20-The Incinent

1st person POV

Yuuji and I were called to a mission, and Ijichi-san shared all the informations while taking us there. And to be honest, it didn't feel right.

"This is an emergency. All of our special-grade sorcerers are on missions elsewhere, or on business trips. As much as we were prepared, we didn't see that coming. The rest is up to you guys from here on out." Ijichi-san explained.

"You'll have to fight at least 100 curses, all kinds of grades. Please mainly focus on rescuing people, this is my advice. But you do what you think would be the best." He finished.

The last time we were left alone like this was when they sent us to the detention centre. And it is clear that they wanted to kill Yuuji, and they didn't really mind losing us in the process either.

As soon as Ijichi-san left, I told Yuuji my point of view.

"Yuuji, this doesn't feel right. They want something from us, it's clear. So... Any plans we could go with?" I informed my best friend.

"I get what you mean, and no. I have no idea. We have to rescue the people, yeah. But the curses shouldn't be ignored either..." He was right. And I have a plan, so that's what we're going with.

"Here's my idea: I'll separate the curses from people, and exorcise them. You, on the other hand will help people escape. Your new-found technique can also be put to test." I informed him.

Honestly the techique appearing was quite a shocker...



Yuuji and I were having dinner. He made his delicious meatballs. They're still delicious, and even though I also learnt how to make it, his still was the very best.

He was going to get some water, so he stood up and walked towards the kitchen isle, holding his hand out to grab a glass.

Which was sliced in half at that exact moment. The both of us stared at it in shock, as I asked Sukuna wether he did it or not. The answer was a no, which I did expect.

Then it hit me. I remember hearing somewhere, that the vessel of a curse will manifest his host's techniques. It kind of made sense. Now to explain that to him...

After the bomb was dropped, he seemed confused, while Sukuna wasn't too happy about it. I personally, could help Yuuji, since I did understand Sukuna's slicing techniques:
Dismantle and Cleave.

Yuuji just manifested Dismantle, luckily. It's a simple one. I just have to explain to him how it works. Oh, how much harder it would've been with Cleave.

That day might arrive at one point aswell.

Though the curse wasn't too happy to share the technique, he had no say in it.


"Doesn't sound bad. Roger that!" We fist-bumped, and were about to wait for the curses. But they started coming, attacking people.

Yuuji and I were quickly separated, sadly. Thank God I didn't forget to put a non-permanent mark on him so we can keep in touch while fighting. I happen to have better control over my marks aswell. I can create many kinds of them.

I quickly drew my katana, well... rather summoned it. And I started the job of killing curses. Many drade 3 and 2 curses were there, but there were a lot of grade ones aswell.

And I could sense at least one special-grade. Damn it. And I couldn't even use my Domain Expansion, since it's not yet done, moreover there are people in this vicinity.

Their safety comes first. So another idea popped up in my mind, but then Sukuna's words made me hesitate.



"Your cursed energy output is too damn high. You have a lot of it, yet when you use a technique, you extend your energy more than you should." I was panting on the floor, as he was talking to me.

"Also. I don't want you using your 'full power'. Your current limit is when 3/4 of your hair turns white. Don't use more than 1/3. It will exhaust your body, and it might cause long term damage."

"What if I do?" I asked, not too curious, I just wanted to tease him.

"I'll be fucking mad." He stated, both bluntly and seriously.


"Sorry, Sukuna, I'll have to break our agreement. This is too much for me." I thought to myself, as I activated my full power.

Markings appeared, I could see everything around me.

"Energy output to lowest. Strength maximum. Got it." Yuuji was quite far away, I could fight freely.

- Meanwhile somewhere outside of the battlefield -

Mei Mei called up the principal, knowing that the situation is more out of hand than they thought. They underrastimated the curses and their number.

"We need to send them help. Now." She was raising her voice out of worry. Well, kind of. She was hoping to get some money if she was to be sent there.

"Yes, I agree. But even in the best case, they're alone for 20 more minutes at least. Call (y/n) or Yuuji and inform them." The principal replied. Yuuji wasn't too big of a loss in his eyes, but (y/n) was.


I got a call from Mei-san. Terrible timing, but I had to answer.

"Yes? Please hurry." I answered the phone in a rush.

"Help is on the way, but it will take at least 20 minutes. Can you two last?"

"Yes, I think we can" I answered, relieved. Help was about 20 minutes away. Now we just need to survive.

I informed Yuuji, who sounded as relieved as I was. However, as for me, I had to keep exorcising curses, since I already broke the promise I made to Sukuna. Let's make a use of it.

I was surrounded by mostly first grade curses. I did my very best to be fast and productive. There were no people nearby, and Yuuji was also fighting curses, about 500 meters away from me.

From what I could sense, there was a curse that trapped him, so I quickly made a small dagger with my technique and aimed at it.

And it hit the target perfectly. I could hear a 'thanks, (y/n)' through my technique. Altough I had to focus. There still was at least one special grade nearby, and it was targeting me, probadly.

I quickly got rid of the curses around, and then I felt it for sure. A strong special grade, coming towards me.

It was a finger-bearer, but way stronger than the ones we've met so far. If I could exorcise it, we could get the 18th finger of Sukuna.

Before I could even react, I was thrown into the nearest building by a strong force, causing me to cough up blood. I need to focus. "Focus (y/n)."

I held my katana tight, ready to attack. It fired some cursed energy towards me, though I managed to consume it with my sword.

It's a new technique I learnt recently. It makes me capable of consuming an attack targeting me, and actually store it for later use. Obviously, I can only use one attack once.

I had some severe injuries, and at least one broken bone. My vision was blurry, every movement I made would've been painful if my technique didn't block the pain.

It was intense, but I managed. Somehow. It could do more with it's cursed energy, than the previous ones, that made my job harder.

I still need some time to analyze my opponent, which causes me to hesitate. After I finally had a plan in mind, I had to go with it.

I used all of my strength to do one strike, that hit perfectly.

I exorcised the curse and got the finger. I put it in my pocket (I fucking love how my uniform has spacious ones, it was my request).

And just as I was happy for victory, another special-grade appeared. Though this wasn't half as strong as the other, but I was worn out. Tired. Wounded. I couldn't possibly survive.

Help was at least 3 more minutes away, when I started to lose consiousness. That's when I saw the curse being sliced into half. "Yuuji...?" I asked under my breath.

He smirked and just then did I notice the markings on his face.

"You don't even recognise your own boyfriend? The hell you've been doin'?" He asked me, though I couldn't answer.

I started falling backwards out of fatigue. As I was ready for the impact, I felt two warm hands catching me instead.

"Woah, careful there. You have enough injuries already. I'll heal them." He said, but I had to decline even though it'd feel awesome. I didn't feel the pain fully just yet, but my body was numb.

"Don't. The others can be here at any minute, they'd surely get suspicious. Also..." I informed him, as I got the finger out of my pocket, showing it to him.

He smirked at it and consumed it. I guess that's something I'll be able to explain later. Then his eyes fell on my hair, his smirk disappearing.

"(Y/n). What's this?" He asked in a demanding voice, holding a lock of my hair while he stared into my eyes with his (gorgeous) crimson ones. I messed up big time, eh?

"Can we talk about that after I recover?"

"If you ever will... But yes, I think we can do that. That clearly doesn't mean I'll be less angry, (y/n) (l/n)." He used a full name, I am fucked.

"R- Right... You two should switch, ok?" I stuttered, as Yuuji took back control. And that's when everyone arrived. Wow, the fight just ended. Great timing.

I was immediately brought to Ieiri-san, who healed my more serious wounds. Turns out, I had a broken arm and a few minor fractures aswell. It'd take a whole lot of time to fully recover.

I woke up in a hospital room, people around me. Yuuji, Kugisaki, Fushiguro, Gojo-sensei, even Maki and the others were there.

Then I saw two of the higher ups I've met before. What were they doing here?

They handed me a student ID card, meant to be mine. But instead of 'grade one', there was 'special-grade' written there.

"You and Yuuji Itadori were officialy ranked as special grade. Congratulations you both. You've made it to the top." One of them said. And I was... shocked, mesmerised. Were they just testing us?

Meanwhile everyone around us cheered for us. That made me happy. The only thing I missed was perhaps a 'nice work' from Sukuna. Though I knew I wouldn't get it. He'd scold me instead, if not worse.

It took me long to fully recover, but I slowly could be sent on missions. There still was one thing waiting for me as soon as I was said to be ok. To face my (really angry) boyfriend.

We once talked, but all he asked is how I was. Nothing else. It's safe to say that I was really nervous as I entered his domain.


Now she had to meet Sukuna. And it was like walking straight to the depths of hell. She knew she'd be scolded, but wasn't prepared to a terrible fight between them.



Hi there!
I really hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry for the 'fight scenes' (they can't be called that), I'm terrible at writing them.

Anyways, have a nice day/night, see you in the next chap. Bye!
