"Where are you going?" Charlie asked Cassadee when she came down the stairs.

"What makes you think I'm going somewhere?"

"You're dressed... on a Saturday."

"A person, yes. You, not so much." Bella said from the kitchen, finishing the pizza that the three had for lunch.

"I can get dressed on a Saturday without going out!" Cassadee defended herself, throwing her hands up in the air.

Charlie gave his eldest daughter a knowing look. "Cass."

"Fine," Cassadee huffed and sat next to her father on the couch. "I'm hanging out with Jasper."

"The Cullen boy? I thought you refused to date anyone."

"Hale." Cassadee corrected her father before continuing. "And first, I never said I refused to date anyone, you did. And second, we're just friends." She said the last part for Charlie's benefit. Sure, she wasn't exactly dating Jasper but they weren't just friends either. She wasn't completely sure that they were.

"Actually-" Bella stated before Cassadee cut her off.

"Don't you have a book to read or something, Bells?" Cassadee asked her sister, turning around to look at her as she washed the dishes.

Before either of them could say anything else there was a knock at the door. Charlie and Cassadee rose at the same time, the teenager turning to look at her father with raised brows. "What are you doing?"

"I want to meet him." Charlie stated, as if the fact was obvious before walking past her to open the door.

"He's just a friend, Dad!" Cassadee whined as she followed her father. Cassadee heard Bella come up behind her, looking out the glass on the white door. "What, is this a family affair now? Is this how we're going to answer the door all the time?"

Bella shrugged, "I just want to see how this goes."

"Don't you usually do that from a distance?"

"Friend or not, I want to meet whoever managed to get you out of your pajamas on the weekend." Charlie said, ignoring his daughters, and opening the door, revealing the blond vampire who gave the Swan's a smile.

"Hello, Chief Swan, Cass, Bella." Jasper greeted each, his eyes not leaving Cassadee once he greeted her.

"Cass?" Charlie asked, turning to his daughter. "You're on a nickname basis?"

"I'm on a nickname basis with everyone, Dad. Even Bella's on a nickname basis." Cassadee pointed out before rolling her eyes and walking out the door. "I love you guys, bye!" She tried to leave before either of them could say anything else but Charlie grabbed the sleeve of the tan cardigan she was wearing, pulling her back enough to whisper something in her ear.

"You still have the pepper spray, right?"

"Of course, and just to ease your mind, nothing is going to happen to me."

"I'll have her home in a few hours, Chief Swan." Jasper assured the man before Cassadee grabbed his hand, ignoring the icy and hard as stone feeling, and pulled him to his car. "Don't you think I should meet your family if you're about to meet mine?"

Cassadee turned to face Jasper, letting go of his hand since she figured it would be a struggle for him. "You just met my dad, and you already know Bella."

"That was a greeting, not meeting." Jasper pointed out, looking down at the human that he was falling in love with. "Are you afraid that I'll kill them?"

"What?" Cassadee was shocked by Jasper's question, the thought never crossing her mind. "No, God no! It's just that my dad is really protective and it's always been us against the world and I don't want him to think that I'm replacing him." She watched as he opened the passenger door for her, waiting for her to get in. "And if I remember correctly, you're the one that wants me to meet your family so bad."

"How do you feel about meeting my family?" Jasper asked once Cassadee walked out of the locker, getting ready to go to her second period. She wasn't surprised to see Jasper waiting outside her class, in the last few weeks he began waiting for her outside class and walking her to the next or lunch or her car. She had also gotten used to the fact that whenever they were together, people would stare and they weren't trying to be discreet about it.

"Don't you think it's a little soon to be meeting the family?" Cassadee asked, looking up at the vampire with a raised brow.

Jasper leaned down, his lips brushing against Cassadee's ear as they reached her classroom. "Vampire relationships tend to move a little faster."

"Well let's not forget that I'm still human." Cassadee whispered back, the two standing less than a foot away from each other as they leaned against the wall.

"Trust me, Cass, I couldn't forget as long as your heart is beating."

"Aren't you the one that said it's bad for us to be together?" Cassadee asked with a playful smile on her lips. "What changed?"

"It's getting easier for me to be around you." Jasper smiled down at Cassadee and moved some hair behind her ear. "And there's the fact that I can't seem to stay away from you."

"Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"

Jasper shook his head, smile still on his face. "You'll know when I ask. I'll pick you up Saturday at one."

Cassadee clicked her tongue when she knew that she couldn't get out of it. "Just make sure they don't make me food."

Jasper tilted his head, confusion written all over his face. "How did you-?"

"I just know." She turned to walk into the class. "See you in an hour, Jasper."

"I hope you realize how much I like you, Jazz." Cassadee said as Jasper drove them to the Cullen residence.

"And how much would that be?" Jasper asked the human, looking at her with a smirk, not seeming to care that his eyes were off the road for more than a few seconds.

"You got me to get dressed on a Saturday, when it's supposed to rain. These are the days I don't leave my bed because I'm watching Scooby Doo... or crime documentaries, but mostly Scooby Doo." She turned to look at the blond vampire, admiring basically everything about him. She knew that he knew he was beautiful. If not for the fact that he was a vampire, then for the fact that she's said so on many occasions, all but one somehow slipped out instead of just thinking it.

"Well, I'm glad I'm your first."

"Can I ask you a question?" Cassadee asked, growing nervous as she thought more about the question.

"You just did." Jasper pointed out, trying to ease Cassadee's mood before sending a wave of calmness her way.

"Oh, you're so funny." Cassadee rolled her eyes playfully before getting more serious. "Why me?"

"We went over this a while ago, Cass."

Cassadee shook her head, bringing her hand to her mouth as she nervously chewed on her thumb nail. "It couldn't have just been my emotions that did it. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other vampires that wouldn't mind being with you. What about Alice? You guys seem pretty close."

Jasper shook his head and looked at the human. "Alice is my best friend, always has been. And I don't care about other vampires. I care about you." He informed her as he turned back to the road.

Cassadee felt butterflies erupt in her stomach at the words, a smile forming on her face as she tried to hide it with her tan knitted scarf.

"You don't need to hide that beautiful smile." Jasper smirked, not taking his eyes off the road as he grabbed her hand and holding it.

"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable because of my blood." The brunette pointed out as she looked at their hands, not being completely bothered by the icy marble skin.

"It is getting easier, the more time I spend with you the less it bothers me."

Cassadee didn't say anything after that, she just looked out the window as Jasper sped down the road before turning onto a dirt path surrounded by the forest. Not long after turning onto the road came a beautiful house. Cassadee wasn't sure what to expect when she saw the Cullen's house. Not exactly one like the Addams family, maybe not even a typical one like hers, but definitely not this. It as a modern style house; much of the walls were glass, and if not that then a charcoal color, differing shades of brown wood on the second floor.

"Surprised?" Jasper asked before getting out of the car, closing his door and opening Cassadee's a second later thanks to his vampire speed, which still basically gave Cassadee whiplash if she tried to watch him.

"A lot more windows than I was expecting." The brunette said as she got out of the car, Jasper closing the door behind her.

"Tinted windows, this is the only place we don't have to hide." Jasper grabbed Cassadee's hand, intertwining their fingers before making their way up the stairs and to the door, Jasper opening it for Cassadee.

"Huh, no coffins?" Cassadee joked as Jasper led her up the stairs.

"Sorry to disappoint." Jasper joked, the smile never leaving his face.

"In the short time that I've known you I haven't seen you smile as much as you have today."

"You're happy today." Jasper pointed out as they reached the top of the stairs.

"I'm always happy around you."

"Which makes me especially happy around you." Jasper let go of Cassadee's hand and moved his around her waist.

"You guys are grossly adorable." Emmett said from behind the kitchen counter, waving at Cassadee with the knife he was cutting with.

A young woman with light brown hair smiled and came to greet the two. "I'm Esme, it's so nice to finally meet you, Cassie."

"I don't mean to sound rude but please tell me that isn't for me." Cassadee said, referring to the food that the family was cooking. "I told Jasper to tell you not to make me anything since I know you guys don't eat."

"That's very considerate of you, and this is for Bella. Jasper said you would give him hell if we didn't listen." Esme said, looking at Jasper with an amused look.

"I have a feeling you can a force to be reckoned with." Carlisle said from next to Emmett.

"Oh yeah, my little human self can make any being tremble." Cassadee joked, making all but Rosalie laugh.

"I hope you realize how dangerous this is for all of us." Rosalie cut in, changing the atmosphere of the room instantly.

"Someone could have a gun to my head and I still wouldn't tell anyone." Cassadee confirmed, she wasn't one to tell people others secrets, but she always wanted to know them.

"She knows that." Carlisle reassured, giving Rosalie a look.

"Listen, I don't care if it ends badly for me, I really don't. As long as it doesn't end badly for my family, I don't have a problem." Cassadee stated, feeling the need to get it off her chest. She turned around when she heard someone come down the stairs, seeing Edward. "That's mostly towards you, Eddie boy."

"Nice to see you too, Cassie." Edward said before looking at everyone else. "I told you guys not to make Bella anything." He said, almost coming out as a whine.

"I don't recall that conversation." Alice said as she skipped into the kitchen, wildflowers in her hands. She went over to Cassadee and gave her a quick hug before handing her the flowers. "You smell really good."

"Oh." Cassadee said, surprised by the hug and the flowers. She was more surprised with herself for the fact that she wasn't taken aback by the comment. "Thank you, Alice."

"That definitely wasn't necessary, Alice." Jasper said as he tightened his grip on Cassadee's waist slightly.

"Don't worry, Jasper." Alice waved the blond off before smiling at Cassadee. "We're going to be best friends."

"Cassie, can I talk to you for a moment?" Esme asked, pulling the teenager away from Jasper's grip.


"It's fine, Jasper." Cassadee smiled at him before following Esme outside.

"And don't listen." Esme told the group, a stern expression on her face. "I mean it." She said before closing the glass doors and smiling at Cassadee. "You may not think it, but you're good for Jasper."

"How could I be good for him? There are plenty of others out there that are better than me."

"You may think that, Cassie, but he doesn't. He's been so much happier since he's met you. And to him, there is no one better than you."


not edited

all this jassadee makes me very happy, even if this was a lot cuter in my head but it always is.

cassadee's outfit is in the external link!
