11 - 3x0/Exo - Robloxia Labs

( HE'S 19 - 20 )

You and Exo were great friends. You guys met each other through Mr Space and got along very quickly. You two did a lot together. Experiments, explorations, entity exams, you name it and you two were together for it. He always waited till you got here to start actually working. You did the same thing for him. Nonetheless, you two were inseparable. You would be followed by him all the time from place to place. You didn't mind. He was nice company. One day, you walked into his unit. He wasn't waiting for you out front as usual. In fact, his file wasn't even out of the file cabinet that you all used to clock in. As you filled yours out, your mind wandered. You wondered were he was and why he wasn't there. You decided to check his room. You walked to his room, the door being closed for some reason. You heard commotion from inside and peeked in through the window on the door. There he was, grinding against himself as he moaned out.
