Back To Me

It was hard to keep up with you. 

You walked fast, 

but they said we'd last and I thought  that too,

But you never stopped,

you never looked back.

You were walking,
and I was running behind you
like a madwoman chasing the sky.

You stopped,
you looked back,
we talked and you blamed it all on me.

Even though we crossed paths,
It seems, that I am still running behind you.

It's a maze
It's a trap
It's heaven in hell,
It's a divine sin.

You are the holy grain that I pray for,

You are the bitter sweet scent of sin.

Come back to me, just this once please.

I'd run miles and miles more,
I'd do any crime,
Any sin to get to you.

Would you please look back?

I've run miles and miles to get to you,
I went to every shrine that I knew,
I knocked at every door,
I looked everywhere,
I prayed to every god that I knew,
to get to you.

And I pray for you,
Oh you are my holy grain,

And in times of pain,
I imagine your smile,
your laugh and that evil twinkle in your eyes.

I keep it in mind,
and cherish you from afar,

You are my holy grain,
you are the heaven in hell,
you are the sin.

Come to me, I pray every night.
Cherish me, I pray every night.
Turn back and look at me,
I prayed every night.  

You turned a atheist into a worshiper.
A worshiper of your beauty.

I put myself behind you,
I saw you first,
I helped you first,

I forgot about myself,
it was just you in my mind.

You became the stars for me,
you were my healer,
you were my soul,
so much so, I promised myself,
I would never cue my love for you.

Because loving you was my obsession,
and getting hurt in return was my masochism.

So I let you walk away with a piece of me that day, that I were to never get back.

