, picking up the tan Tasman UGG

"We should get matching ones, but I want black." She inquired

"I'll get myself tan and then we can go black together."

A worker walked up to us with a huge smile, she was white and looked to be in her twenties. "You guys need help finding anything?"

"Uh, yeah. Can we get two of the black Tasman's and just one of the tan one's, size six." Serayah spoke

"All of them size six?" She asked and I nodded, then she walked towards the back

As I sat down I was texting my mom back. She had cooked and asked me if I wanted a plate, I of course said yes

I hadn't talked to the stalker in about a week since he left me at that bank. I was mad when it happened, but later I was calmer about it

I could understand why he left. If I was being accused of killing people, I would've let them out too, so they can stop worrying, but he still shouldn't have did that

"Here you areeee." The woman came back, placing the shoe boxes alongside me

"Thank you." I thanked her

Then, we tried on the UGGs and they fit nicely. "I'll pay for our matching ones." Serayah stated

"Okay." I said, I was fine with it

I stood up, after putting my shoe back in the box and we went up to the register

She went up first to pay for our two pairs, then I paid for my one pair. We were given a receipt and bags before leaving out

"I think I wanna go to Nike, get me some sportswear and work out attire." I said

"Girllllaaa, you don't even work out." She laughed at me, causing me to shoot her a bird

"So? I like them clothes anyway and I be wearing my waist trainer." I laughed with her

Working out never was my cup of tea, I just used to go on runs and sometimes to the gym with my dad when I did live with him. I began to dislike it because he took it too seriously since he liked to stay in shape for his job

"Whatever you say." She playfully waved me off

We went to the Nike store and this fine ass worker on the floor immediately came up to assist us

"Y'all ladies need anything?" He asked, tossing around the green Jordan 2 he had in his hand

"Yeah, we trying to see where the active wear at." Serayah spoke

"Umm, right over there." He thought about it, then pointed us in that direction

"Thank you, boo."

The two of us made way over there and I started to look around. I picked out a pink sportswear Phoenix Fleece matching set and a green one

Afterwards, I got about five activewear long sleeve shirts with three pairs of Nike Pro's

"I'm ready to check out." I told Serayah and she nodded, following behind me into the long line

There was a white family with two boys and one of them did a back flip, hitting me in my kneecaps

"Damn, bitch!" I exclaimed, falling down on my knees

I had on a sage green two piece set from Pretty Little Things and it had no support at all, so my knees was stinging

"Conrad, getcho bitch ass over here." The mom snatched him up as I stood up. I didn't even know the mother was even cut like that

"Damn, girl." Serayah helped me up

"Bitch, I'm ready to get the fuck ASAP." I mumbled to her

"Me too." She agreed

I checked out fast and we left to go to Zara. "I'm looking for some jeans." She stated, going to the bottoms

"I might get a skirt." She added

"I'm finna go look at they sweaters and stuff." I informed, touching her shoulder as I was about to walk off


Once I walked over there, I looked around and most of it was basic, so I only got one sweatshirt that was graphic and hella colorful

Serayah came over to me with a denim, pleated skirt and a pair of Boyfriend jeans. "Them cute." I complimented

"Mhm." She nodded before we went towards the register

I decided to pay for her stuff and mine. Me and my best friend have a habit of just paying for each other shit

"Thank you, my baby." She kissed my cheek, holding my chin while we left out of Zara

"Let's go to Urban Outfitters."

"Okay." I replied

We cashed out in Urban Outfitters on bottoms, mostly pants and shorts. Afterwards, we headed to Louis Vuitton

I got a pair of black and white shoes, she got just purse. Then, we started walking to the food court

"Aye!" Two boys stopped up. They looked younger and like YouTubers

The both of us turned on our heels. "Huh?" I questioned

"Wassup, how old y'all is?" The shorter one asked. He was a brown tone, wearing a blue Nike tech, Nike slides, and a black beanie

"Too old for you." We said in unison. Best friend telepathy 

"Oh, y'all got jokes. We can interview y'all?" He asked, chuckling

We looked at each other, then back at each other. "Yeah." I said

"Ard, bet."

The taller, light skin one began to record as he stood in between us. "You know her man?" He asked me

"She don't got one."

"Ard, you know her man?" He asked her

"She don't got one."

"Damn, both y'all ass single. Alright, Ima just ask y'all questions." He shook his head, holding his phone downward


"First things first, what y'all names is?" He started



"Cute lil names, how old y'all is though?" He asked, crossing his arms

"Eighteen." We both said in unison

"Damn, I thought y'all was older than that. How many followers y'all got on IG?"

"150k." I answered

"127k." She answered

"Dayummm, y'all IG models assum?" He asked 

"I guess." She shrugged. That did have some truth in it

"Alright boom, y'all think I'm cute?"

"Ehhh, you look like a lil boy." She said, kind of iffy

"Yeah." I co-signed

"I got nice curls though, y'all wanna feel it?" He questioned and we both looked confused

"Sure." She said, then he tilted his head towards her

Soon as she started to feel on it, somebody walked by and snatched that shit. The "curls" was a whole wig

"Oh, my God!" I gasped loud as fuck and Serayah cupped her hands over her mouth in surprise

Quickly, we was dying laughing. "Bro, what the fuck!?" He yelled and chased after the boy

Me and my best friend had to get the fuck ASAP, we walked off to the food court immediately

"Bro, what the fuck. Let's get Chipotle." I said, still laughing

She nodded, calming her laughs and we went up to the Chipotle line which was short

We each got bowls. I got chicken, steak, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, corn, guacamole, and hella sour cream in it with a Sprite

"You ready?" I asked her as she got forks


Then, we walked out of the mall and to her car. The drive back to Jax was like three hours because of traffic

"Damn, hoe. Move." She honked the horn as somebody driving sloppy as we entered my parent's neighborhood

They got in front of us and she rolled her eyes, banging on the steering wheel

"And then they riding dirty." I laughed, seeing that their tag expired in 2022

"Should call them people on they non-driving ass." She scoffed, shaking her head

The car came to my parent's house and we both went in, I brung all my stuff and bags though

"Hey, Abuelita." I said, seeing that my grandma was there. She was standing in the kitchen, cooking

"Hola, Mami." She greeted me, then turned around and greeted Serayah too when she seen her

Serayah spoke to my momma and sister before I walked her back out to her and she left. I went back in quickly since it was about to rain

"¿Qué estáis cocinando?" I asked my grandma, coming in the kitchen

"Pernil y Arroz con gandules." She named Puerto Rican dishes, making me roll my eyes because I didn't like Pernil

I was speaking Spanish with my grandma since she is Puerto Rican and my granddad is Dominican, my grandparents on my dad side just plain black

"Mmkay." I said

"¿Ya has comido?" She asked, then I pointed at the Chipotle

"Okay, Gordita." She patted my shoulder tightly and went around

I rolled my eyes even more heavier. "Stop calling me that."

Five year old me was big as hell, so they gave me that nickname and it just stuck. I know it's a term of endearment, but damn. I'm not even fat no more

She stuck her tongue out, laughing at me before I decided to just walk away

"Mommy, where my mail?" I walked into my parents shared office, assuming she was in there

"In there." She pointed to a bunch of mail on her desk while on the phone with her phone resting on her shoulder

"Mhm, I sent everything over just now and just about everything will be set. There wasn't many finger prints though."

After picking out all the mail that had Chance Love on it, I went into my little sister's room

She was laying on her side, scrolling on her phone. "Cagona." I called her family nickname

She didn't reply, so I sucked my teeth and called her name two more times before mushing her arm

Finally, she looked at me like I was crazy and tapped her hearing aid. She's only deaf in one ear but she was laying on her "working" ear

"I had it off since Abuelita was being loud." She said as I sat on her bed

"I'm already knowing." I laughed

"You staying the night?" She asked, putting her phone down

"Unt unt, I came to get my car and speak to y'all." I said since I had my car delivered here for after the customizations I got on it


"Bye, boo. I love you." I kissed her cheek

"I love you."

I left out of her room and told my grandma and mother bye as well, my dad was at work

A smile went on my face, looking at the new customs on my car. I hopped in it and immediately started speeding

I made it to my apartment complex and went inside, after parking, getting my stuff, and putting in my passcode

When I walked in, I almost fell over a ballon. I frowned, seeing black roses and black balloons everywhere

"I just know." I mumbled even though I ain't know shit

I walked all the way into my bedroom and seen more of that shit with black balloons that said "Sorry"

Meadow walked into Chance's bedroom from the
bathroom connected to her room

He seen her standing in front of the bouquet of black roses with hundreds rapped around them and the black Chanel bag

"Meadow, unt unt." She turned around, seeing him

He sucked his teeth. "Mane, jit, come here." He stepped to her and wrapped his hands around her neck

She side-eyed, wanting to be let go. "I'm sorry fa putting you out like that, that was flaw as hell."

"Well, why couldn't you just tell me where the hell you was taking me instead of putting me out?" She mugged him

"Ion know for real, I was just going to my house right fast." He caressed her neck with his thumb

"I'm still sorry, shit wasn't right. I was overreacting." He apologized, sincerely. He felt bad for what he did, anything could've happened and he definitely would've rose hell if something did happen

Meadow hated apologizing, but he actually seen this was his fault. It took him long to find a way to apologize or even want to apologize

"You forgive me, pretty girl?" He got closer to her face, making eye contact

She wanted to tell him no so bad, but being called "pretty girl" did something to her. "Mmcht, I guess." She rolled her eyes

"You sho? I'm sorry for real."

"Mhm." She nodded slowly

He kept his eyes on her before planting soft, wet kisses on her lips. Off weakness, she kissed back with her hands going to the sides of his face

"Stop." She pulled back

"Still mad at you." She said, then he laughed and let go of her neck

Chance looked at the purse and grabbed the roses. "You know the key to my heart." She said, taking each bill off of each rose

"Mhm." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, tasting what was left of her

She stuffed the money in the purse with a smile on her face. "Now clean all this shit up." She wagged her finger
