Chapter2: Hanging out

3rdPerson pov:
You and Bolin where talking on the way there. But all plagued Y/n's was will the others be this friendly. I mean the never meet your hero exist for a reason right?

"Were here don't worry Mako,and Korra are going to love you." Bolin voice snapped me out it. "Thank you you have bin so kind to even though we just met." I say remembering all the bad humans in my life.

"Don't worry about your pretty chill yourself." He said winking as you two enter the room. "Aw if it isn't our mystery fan." Who you assume is Mako said coldly. "Oh don't listen to that loser. I'm Korra if you did know." She says warmly. While my spirit senses keep tell me she's the avatar.

"I finally nice meet you all you guy are my favorite team." I say. "Yeah and like other fan he actually views a person to get to know,and not just for some autograph." Bolin chimes in.

"Oh I know we should all get to know each other by hanging out."
