[ the twins - no change. ]

[ ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ x ᴄʜᴜʙʙʏ!ɪɴsᴇᴄᴜʀᴇ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ʙᴇʟᴘʙᴇɢᴏʀ ]
[ ɴᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ]

this oneshot was requested by Nutty_Bootar2

this oneshot talks about sensitive topics, if you feel uncomfortable reading these, you should probably go to the next chapter.

you looked in the mirror, the thick skin hanging off was driving you insane.

you wished that you could've chopped it right off. and be beautiful.

you were always insecure when everybody looked at you. their eyes always traveled down to look at your figure.

they were always being nice to you, but your insecurities got the best of you.

at dinner, you were eyeing your food, wanting to take more bites.

you had to stop, just to be beautiful.

just to be beautiful to beel and belphie, was your only wish.

beel was also eyeing you, he was then looking at your food.

only small bites you did.

anything to get the thickness off.

beel tapped on your shoulder.

"hey, [ name ], can i have the rest of your food?" beel finally asked.

you nodded, and looked away.

you heard your plate sliding, loud munches, and then the plate sliding back.

you were 'full', you told yourself, and stood up, waving bye, and going into your room.

belphegor saw you slowly walk towards your room, and took note of that.

you stepped onto the scale, the scale was telling you that your weight is perfectly fine.

you never thought of it that way.

you always thought the scale was a lie.

you hid the scale under your bed, and then shrouded yourself in your own tears.

you silently cried, before you heard a knock.

"[ name ]?" a tired, but determined to stay awake voice spoke.

"b-belphegor?" you hiccuped.

"beel told me something was happening, we're both checking up on you." belphegor explained, trying to open the door.

you quickly turned over your wet pillows, you tried covering your puffy, red eyes.

you tried making it seem like you were just messing on your d.d.d, and you threw it on the bed.

you finally opened the door, and you saw beel and belphie, waiting for you.

"come in." you said, and they followed you in, closing the door afterwards.

"so, you guys need to check on me?" you said.

they didn't answer, so you got scared that you did something wrong.

'idiot! always! you could never do anything correct-'

you stopped with all the bad thoughts, when belphie and beel hugged you.

"[ name ], something's wrong." beel said, squeezing you a bit.

you bit your lip, they probably caught on, and you were scared.

"you aren't as pillowy as before.." belphie said, laying down on your stomach.

"what happened, [ name ]?" beel and belphie both asked at the same exact time.

your hesitated.

'they'll probably judge me for what i'm doing..' you said, you start to frown.

"we won't judge." beel said, stroking your hair.

your fake calm composure, crumbled.

you tried to smile, but tears started to fall.

beel and belphie's warmth engulfed you, making you slightly better.

"tell us, [ name ]." belphie asked you once more.

you finally broke.

you started to let everything out.

the insecurities, the bad thoughts, everything.

beel and belphie never judged you, they just frowned, gave you hugs, or, when things were sounding really horrible, gave you small kisses on your forehead.

"you could've told us.." beel frowned, and then sighed.

"i just didn't want you to be apart of this, i-it's, my responsibility." you replied, trying to not stutter.

"i'm just a burden, i'm just weighing everybody down-" you were cut off by belphie and beel hugging you once more, it was more of a sweet and loving hug.

beel and belphie both kissed you, and you felt alright in their arms.

"you never have to change for us." beel said.

"we'll both love you the way you are." belphie kissed your forehead, and closed his eyes.

you all fell asleep, your worries drifted away, your insecurities were gone for a while, you felt like you were truely free from the heavy, shameful, iron shackles.

lucifer opened your colored bedroom door, expecting for it to only be you.

lucifer saw you, beel, and belphie, and smiled.

he then saw the scale underneath your bed, lucifer then walked into the room, and slid the scale out.

lucifer finally walked out of the room, and went outside.

he placed the scale in the shed, behind all the other random nonsense in there.

lucifer closed the shed, and he was for sure.

you would never have any doubts about your weight again.
