Nude 3
Since Mario left night I couldn't help but think about what he said maybe was right maybe it was time to walk away but I still wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to my family. Cus if I kill Jason this shit won't stop. I'm not known for running away from shit but I gotta do what's best for my family.
Sitting in my office i just starred out the window watching my workers. Sitting in my office I started at the cameras watching my workers, Was I really ready to give up this life.
I looked down at my phone and noticed Jr calling again this boy called me every ten minutes. I haven't heard from daija she usually text me specially when she's away.
"Hey daddy! "
"Wassup daddy big boy "
"My arm still hurt."
"Okay we gone get that fixed once you get to frans."
"Daddy how long is this car ride we been in here forever." He pouted over the phone.
"Not too long, put your mama on the phone."
"Mommy not here "
"Put Alicia on the phone."
What the fuck was he talking about daija ass better not have left that hotel that girl was so fuckin stubborn and hardheaded I didnt have time for her shit today.
"Hello ? "
"Where the fuck is daija ? "
"She never came with us she told us you said she didn't have to go. "
Shutting my eyes and balling my fist I tried to stay calm as possible.
"Okay I'll call yAlL later.
Slamming my phone on the table I started searching my computer looking for the tracking device I hid inside daijas necklace.
I can't believe this shit she just out everybody in fuckin danger all because she can't follow simple instructions.
Before my tracker got to her I heard my front door shut.
Walking out of my office daija was just starting to walk up the stairs.
"What the fuck is wrong you daija ! "
"I know you said-"
"You couldn't have fuckin known what I said cus I wouldn't be looking at you ! You yell and throw tantrums about shit I do but you can't even follow simple instructions what the fuck part of stay with Fran until I get there don't you get?"
She didn't say anything she just stood there starring at me lost still in her hospital gown.
"What part of that shit don't you understand !!"
She rolled her eyes and folded her hands.
Taking a deep breath I started walking up the stairs passing her.
"Please ...don't touch me" I said snatching away from her. .
She followed me up the stairs and stood at our bedroom doorway, watching me.
"I'm not doing this shit no more " I puffed throwing her suitcases on the bed.
"I just wanted to-"
"No no no and no , I don't care I'm done."
I went through all of the drawers taking out everything that was hers.
I could the tears falling out her eyes but I didn't give a fuck because she knew better.
She rushed over to the bedside and started taking out her stuff.
"I'm not going anywhere!"
"I'm not doing this shit ! " I yelled snatching it back.
She took the whole suitcase and tossed it across the room denting the wall. But I didn't give a fuck she can't be the one mad she the one who didn't follow simple ass instructions.
"Im not finna argue I'm not finna fight you either , so that's pointless. "
"Fuck you !"
"Everything I did for your ass and that's what you got to say."
At this point my blood was boiling I couldn't even look at her right now.
"Alright "
I rushed out of the room and down the stairs, but she didn't follow.
I went straight to naveahs room and started throwing all of her things into the living room.
Daija just stood there crying her eyes out covering her face.
"Fuck me ? , When you ain't have shit I was there for you ! I didn't have to do shit for you. I had the chance to kill you for 3 grand but you still standing here right!, So if it's fuck me fuck you to ! I don't give a fuck bout shit no more daija I'm done. "
I couldn't deal with this fuckin stress I never felt this way about any female daija was my first love but ill be damned if I hang around some ungrateful as muther fucker.
"I'll rent you out an apartment child support whatever the fuck you want but me and you is done "
She ran down the stairs and approached me trying to touch my face but I pushed her hands away.
"Im sorry"
"It's a little too late for that ! You don't want no good man you want a nigga to go upside your head smacking yo ass around calling you but he's like Shawn do right ? That's the type of niggas you want ! "
Trying to catch my breath I kept pushing her hands away while she tried to plead her case.
I had shit to do I ain't have time for this.
I walked to the door and opened it.
"Ill send a car to bring the kids back and you can stay in the hotel until your apartment ready. "
Wiping her face holding her head down she walked past me and stood on the porch looking back at me.
"When can I come home."
"Don't worry bout it cus your not."
"I can't take care of them by myself."
" You won't I'll get your whatever you need but me and you ...I can't do it."
After shutting the door I couldn't help but stare out the window watching her sit on the porch crying my heart was heavy and was breaking but I couldn't do anything else
