I woke up to the sudden brightness in my room, but odd thing is that I was no more on the ground but on my bed comfortably wrapped up in my blanket. Was last night thing just a mere dream? I thought, but when I saw the same paper from last night on the floor I realised it wasn't.

I grabbed the paper and read the words again. I shouldn't have acted like an idiot and went there, I should've just ignored it the same way other people did. Now I am the target of this anonymus letter and screamer man.

I hurriedly freshened up and ran out of the apartment to meet my friend.

"What? Are you hearing yourself? That's totally not possible" My friend Ricky said.

"I know Ricky but it's true and as a matter of fact all of my neighbour denied it. I am not a dumb" I complained totally frustrated about not getting any sleep past these days.

"Don't worry Cel, you can shift into my apartment and we can live together" He said while caressing my hand. 

But the thing is it's not gonna help me, even if I run it's not gonna end. That screamer is gonna find ways to reach me anyhow.

I told Ricky that I will think about his offer and went back to my apartment. When I was reaching near to my flat I saw the same type of paper in my mail box, I threw the paper without even opening it and went straight inside.

But the same letter again slid through my door and I shivered at the thought of letter man that he might be their all the time or maybe following me.

I opened the letter which says,

"Same time, same place. The only difference is,

step inside"

It was getting dark and time was running fast. As soon as the needle got closer to eleven, my heartbeat started increasing. I didn't know how to go there or face it. What if it might possess my body but then I am not going to know anything right?

I pushed back the thought and started thinking positive, it may be possible that someone needs my help and they think I can. Deciding with the second thought, I grabbed my coat, a pepper spray, a knife in my coat's pocket and went to the apartment.

I stood in front of the apartment and I could feel myself shaking. I was too nervous but rang the bell. The door opened and I went further, It was similar to my place but the lightings were red. The floors were greasy and had some some spider webs on the wall, all the furniture were covered with white cloths and windows with curtains. There was not a hint of space for light.

I stopped checking out the house when I heard the door close, jumping a little I managed myself not to scream or do something stupid.

"Is someone here? Hello! I-I came as per you instructed Mr.Letter Man"

I recieved no responce but as soon as I reached near the dinning areas I felt as if someone blew air on my neck and a shiver ran down my spine. I turned around but found nothing.

My appearance might show that I was being calm but there was a tornado running inside. I wanted to scream and run but it's too late for that right?

I silently sat on one of the chairs in dinning area and asked soflty once again,

"Mr. Letter man, you told me to come here see I got the letter" I raised my hand to show it to I don't even know whom.

"You look beautiful Celene, welcome to my house"

A deep dark voice said in the air and I felt goosebumps all over my body.

"Thanks" I muttered softly

"Why did you call me here?" I continued

I heard a low chuckle and then a cloth that was hanging on a mirror fell. I stood up abruptly and went towards it as if that mirror was calling me.

I stood in front of the mirror when I saw a shadow taking over my reflection. I was scared but atleast it wasn't something creepy but a shadow that eased me for now.

"You just look like your mother" That same voice from before spoke.

Wait how did he knew my mom?

As if he read my thought he answered by himself,

"She was kinda my saviour, when she was a kid she freed me from the glass"

I was shocked was an understatement, my mom never told me about this.

I was going to ask him more as I was hell of a confused but he beat me to his very scary statement.

"And now it will be you, Celene"
