Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Identity, crisis

"If you answer an average person who they are, They'd start with a name... But assuming you were unnamed... Who would you be?"

No one could force Kaguya to do anything, she was stubborn not even pointing anyone of them in her eyes


"Under the act of trespassing and attacking heroes, you're under arrest."

All the heroes tried to come closer but like an invisible field, they couldn't get past a certain range close to her.

Kaguya didn't even pay attention to the police and superheroes instead she had her attention 100% on Izuku she was showing more emotions than before, Meaning her main point for coming here was to retrieve me.

"So do you want to follow me to the moon?"

Kaguya reduced her height since her true form towered over Izuku,  Instead, she is now slightly taller than him at about 6ft 3 but that still made her the tallest person around.

"Do I have a choice?"

Izuku asked tiredly, Knowing the outcome wouldn't change if he decided not to go

"Well it's something you'll like, I promise, I have been working on it for a couple of hundred years"

Kaguya whined pleadingly, Izuku felt if he pushed her any further, She'd either cry or she'd blow up the earth.

"Izuku, I request you speak to your mother to abide by the law."

Allmight demanded, Making Izuku turn to the man with a vexed gaze.

"You aren't you about to timeout or something? Jeez Toshi give me a break, Talk to her yourself."



Everything and everyone in a 10-metre radius was pushed back leaving only Izuku and Kaguya in a medium-sized crater.

Izuku turned his head to Kaguya who cast a small range Almighty Push to make sure she was the only person beside Izuku in a ten-metre radius

"Focus on me or the next one will level your school."

Kaguya pouted annoyed by the fact Izuku wasn't responding to her, proving the fact that if Izuku were to push her any further, She'd destroy things

"Yare yare"

Izuku sighed turning to her while keeping eye contact with her although his eyelids were half closed and his expression was blank.

"Please son follow me to the moon, I promise you'll like it, If you don't like it, I'll leave you and not disturb you again at least for 10 more years."

Kaguya pleaded leaving Izuku to wonder how the vibe went from dangerous Empress to naggy mother in a second.


Izuku began to consider it, but that moment of thought was interpreted as a go-ahead by Kaguya.

Izuku was embraced in a loving hug for some reason He wasn't fighting back while Kaguya waved her hands, Ripping through space like it was paper.

"Don't! "

Izumi reacted lightning fast she ran toward Izuku just as she was about to touch him, The portal closed.

Before Izumi could do anything Kaguya had abducted Izuku, None of the heroes made a single movement, They were currently immobile as their shadows were connected to Kaguya they only gained movement after she left.

Kaguya was surprised when Izumi was still able to move at insane speeds at that.

"Bring Him BACK!"

Izumi OFA exploded affecting the area as green lightning sparked around her without control or care for anyone around her.

"Did Izuku just get Kidnapped in front of the number one hero in Japan, Without anyone able to do anything?"

Momo wondered while Izumi raged "Where is he?!"

"Izumi calm down."

Shoka and Katsumi went to calm their friend while the school authorities went through various procedures to ensure no one was harmed during the unexpected event, Izumi, Shoka and Katsumi were being interrogated.


Next Day

"Izuku still isn't back?"

Some girls in the class were getting worried as they gossiped in the corner during lunch.

"Yeah, It's affecting Izumi heavily, But the new girl ehm Toga is helping her relax."

"Toga knows Izuku too, Just how popular is he?"

"But his mother was so tall and powerful, what do you think about her? She looks really beautiful, Although they have the same abilities, they look nothing alike."

"But you know Izuku's quirk changes his constitution a lot, Somethings giving him different physical characteristics and even personality so we don't know."

"Izumi is looking our way."

"What is the relationship between them if his absence has a serious effect on her?"

"Do you think they are dating?"

"I can hear you girls." 

Izumi said out loud shocking the girls who were trying to whisper.

Everyone turned to her to see her table, she had barely touched her food, Katsumi, Shoka and Toga tried to cheer her up

"He's still alright you know?"

Toga said she drank her pack of red grape Juice while trying to cheer Izumi up.

"How would I know?"

Izumi whined leaving Toga to smile teasingly "Okay, I know he's alright."

"How do you know?"

Izumi turned to the blonde vampire.

"Well, Since he's my master, I can more or less feel his general condition."

Toga was the only one not worried about Izuku since she knew he was fine.

"What do you mean by he's your master?"

Katsumi was curious enough to ask, In modern times having a slave- A master and slave relationship is frowned upon, But it's not forbidden, unless she meant master as in the teacher.

"I can assure you it's not what you think though."

Toga said but didn't plan on explaining further.

"How did you two meet?"

Shoka asked wondering how their new classmate Himiko Toga and Izumi were friends.

"Oh? We're rivals for Izuku's heart... Although Izumi is currently losing."


Katsumi turned and Shoka turned to themselves with a solemn look

It's not as if incest was forbidden... Some Quirk families still used that method to keep their bloodline pure it was just rare, But it suddenly made sense,  Why Izumi was so focused on her brother.

'She's in love with him'

Katsumi and Shoka nodded in realization.

"Now you get it, That's why poor Izumi can't go a day without her big brother... She wuvs him so very much."

Toga used a teasing voice to mock Izumi.

"If you don't stop doing that I'll kill you."

Izumi stated with as a matter-of-fact tone.

"And Kill your brother's future wife?"

Toga grinned flashing her fangs something than didn't go unnoticed.

"I don't think so."

Izumi mumbled something under her breath but decided it would be a waste of time if she argued with the vampire.

"Are there any of Izuku's friends we should know about?"

Katsumi wondered.

"Well, there's Lady Integra, That Witch that possessed me, Cop girl.... I think that's all you two must be Shoka Todoroki and Katsumi Bakugo..."

Toga knew everything about the two of them, she wasn't comfortable with their presence, But She couldn't do anything to them till she was sure Izuku didn't care about them.

"Okay... What are your powers?"

Shoka asked trying to start a friendly conversation.

"I'm not so sure myself, Erm but I am strong though."

Toga stated belittling her power, Not knowing how to explain that she was a near transcendent vampire, Under Izuku's tuition and feeding, She had gotten stronger, Extremely strong so strong that she became one of the top Agents in the agency only lost to others based on experience.

"Wanna spar?"

Katsumi wondered while Toga smiled.

"Sure, But let Izuku come back, He'll be able to heal you in case I almost kill you."

Toga sounded ignorant, But she could probably take Almight by herself currently she just wanted to warn Katsumi but she got Katsumi riled up.

"We'll see who needs help."

Katsumi glared at the Vampire who just smiled but didn't say anything after that.

'They don't get it, Just how scary the people around Izuku are.'

Izumi knew at least she could guess how strong Toga was but she just silently let things be, She also knew of the lady in purple, Merlin, Now there was a lady in white... Izuku's supposed mom, Kaguya.

All of them were extremely powerful, But they all had one thing in common, and it was their attraction to Izuku one way or the other, just like she did, making her think something was up.

'Are we all connected to him? '


Izumi didn't get to think further since lunch was over and they had to get back to classes.

Izuku's POV

*Rough breathing*

I lay on the ground, Bare and shirtless.

Each of my organs constricting, Making it difficult to move, I couldn't process a single proper thought due to the amount of pain being fed directly into my senses.

From my half-closed lids, I could see Kaguya crying in similar conditions to me but obviously, she handled it better, She mouthed sorry over and over again along with other things that didn't ring through my ears, and everything was silent apart from the ringing in my ears and sour taste in my tongue, Everything felt so numb.

'What is happening to me? What did you do Oka-guya?'

Those were the words I wanted to come out of my lips, But when I opened my mouth all that came out was an inhuman grunt of pain.

"Izuku... Stop resisting!"

Kaguya cried in pain not only from my resisting but also from the pain of watching me suffer.

Stop resisting?

She doesn't know the monster I am

The powers I wished I never had

Things I wished I never saw

Feelings I don't want to feel!

In the end, she doesn't know what it feels like without resisting.

"... Accept... Your... Please."

Accept me?

Maybe... Just may-

Everything was getting darker, I couldn't hear anything the last thing I heard and saw was Kaguya pleading and a flash of red before I fell unconscious.

Omniscient POV

Kaguya activated the Rinne-Sharingan in her forehead, Her eyes the Bygukan each tensing and one turning into the Tensigan other one into an unnamed blue version of the Rinne-Sharingan.

Unleashing enough Chakra to rival six ten-tailed beasts at their full power.

She wasn't able to go further since she was in a worse state than Izuku.

"My child you must understand... Grow to accept flaws, that is the only way you can find your true self let me help you."

This was the final part of the ritual she prepared for any of her offspring left on earth.

A bright blue fruit with dark veins running around its outer structure appeared floating above Izuku's weakened and pale frame.

Kaguya slowly crawled towards him, Snatching fruit out of the air and bringing it to Izuku's mouth, She struggled to kneel and placed Izuku's head on top of her lap.

She tried to feed him the fruit but he showed no signs of moving or reacting to the divine fruit in front of him.

Kaguya brought the fruit to her lips took a bite then brought her mouth closer to Izuku's mouth opening his with her fingers, she opened her mouth as a bring blue liquid fell directly from her mouth and into his.

She repeated the process till the fruit finished.

Seeing Izuku had calmed down, and the process resumed normally, Kaguya smiled, Moments later she felt all her eyes closed and she was unconscious.

Narrator's POV

You see there wasn't anything wrong with the process.

Kaguya's simplified clan restoration acts.

Act one: Adopt/ Kidnap the two kids containing the souls of her grandchildren, Indra and Ashura.

Act two: Bring them to one of her pocket's dimensions/ Or the moon

Act three: Cast an EX-ranked rebirth Kinjutsu filling her kids or her kid with her blood and power.

Act four: Feed them each half of a Shinshu Fruit, But since there was only one kid he got the full thing.

Bonus Act: Make her kid fall in love with a woman of her choosing so they can make more babies and recreate the Ōtsutsuki clan on their own while she spoils her grandkids.

There were some setbacks but she had crudely finished each step and laying beside her was a full Otsutsuki amongst other things like a Semi-full Transcent Vampire, a near Immortal being, a Demon King Candidate and so many more.

Kaguya would grow to realize that although she'd successfully created another family member linked to the Ōtsutsuki name... It wouldn't be as she'd hoped.


Merlin's lair

Merlin had watched everything from a distance away in the comfort of her own realm.

She wasn't powerful enough to go toe to toe with Kaguya to retrieve her Captain but she was versatile enough to be able to keep up with them.

"Hm... His soul is less chaotic now... To think a transcendent deity risked her life to stabilize him... Doesn't matter really... The process he goes through, in the end, the end product will be mine."

Merlin stared into the orbs, her eyes hungrily fixed on Izuku as he went through a metamorphosis right before her eyes.


Merlin had witnessed Izuku take a step further towards godhood, Eventually, he'd be the strongest being out there, and using him, she'd bring about a new age.

"Perhaps -"

The possibilities of what she could do with Izuku interested her before long she was already plotting a scheme.

League of villain Hideout

"Sources from inside UA say Izuku was kidnapped by a villain who calls herself Mother."

Shigaraki sat in front of a screen, talking to All for one explaining what happened yesterday.

"And has he returned?"

The voice was hoarse AFO barely breathing properly through a tube.

"No, they don't have anyone to protect them should we decide to attack"

Shigaraki proposed a plan.

"What are you thinking?"

AFO asked, he already had his own plan in mind, But he wanted Shigaraki to do whatever he wanted to for now.

"I still have a grudge with Almight's kid, The female one, they are so busy preparing for the Hero festival that they wouldn't expect an attack like this one."

Shigaraki smiled evilly, the inhumane facial feature of his made it so he was unreadable.

"Take as much as you want, remember this is all for you."

He ended the call immediately after giving Shigaraki the go ahead.

"I'll make that brat pay!"
