Nuaimat was enjoying herself with Ubayd,  Zohra and Zaid around her, she was standing with Ubayd and another guest when Uzair came up to her, "can i talk to you outside" he said calmly, she nodded and took his outstretched hand, with that he led her out to the entrance, and as they walk,

"You look beautiful" he said, she smiled and said "you look different today Doc, more like a festive mood not always the hospital mood" she said, the two giggled, and walked a bit and then he stopped,

He took both hands of her facing her he said "Nuaimat, finally i want to tell you what has being going on in my mind, for so long now, i have being inlove with you"

Nuaimat had it coming but still it hit her like a blow to the heart, she calmly withdrew her hands from his and sighed,

"Why" he asked, 


"Why won't you say something, it's obvious you knew i was in love with you, it took me this long to muster up the courage to say it"

"Stop.....saying that" she said

"Why, why won't you accept me" he asked looking at her,

"I...i.... "you what, you are inlove with Zaid" he said the name with loath,

"Uzair let me ex.......... "explain what Nuaimat, i see the way you look at him, but i just can't stop myself from loving you, i don't want you to get hurt" he halve yelled in anger,

"Hurt, Zaid loves me" she said adamantly

Uzair gave a painful chuckle and said "news flash he is lieing ,Nuaimat he is using you"

"U...sing me, you know what i won't stand here and let you speak ill of him because of jealousy, when you are ready to talk like a mature person we talk" she said and turned to go,

"he is my friend, i know when he is using you, he plans on taking away Tanisha from you, he and his sister will disappear with her, he has no plan of marriage, but plan on having a heir of any gender, and so when you appear, he saw his chance and took it, you think he loves you truthfully, because he spends lavishly on you and your daughter, no its like he is paying you off for your daughter, Zohra may not know about this but he is her brother, he will make her abandon you,  Zaid doesn't loves you,  he only wants what is yours and leave you for Good" 


Uzair's words were like molten gama dripping continousely on my heart, on the track i stopped i turned at Uzair and then all what Zaid has being doing to me and Tanisha flowed back into my mind, why will Uzair lie about this when its all clear, just then cars begun to stream in, the kids were back, and i sighted Tanisha already my eyes were red and my breathing was becoming hard, she ran to me and gave me a hug, instead of hugging her i turned away and headed back inside.


Midway into the party, my eyes were scanning for Nuaimat but she wasn't there, i saw Zohra, Harees and all people she could possibly be with, but she wasn't with them, i even asked some of them but they had no idea where whe was, and then i noticed Uzair was also missing, could it be they are together, i asked myself, i wasn't paying attention to three guests i was standing with, they were investors in our company,

Just then i sighted her coming in, wait a minute she looked angry, her eyes were now red, scanned around and her eyes landed on me, with fury she headed to me, "were you planning on taking away Tanisha from me" she asked angrily and loud, now attention was turning to us, "what" i inquired, i mean i have no idea what she meant,

"Was that why you took me in, to take away Tanisha from me and then you and Zohra will disappear" she yelled now in tears,

Oh my God, it just took two seconds for what she said to click, my first plan, the very plan that i do away with immediately i set eyes on her on that hospital bed, i looked around a bit and saw all eyes on us, and it was quiet

"Nuaimat lets talk outside" i said almost quietly trying to hold her hands"

"No, tell me is it true, say it" she demanded pushing my hands away,

"Nuaimat please,    "just say it" she yelled,

"Yes but i......... "i trusted you, i thought you were being kind and generous, i thought you loved me, i thought you are different" she cried loudly,

"I am Nuaimat but....... "but what Zaid, you choose to use my innocence, to take advantage of me, fine i get it i  got pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 16, blame for being careless if i was so careless to get inseminated when and how i don't know, but don't blame me by taking away my child, no not when i and she are so familiar" she yelled and cried

"Nuaimat please its........ "what, Zaid am not a wayward, i was taken advantage of, my innocence was toyed with and now you want to do the same to me, i will never forgive you Zaid, i hate you" she ended and on turning she came face to face with Tanisha in Uzair's hands and grabbed her, she turn to hurry towards the entrance and before i could stop her Uzair did,  "Nuaimat wait, ......."wait and do what, thank you for telling me the two of you's plan or what, you think i will now love you for telling me this, you are wrong, i won't even thank you for saving my life, for keeping this this long, we are now even, and you Zaid you loose, you spend on us to have her but you will never have her" she said and ran out, i followed her out running but on  reaching the entrance only the screeching tires of a car was heard, she has drove out,

Just when Zohra came up to me with Ubayd and, "is it true" she asked looking hurt,

"Zohra i can explain" i said, "well we can't let her leave, she is an Al Zayman" she said,

"What" i and Ubayd chorused,

"She is Aunt Naeemah  Nudrat's daughter, our missing aunt" she said and gave me a some papers with that she motioned to Ubayd who followed her to a car not until he gave a look filled with anger, i was yet to understand Zohra's words so i begun to check on the papers she handed to me,

"Am sorry" said Uzair, i turned and saw him

"I thought you were my friend" i said to him, hurting could not describe what am feeling now, i feel my world just crumbling into dust, Nuaimat said she hates me, 

"Friend, friends don't go about loving the girl their friends love" he said with spite,

" i watch you date countless of girls, use their body and dump them, how on earth will i let her fall for you" i said with such loath, yes the Almighty saintlook Uzair has secrets

"This is love not lust, i really love her" he said

"Then sorry, she hates us both" i said and with that i took another way straight to my room, there i headed straight to the dressing mirror and the finally let it out, it has being threatening to come out but i tried to let it be but now i couldn't take it anymore, i let out a scream of agony, a scream filled with pains, a scream full of curses, i repeat my world has crumpled on me.


As ya Ubayd drove out, tears ran down my cheeks, how can ya Zaid and Uzair  be this cruel, i was sure Ya Ubaid doesn't know anything about it, because i could see the shock in his face, you see ever since i Nuaimat came to stay with us, a year later i saw a little photo of a little girl and an older woman in Nuaimat's box, Nuaimat told me it was her and her mother, i felt like i have seen the picture of her mother somewhere,

I had to talk to another royal cousin to send me down the picture of the elders in our family, he had to go the royal sitting room and into the history room to start snapping from the wall  and sending them down.

Nuaimat's mum looked alot like the crumbled picture of our missing Aunt when she was just a little girl, my curiosity and suspicions grew when i recalled Nuaimat telling me, her Mum was a beoudin, but she grew up in the orphanage because she lost her family, with that i hired a private investigator to gather up information, to know who Nuaimat's mother was, how she ended up in that orphange e.t.c, i confided in no one at first then we got to Qatar Ubayd caught me on phone with the investigator and so i had to tell him my supicions and made promise he wouldn't tell,

it took them this long to find out, during this party my investigator arrived i and Ubayd went to a secluded area to see him and there he gave us a file containing papers showing Nudrat grew up in an orphanage in Riyadh, she was brought in at the age of 12 from the hospital, she and a desert dweller were hit by a car, he died on the spot and she suffered a memory loss but can only tell her name NUDRAT,

then the investigator had to check the survillance cameras in the airport of both riyadh and Qatar, that goes back about 42 years,  the was seen with other royals during their depature from Qatar and their arrival in the airport in Riyah,

He futher more investigated and digged up how she grew up and got married to a Nigerian who happened to come for pligrimage, he went back to Nigeria with her, they got married and had two kids, Nuaimat and Muayad, she died during another child birth, to top it all, a look alike of Nuaimat i bumped into in Ya Zaid's office happens to be no other than Muayad my  cousin, Nuaimat's brother,

I came in to tell the news to Ya Zaid first, that Nuaimat is indeed our first cousin, she is an Al Zayman and Fawaz Al Huda princess, when we heard the ordeal,

As Ubayd drove on, it was already dark, we came to a halt on seeing one of the royal cars we were sure Nuaimat drove out in, we rushed out to see it was empty and wide opened

Just then it started to rain, but we still got into our car and drove ahead to look for her, we think she might be close, ya Zaid kept on calling both our lines but none of us answered his calls,

From afar i sighted a bump in the middle of the road, no it was a human figure, Nuaimat's dress was what i saw, Ubayd roughly parked, and we got of the car and ran towards the figure in the heavy rain, there she was Nuaimat unconscious and hugging Tanisha tightly, the two were unconscious in the heavy rain, not only that blood seems to be dripping from Nuaimat's forehead, in a state of panic Ubayd hurriedly carried up Nuaimat's limp body while i carried Tanisha's, we head back to the car, just when we saw lots of lights flashed to us from three cars , then figures begun to come out, there was lightening and i saw their faces, Ya Zaid, uncle Khaleed,  Aunt Yusrah and her husband, Lawisa, Maha, Thauban, Sani, Naseer and grandmother Maya, they all were now wet as they approach us,

"I sensed it, i sensed it the first day i set eyes on her" cried Grandmother Maya as she almost reach us, not minding the umbrella opened for her by Uncle Khaleed

"Ya Zaid told us" said Naseer as he collected Tanisha's body from me,

"Come on now, they need medical attention" urged uncle Khaleed and we all entered the cars we came in, in a convoy we headed back to the palace, just when Ya Zaid's car parked, and he came out, he looks like he has being crying, i muttered to myself REGRET IN YOUR TEARS.
