Yato x Yukine

|| Domestic AU

RED FLAGS. THIS IS AN NSFW PIECE. if you couldn't tell by title, this will be yaoi. I've never written yaoi before, so it's gonna be fluff but anyways..

There was a sigh as someone peered into a finished load of clothes that was in the washing machine.

"Yato!" Yukine called out.

"Coming!" Yukine drummed his fingers on the washing machine, the tapping of his finger vibrating through the metal as he heard his significant other coming down the hall. He slid into view, looking at the blonde with curious eyes. "Yes?" He asked sweetly.

"Were you planning on washing something earlier today?" Yukine asked him. Yato bobbed his head side to side before a little light bulb went off in his head.

"Yeah! My-"

"Cape?" Yukine finished for him. Yato nodded.

"Exactly. Have you washed it yet?" He questioned. Yukine smiled sweetly and nodded, reaching into the washing machine and pulling out a pink garment.

"Here it is." He offered it to him. Yato hesitated in taking it but he held it in his hands, looking at the blonde questionably. "Next time you want me to wash something for you, please tell me, daddy dearest." Yato gulped as Yukine smiled sweetly. Anytime that Yukine called him that outside of the bedroom, he knew he was in trouble.

"L-Look, Y-Yukine, I-"

"Yes?" He crossed his arms. "I would love to hear what excuse you come up with." He really had done it this time.

"I-I'm sorry." Yato said, putting his two index fingers together and pulling puppy dog eyes.

"Does 'sorry' replace all these shirts and socks?" He asked, reaching into the washing machine and pulling out the rest of the laundry. Everything was tinged pink.

"Princess, come on-"

"Don't 'princess' me." Yukine huffed, opening the hatch for the drying machine and tossing the shirts in. Yukine remained silent as he put the clothes in the dryer, then turned it on. He had his back towards Yato, not wanting to vent his anger out on him. Yukine put his hands to his hips and Yato saw the opportunity to spin Yukine around and loop his arms through the blonde's, sitting him on top of the vibrating dryer.

"Y-Yato! Put me down!" The blonde tied to push him away, but Yato simply wrapped the boy's legs around his waist and pressed soft kisses into his neck.

"Princess Yuki~" He spoke softly, before blowing onto the boy's earlobe. The blonde shivered and a pink hue dusted his cheeks. Yato began to nibble on his neck, running one hand up the boy's thigh and gently started to rub his hand against the growing erection. "You still mad Princess?" The vibrations of the dryer plus the touched and seductive words didn't help at all.

"N-No..." Yukine muttered quietly. Yato smiled and pulled away.

"That's my Princess." He whispered, before planning a kiss on his lips. The kiss grew in intensity as Yato's hands continued to increasingly knead his partner's erection through the fabric- Yukine hung his arms over Yato's shoulders, moaning into his partner's mouth.

After several minutes, their lips parted for oxygen, but they remained close, sharing their own shuddered breaths.

"I hate to do this, but I have to go to work soon." Yato whispered. Yukine clutched Yato's shirt, making a soft whine.

"Daddy dearest, no." He begged quietly. Yato gave a soft smile, pacing a soft kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Work calls, Princess. I can't skip work, you know that." A pout started to form on the blonde's lips. Yato chuckled softly, raising his hand to cup Yukine's cheek, running his thumb along his pout. "Now, now, don't be so upset. I promise we can continue this tonight."

"Promise?" Yukine asked quietly, pressing up against the other's chest.

"Doubting me? Of course." He placed another kiss on the boy's forehead and brought him down from on top of the dryer. Yukine fidgeted, trying to settle himself while Yato went to go change.

Once Yato was changed and ready for work, he gave Yukine a kiss and a hug before he left the apartment.

"For those of you working the afternoon shift, watch out! A big storm is coming our way, so grab your umbrellas and rain boots, a thunderstorm will be arriving within an hour or so. Winds of 20 miles per hour have been noted, so some areas will be experiencing power outages." Yukine's stomach churned slightly as he grabbed the television remote to change the channel. He peered out of the window, looking up at the darkening sky. The trees danced and swayed back and forth as the wind teared through.

"It's okay... You'll be fine." His voice trailed off as he heard rumbling in the distance.

Yato looked up from the register, looking at the television that was hanging off the wall.

"For those of you - work, be wary - stay indoors - thunder and lightning -" A loud crack of thunder clapped through the skies, cutting out the power. The store manager sighed and came out of his office as Yato went to the front door and peered outside.

"Yukine..." He wondered how his partner was holding up right now.

"Might as well close up shop for the night." The manager said, walking up next to Yato and looking outside as well. "No one is going to want to come out in this storm anyways."

"Yeah." Yato answered absentmindedly.

"You can wait the storm out if you want." The manager continued speaking but the words weren't heard as the bell on the door rang and Yato was seen running out in the storm.

Lucky for him, their apartment complex was down the street from the shop, but that didn't stop the rain from soaking Yato to the bone.

Yato fished for his keys and went up the stairs. It was dark so he had to slow down so he wouldn't trip up the stairs. To the second floor, down the hall and to his door, putting the key in. As he opened the door, he was welcomed in by the scent of dinner.

But that's not what he was focused on. The boy who would usually welcome him home was missing.

"Yukine?" Lightning flashed and illuminated the living room and kitchen, showing it empty. He closed the front door behind him and start to look around. A rumble of thunder came over the apartment and I heard a muffled yelp.

Yato went to their bedroom, opening the door to their closet. There, he found curled up in a ball on the floor, was the blonde princess, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Yukine." The boy looked up suddenly, teary eyed.

"Y-Yato..." He slowly started to push himself up off the ground, but a flash illuminated the room, followed by a roar of thunder. This startled Yukine and made him scramble up and wrapped his arms around Yato. Despite the fact that Yato was soaked and cold, Yukine still pressed up against him, tightening his grip around his waist.

"Yato... You're soaking wet." Yukine said quietly as the cold finally started to seep through his clothes.

"I got wet in the rain, coming home to find you." Yukine's heart fluttered as he heard those words. "Get undressed and set up a bubble bath for us, won't you?" Even in the dark, Yato's eyes had a glow to them that made butterflies flutter in his stomach. Yukine nodded, going to the restroom. Out of the sheer habit, Yukine flipped the switch, but the power was still out. He was hesitant to go in, but he mustered up his courage to go in. He turned on the hot water, adding the bubble soap and began to undress.

"Yukine poked is foot into the foam and it was invitingly warm. He stepped in, sitting and getting comfortable in the bubbles. A soft light came into his view and the light grew as Yato came into the restroom with a plate of three different sized candles. He put them on the sink counter, the warm glow of the candle lighting up the bathroom. Yato looked at the blonde in the bubbles and smiled warmly. Yukine hoped that the darkness of the bathroom would shield his blush as Yato started to undressed. Yukine preoccupied himself with the bubbles while Yato continued to undress and approached the bath.

"Scooch forward." Yukine looked up at him questionably. "Scoot." Yukine scooted forward in the tub and Yato stepped in behind the blond, sitting with his legs on other side of him. Once he was comfortable, Yato reached forward and wrapped his arms around Yukine, pulling him back. A stronger blush immediately burst on his cheeks as he felt Yato's chest against his back. Yato gave a relaxing sigh and leaned back, enjoying the warmth of the bath and the boy.

There was a small rumble that led to a large clap of thunder and Yukine flinched, giving a small yelp.

"Yukine." Yato leaned forward, leaning his head on the blonde's shoulder, snaking his arms around Yukine and placing them between his legs, touching the boy's soft member. "Why are you afraid?" He whispered into his ear. Yukine shivered at the feel of the other's breath on his ear.

"I-I... W-Well..." He stammered as he tried to settle himself after Yato's hands had gripped onto his soft member.

"You don't have to be afraid." Yato reassured him softly, stroking it gently and nibbling at Yukine's neck. "The louder the claps of thunder are, the louder you will be moaning." He picked up a slow pace and continued to bite at his neck, eliciting quiet moans from the blonde. Another rumble of thunder was approaching and Yato started to pick up his pace, using his other hand to reach the blonde's sensitive hole. Yato heard the rumbling grow louder, into a large clap, so he increased the pace of his hand stroking the member and he used his middle finger to begin to prod at Yukine's sensitive spot.

Yukine's body flushed under his touch and he moaned loudly as a thunderous roar clapped outside the walls. However, the thunder soon ceased to frighten him as Yato continued to pleasure him. Yukine could feel the warmth growing against his bottom that he desired. He wiggled against it and made a whine when Yato denied him.

"After dinner." He whispered. His breath was deep and labored against Yukine's neck. Yato slowed his pace as he felt Yukine twitching gently in his hands. Yukine's breath matched Yato's, if not, it was even more labored.

They allowed the water to drain and they stood so they could rinse off, Yato still grabbing ahold of Yukine and pumping his hand. Occasionally, but mostly denying Yukine's touch on him.

"D-Daddy, p-please." He would whine. Yato smirked and shook his head, before turning him around.

"I said tonight. Patience, my little princess." Yato pushed him lips on the boy's, pressing him up against the wall. The cold of the wall made Yukine gasp and Yato took the opportunity to seize control over his mouth, his tongue asserting its dominance over the blonde's.

Yukine turned into putty in Yato's hands and couldn't stop the moans or the pleasure that was increasingly building up.

"Y-Yato," Yukine broke away for air, but Yato's lips never left him. They traveled down to Yukine's neck, leaving bite marks. "I-I'm c-co-"

"Sh, it's okay." Yato coaxed as he increased the speed of his pleasuring Yukine. Yukine groaned and leaned his head back, unable to stop his ejaculation. Yato felt the warmth land on his stomach before it got washed off by the shower. Yato hummed happily.

"My sweet princess." He whispered, cupping the other's cheeks. Yukine leaned into his hands, bringing his up to keep Yato's hands there.

"D-Daddy dearest..." He said between pants. Yato began to place soft kisses on his forehead and cheeks, before giving him a long, passionate kiss on the lips.

"Why don't we go eat some dinner?" Yato asked. Yukine nodded sheepishly, turning the water off.

As the two dressed, they had idle chat regarding Yato's work and how dinner was done just before the power went out.

"Well, we have to consider ourselves lucky." Yato smiles. Yukine nodded and there was a rumble of thunder in the distance. He went and stood by the window, looking outside and Yato came closer to him.

"Still afraid?" He asked huskily. Yukine blushed, remember his partner's words from the bath.

"N-No..." He stammered. Yato gave a low chuckle.

"Well you better hope the storm gets worse tonight because what I said before still applies." He muttered into his neck before blowing at his ear. Yukine gave a shiver as Yato turned away. "Dinner?" He opened up his palm, offering him his hand. Yukine gulped and intertwined his fingers with Yato's nodding.

Yato walked Yukine out of the bedroom, a warm glow of light was coming through the doorway that he hadn't noticed before. As they stepped out of the bedroom, Yukine was surprised by the setup of the rest of the apartment.

Candles were in groups of three all over the living room and the dining room table was set for the two. It was a candle lit dinner.

"Yato." Yukine gasped. "You found my candle stash." He pouted. Yato chuckled.

"I was raiding the pantry one night and I found them all in a bag in the corner. I guess I beat you to it. Too bad I don't have rose petals to spread everywhere." He wrapped his arms around the blonde and gave his temple a chaste kiss. "Let's dig in."

The food was in the stove, so it was still warm. Yukine had made a chicken marinara plate with some spaghetti. He served the food and Yato set the rest of the table. Once Yato finished setting the table, he went over to Yukine, slipping his arms around him and resting his head over his shoulder.

"Need help babe?" He asked, nuzzling into his neck. Yukine chuckled but shooed him away.

"You're going to make me make a mess." Yato chuckled.

"I'm sure you're capable enough to not spill." He tightened his arms around him. "Or else." He whispered into his ear. Yukine tsked.

"Get off, or else you will have to go on without dinner." Yukine glanced over at his partner and Yato made a whine, pouting as he pulled away and ran a hand through his hair.

"Fine." He mumbled. Yukine served two plates of food and brought them over to the dining room table, where Yato was sitting with the pout still on his face.

"Enough with the pout." Yukine smirked. Yato straightened and hummed hungrily. "Ah, ah, patience. You can at least thank the cook." Yato's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"I would thank you right now, but I don't want dinner to go to waste." He gave a sly smile before giving a wink, which sent a blush to Yukine's cheeks, as he mumbled and took his seat.

They began to eat, chatting idly. Midway through, their feet began to playfully kick at each other and Yukine decided to be bold and run his foot up Yato's leg. Yukine kept his eyes down on his meal, before looking up at Yato, meeting a lustful gaze. Keeping a straight face he knead his foot in Yato's groin gently. Yato kept his lustful gaze to Yukine's nonchalant one, clutching his silverware firmly against the dining table.

"Oh, the hell with dinner." Yato growled. His silverware dropped with a clang and he stood up quickly, knocking his chair back in the progress. He made his way to Yukine before sweeping him up into his arms. "You're going to be my dessert now." He whispered to the blonde seductively, before taking off to their bedroom and tossing him onto the bed.

"Time for the best part of dinner, daddy dearest." Yukine said seductively, lifting his arms above his head, as to signal his complete surrender. Yato smirked and put himself to hover over him.

"Don't worry, my princess." He leaned down to place his lips by Yukine's ears. "I'll enjoy this thoroughly."
