
It was the day of Teresa and Newt's date! Upstairs in her bathroom Teresa checked her self out before rolling her eyes.

Thomas was currently waiting in her bedroom reading one of the many magazines she had stashed in her draw.

Unlocking the door and opening it slowly, Teresa walked into her bedroom and Thomas instantly looked up. He jaw dropped open slightly as Teresa twirled around awkwardly and shrugged her shoulders.

"You look.. wow.." Thomas breathed sitting up straight. Teresa smiled lightly and bit her lip looking at Thomas.


Teresa was panicking and pacing back and forth in the little black dress that Thomas bought.

"Stop panicking! You really irritating me." Thomas said. He had resumed his posistion on Teresa's bed. "You look great don't worry." Thomas said quickly, clearing his throat.

"He's 15 minutes late Thomas. Of course I'm going to freak out!" She yelled in a whisper. Thomas stood up and placed his hands on her upper arms.

"Calm down. Take a deep breath and smile." Thomas said rubbing her arms gently. Teresa closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose before looking up at Thomas, who was staring at her intently. "Now we need to teach you how to flirt."

"Please, I know how to flirt Thomas." Teresa argued glaring at him, forgetting instantly about her nerves.

"You know how to flirt?" Thomas questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, my names Teresa and I love reading teen magazines and emptying my cats litter box on a Friday night whilst I eat a ready made curry from my freezer and go on cute little bike rides." Thomas mimicked. "I don't think so."

Thomas walked past Teresa to grab her bag when he felt a hand grab his ass.

"Hey babe, wearing any underwear?" Teresa asked in a deep voice to mimic Thomas.

"Hey, you know what. I wouldn't say that and I wouldn't grab ass." Thomas defended turning back to Teresa.

"What's wrong with a little ass grabbing?" She mimicked and grabbed his ass yet again. "What's it there for if it's not for me to grab it."

Teresa and Thomas were very close to each right now and none of them even realised.

"You know you are a deeply, deeply disturbed girl." Thomas said looking into her blue eyes. Teresa smiled and placed her finger on Thomas chest.

"Hm, maybe I'm just a really good student." She said as she began running her finger all over his torso slowly and gently.

"Would you stop doing that?"

"Doing what?" Teresa asked playing dumb and not stopping her actions.

"Running your.. finger.. down there.. over me." Thomas stumbled out almost breathless.

"Why?" Teresa asked softly with a small smiling. "Is it turning you on?" Thomas scoffed, avoiding her eye contact before finally looking at her.


"Huh.." Teresa breathed. "It's weird, I think I kind of like it." She said looking up into his brown hues. Thomas swallowed the lump in his throat and licked his lips.


Teresa paused before she began to smirk.


"Ugh, I knew it! No teaching the teacher!" Thomas said pointing at finger at Teresa was now laughing at him.

Knock knock

Teresa stopped laughing and looked at Thomas with wide eyes. Thomas looked back at her with a small smile.

"I'm not ready for this! Am I ready for this? I'm not ready this, I can't do it-"

"Sh! Go! Don't leave him waiting any longer than a minute." Thomas said and Teresa went to walk out her room and down the stairs. "Wait!" Thomas called and Teresa paced back over to him. Thomas quickly spun her around and slapped her ass.

"Ugh, you're such an asshole!" She insulted before running out her room and down the stairs before opening the door and being greeted with Newt.

Teresa opened the door and saw Newt dressed in a white shirt and black skinny jeans with a beige type colour shoe. Newt's jaw dropped lightly at the sight if Teresa and scanned his eyes all over her body.

"Wow, you look amazing!" Newt said pulling her in for a small hug. Teresa smiled and felt her cheeks going red and hugged him back.

"You look pretty good yourself!" Teresa complemented and grabbed her jacket. "We should go."

After Newt and Teresa left, Thomas was stood by the stairs listening to the conversation. For some reason, seeing them together didn't feel right for him.


Teresa and Newt made it to Veeno and Teresa felt really out of place. It was a bar that she was no where near legal to be in. As they sat down Newt sent Teresa a smile and waved over to man.

"Hi Newt! How have you been?" The man asked with a smile that looked similar to someone else she knew.

"I've been good thanks, John! Uh, this is Teresa. Teresa this is Mr. Murphy! Thomas' dad." Newt explained and Teresa shook his hand. That's where she knew the smile from. It looked like Thomas'.

"Well, I can serve you both one alcoholic drink each or a bottle of wine. That is the limit!" John said earning a laugh from Teresa and Newt.

After they finished the bottle wine, they had spent 3 and a half hours together, just talking and Teresa loved it! She began to feel right and comfortable.

"So, how long, have you fancied me?" Newt asked with a small smile as he played with the beer mat in front of him. Teresa felt her cheeks begin to heat up a lot and she looked down with a small laugh.

"Quite a while Newt. I've just always thought you're an amazing guy!" Teresa said looking at him with a mirroring smile.

"Thomas mentioned something to me and I'm shocked I never saw it. I always found you interesting." The brit said. "Plus I'm British. That has the ladies falling head of heels for me."

"Can I interest you kids in a glass of water?" John asked walking over to them. Teresa laughed lightly and nodded her head.

"I'll have some bottled water please." Newt said with a grin. Teresa put her and out to stop John from walking and turned to Newt.

"Did you know they've done studies that tap water and bottled water are basically the same thing, and they recently passed a law that bars and restaurants have to filter their tap water, so really it isn't tap water it's filtered water which is the same as bottled water, except you don't have to pay for it." Teresa explained flicking her glance between John and Newt.

"Well.. yeah but I like the way bottled water tastes better." Newt said and Teresa looked down a little. Way to go Teresa! She thought to herself.


Thomas left Teresa's house and walked to Brenda's as planned. He was currently sat in the garden with her looking up at the stars. Her head on his shoulder, and his arm wrapped her.

"I'm so glad you came over!" Brenda said snuggling into him. Thomas smiled down at the girl before looking back up at the sky. Whilst he did, his mind wondered and he found himself thinking about Teresa.

He was wondering how her date was going, if she was kissing him right now, or if he had his hands  on her body.

Why am I feeling like this? Thomas questioned himself.


Ooo, Thomas is falling for Teresaaaa
