Chapter 40 #RehearsalDinner

ross' pov

me and laura were mingling with everyone. if you are wonderng, we're at the rehearsal dinner. everyone was having a good time. riker and vanessa were talking to each other again, our parents are talking,rocky and ryland were eating everything at the table -.-

laura:well it was nice meeting you (laura waved as my relatives finished talking to them)

they then stormed off

i looked at laura's tired look and just chuckled

laura:whats so funny?

ross:you look bored :P

laura:thats because i am....(she trailed off)

ross:(i sighed) dont worry, im more bored than you are......wanna get out of here?

laura then gave me a look.


laura:this is our rehearsal dinner. and as much as i want to get out of here...we cant.

ross:(i sighed) i guess you're right......

we then sat down back to our table with our parents and siblings.

stormie:rocky use a fork! its rude to use your hands.

rocky:its just bread mom.

my mom just shooks her head and looked at us

stormie:soo everything going great?

laura:hmmm yes. just a little tired. (she giggled)

stormie:i get you. dont worry, i was also bored when me and mark had a rehearsal dinner ;)


stormie:ohhum nothing (she giggled)

i then looked around seeing dozens of celebrities....

ross:laur lets go mingle some more...

laura:hmmm alright.

we then stood up hand in hand as we started talking to some old friends.

maia:soo are you sure everythig is under control?

laura:of course.....just worried i guess...



maia:dont worry, im sure everything will go back to the way it was..

laura:i hope sooo.....

laura's pov

the whole night me and ross just migled with family relatives, some close magazine interviewers, celebrity friends.

debby: soooo, you guys want kids?

laura:( i then smirked at ross) i do. not sure about ross though ..

ross the leaned in and kissed my cheek.

ross:ofcourse i want kids (he smiled)

debby:how many?

laura:seriously debby?

debby:yes im serious (she giggled)

laura:well i dont really care how many. (i smiled)

ross:i want one boy and one girl ;)

i then saw debby smirking

debby:well....goodluck with that ;)( she then went over to talk to other people)

i then rest my head on ross's shoulder.

laura:im soooooo bored (i whined)

he looks down at me and chuckles

ross:how do you think i feel?


we were watching everyone havng a good time when maia came up to us again.

laura:oh hey mai-

maia:guys we have an emergency(she cuts me off)

i then lifted my head from ross' shoulder

laura:wh-what is it? ( i said in a worried tone)

maia:security said a guy crashed the dinner party.


laura:its just one ned to worry right?

maia then looked at me with hesitation.

maia:its brandon baker...

i then felt my body shiver...

laura:he-he's here?

next thing i knew, my head was going left and right trying to search for him.

maia:keep your eyes out, security is doing th best they can to find him.

We just nodded and she stormed off,

I then looked at ross...

Ross:dont worry...i'll warn our parents.

He then kissed my cheek and went to our table..

For some reason, whenever i look...i see someone....brandon? I pray not.

I need air... This place is huge and filled with people

I then made my may to the balcony where there was no one.

I leaned on the edge and just stare at the moon.

???:well if it isnt ms marano...or should i say...mrs. Lynch

I then felt my heart stop. I turn around slowly feeling the fear in my body.


He then circled me.

Brandon:such a pretty little girl....(he says while looking at me up and down)

Iw as breathig heavily.....we were the only ones at the balcony.

Laura:i'll yell!

He then chuckles

Brandon:no need for just here to....give my that so bad?

Laura:i dont want a gift from you!

Brandon:ouch....that hurt my feelings....

He then started taking steps closer to me.

Laura:st-stay back!

He didnt stop and soon....i was pinned to the wall.

Brandon:you're gonna regret marrying him.

Laura:i-im not scared of you.

Brandon:are you laura? Are you really? (He says while moving his face closer to mine)

Laura:what do you want....

Brandon:i want something you'll have in the future......i'll have to wait.

Whats he talking about?

Ross:laura? You out here?

I heard ross' voice coming near

Brandon:have a nice wedding mrs lynch, it was a pleasure.

(He thens stormed out the other direction leaving me stunned)

Ross:laura? ......there you are!

I the stared at him still in shock

Ross:laura dont scare me like that....

I was focused on what brandon said....."something i'll have in the future?" Whats that all about?

Ross:laur? You ok?

Laura:i saw brandon....


I then pointed to the direction he went.....

Ross:hold on, i'll call security! Stay here!

I just nodded and just stood there frozen once again..

What does he want.......

Im starting to worry.......


I then turn see maia and raini


Raini:ross made us look after you.....

She then saw my fear in my eyes

I then gave them a long tight hug,...

Laura:he wants something from me.

Maia: shhh laura....its gonna be ok...(she says while rubbing my back)

No matter how much they tell me "its ok" i wont.


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to all my readers i hope you stay tuned ;)
