Chapter 10

"What's your name?"

"Zhang Chenle."

"Do you have siblings?"

"Y... Yes. My older brother is Zhang Renjun."

"So please tell us. Why are you here today?"

"I'm supposed to tell you the story of my life. That's what my friend told me. For a newspaper article about kids' lives."

"OK. I'll ask you questions, so just answer truthfully."

"One. Where do you live, and for how long have you lived there?"

"I live in... In... This place... For fourteen years."

"What's this place?"

"Um... I..."

"Two. How many people are there?"

"There's me, and seven other boys, then there's sir and madam, and the maid."

"What are your schedules?"

"After shool, we have to do our designated chores for an hour, then we have a special lesson for two hours, and then we do our homework or study for school. Dinner is always at nine, and we go to bed at eleven."

"If you're sick?"

"Sick? That... We don't really know how to feel sick. We follow our schedules everyday, no matter what. If there's no school, our special classes take over."

"Uh... OK? Don't you guys go home for holiday?"

"What's a... Holiday? We don't know where our homes are."

"You don't... Never mind. What about when you don't follow the rules? What happens then?"

"We get punished. They either don't give us a meal, or hit our arms until there's red lines engraved. I mean... That's normal. But Mark and Lucas get hit the most, because they always take the blame for our faults, saying they want to protect us. We still get hit though."

"Who are Mark and Lucas?"

"The eldest. Their twins."

The recording stopped, and Lami looked up to see Kun pressing the stop button, and Sicheng's eyes red.

"Normal? That's freaking normal!?! Damn them!"

"Language Sicheng!" Kun scolded back. He turned to Lami, who had a look mixed up of calm and crazy. Koeun stood trying hard not to cry hearing how sad their lives inside were.

"Well. I'm pretty sure that was enough evidence you got Kun. Great job." Sicheng patted his brother's shoulder. But Kun was looking away, and Koeun sensed something wrong.

"What happened Kun? I know you're hiding something." he sighed as he took the phone and played a different recording.

"Do you know your family?"


"You don't remember?"

"I... miss them..."

"Your parents?"

"No... My brothers. I... want to... to see them a... gain..."

"Re... Renjun?" Sicheng stuttered. Kun nodded.

"I thought he didn't remember us when he didn't recognise me. But, they both do. They remember about their families, all of them. But, they don't miss them." he wiped his eyes hearing the sniffles from the recording.

They sat in silence before Kun stood up taking his phone, and putting on his coat.

"I'm going to the police station now. I can't wait any longer. Sicheng, drop off the girls, it's already dark." the three nodded, and he left the room.


"Hey Koeun," she looked up from her work, "what did Lami tell Renjun, about a newspaper interview?" Mark asked.

"Oh that was just... Uh... Our uncle needed a volunteer, so she asked them for help. Wh... Why do you ask?"

Mark looked over at Lucas, who glared at Koeun.

"Koeun," he said sternly, "I don't think their brother would be your uncle." Koeun stopped writing, and froze at his words. She gulped, pursing her lips, and slowly turned to him.

"Ho... How..."

"They recognised him Koeun. Chenle and Renjun may have forgotten the world, but not their brothers. They were, as they said, their only happiness." Koeun looked away, guiltily, and confused. She quickly texted the other three, wanting an immediate discussion.

Koeun: guys. Chenle and Renjun knew who Kun was

Sicheng: WHAT!

Kun: i felt them staring at me, but...

Kun: they do?

Koeun: yea. Mark and Lucas said they...

Lami: they cried.

Lami: Chenle asked me again earlier who u guys were

Lami: i said journalist

Lami: but i found him crying later.

Kun: thats great!

Kun: we can get to them even more easily now

Sicheng: ???

Kun: they know who we are

Kun: so if we try to help them

Kun: they wont hesitate

Koeun: true

Koeun: so r the police ready??

Sicheng: yup.

Sicheng: theyr gonna raid tonight

Lami: we're coming too

Koeun: we r? r we allowed?

Lami: yes. we need to be there.

Kun: ok kids. focus in ur lesson now

Kun: i know ur in class

Lami: heh

Koeun put her phone down, and saw the teacher had already started the lesson. She looked forward, but couldn't concentrate, feeling a rush of adrenaline for their plans that night.


"Oh my gosh this is so exciting! I feel like my blood pressure's going too high!" Lami bounced in her seat, earning strange looks from the other two.

"Is she always like this? I thought she's not supposed to get high blood pressure?" Sicheng asked Koeun in a whisper.

"She just exaggerates. But seriously though," she took a deep breath, "this really is nerve wrecking. What if they don't succeed shutting them down? Or, if they are moved because it is disturbing here? Or..."

"Chill. How can a sophomore take this much out of studies stress?" Sicheng chuckled as he finally slowed the car down upon reaching in front of the boy's living quarters. "OK. I'll go in first. You guys wait for the signal."

The two girls nodded and sat hiding in the car. Sicheng got out and stepped into the yard, then in front of the door. He rang the bell, and heard a yell from inside.

"Open it you shrimp! Can't even wash the dishes without breaking one!" the door slowly opened, and an expressionless boy stepped out.


"Hello. What's your name?"

"Uh... Haechan? Who ar..."

"Do two boys named Chenle and Renjun live here?"

"Uh... Yea..."

"Where's your guardian?"

"That would be me." an old man stepped out, pushing Haechan back inside. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked rudely. Sicheng took out his business card and showed him.

"Zhang Sicheng, of _________ Entertainment. I'm here to see the two Chinese boys who live here."

"And what business do you have with them? We only allow family in, no one else."

"I'm their brother, does that not count?" the man kept quiet, eyeing Sicheng.

"There were no brothers registered in their list for family. I suggest you leave."

"Let me see them once, then I'll go. You won't understand, but... Even if I'm not registered, they're still my brothers, and... I miss them."

The old man stared at him longer, then slowly went back in to the dark house, leaving the door open. Sicheng waited a while, staring at the ground, when he saw two pairs of feet instead of one.

"Yes?" a voice asked. He looked up, and immediately hugged the two boys in front of him.

"Renjun... Chenle... I've found you..." he spoke holding in his tears. He let, and faced them, taking a good look at their faces, and letting them do the same.

"Si... cheng, or... Kun?" the younger one asked, stuttering.

"Sicheng. Kun is coming. You two... Remember us?"

They both nod simultaneously, and he could see them trying not to show too much emotions.

"You guys, still understand?" they nod again. "Good. Tell me now, like this, how much you want to go home?"

"We don't want to go home. We don't even know where it is. We just want to be back with you, and Kun. We... Miss you. Please take us out of here. I don't like it here." the elder replied in their own language.

His heart sank at his brother's words, but time was up.

"Please leave now. You're interrupting their study time." the old man came again. But Sicheng grasped both their shoulders, and glared at the man.

"I don't think so."


Sorry for late update. I've been working on other stories together, so it takes time.

Hope you guys understand.

Vote follow and share😊
