Request ≫ Nightmares

// Request by the amazing white4nim4l !
It's a bit of angst, but I still
hope you enjoy.-Aris//

Word Count: 852

You panted as you ran down a darkened alleyway, the only light to be seen coming from flames that burned all around the chaotic city.

Your ribs stung and your throat felt like a million needles were sticking through your skin, being pulled out and pushed in again with every breath.

Flames engulfed buildings from top to bottom, and peoples shrill screams and cries of panic rang through the city.

You kept running, through streets, past people, and around flames, your destination getting closer with each step. You knees started to grow weak and your lungs breathless, but you continued to run as much as your legs could take you.

Which indeed, grew shorter as well.

Soon enough, your destination was infront of you; the once grand palace of Lucis, that still stood strong, even though it slowly decayed as it was being swallowed by tongues of glowing flames.

Not even stopping to breath, you ran through the large doors, and continued to sprint down empty, burning halls, your foot steps tapping loud and rapid through the halls.

You continued to run until you reached grand doors, covered in beautiful gold accents, gleaming long the slick black doors.

Doors that were never ment to burn...

You heaved them open, revealing a large, grand, and eerily empty throne room, window panes showing the burning and decaying city outside of the castle walls.

Your slowly walked up to the high throne, covered in shadows, much like the rest of the room.

The whole city seemed to be covered in shadows, uncertainty and loss lingering I every shrouded corner.

"Hng...(y/n).." A groggy voice coughed out to you, recognizable to certain degree. "H-here..over here.." It called out, weaker with each spoken word.

You walked over in the direction slowly, seeing a sitting figure start to form in the darkness, beneath the empty throne.

As you took another step, a harsh gasp shot through your throat, tears brimming at the edges of your (e/c) eyes at the sight before you.

"N..Noctis?! W-what happened to you!" You yelled, running over to his figure.

Tears spilt from your eyes, the sight of your lover covered in blood, and carved in with deep gashes, bruises and scratches covering every inch of his body.

"I..I'm sorry.." Was all he said, as his voice became dry, and almost nothing but a whisper.

You bit your lip, trying to stop your word from spilling like the blood from his wounds. You gently took a hold of his hand, cold and shaking.

"No..don't say anything..just wait. I can go-"

"It's too late..I couldn't save you..or my dad..or the kingdom.. It's all over.." He croaked out, slight sobs of anger spitting out of his throat.

"I'm sorry..I couldn't save" He cried out, his grasp around your hand tightening, as he turned to face you one last time.

"I love you..(y/n)..please, don't forget me.."


"No!" You screamed, your nails dug through the (f/c) sheets into your palms, your body damp with a cold sweat, staggered breaths escaping your lips.

Loud sobs escaped your mouth, as you shut your eyes close, the image of your dream still burned into your eyes, and your brain, it becoming more vivid than fading away.

The door swung open quick and swiftly, hitting the wall with a loud bang.

Noctis stood there, panting, a worried expression painted on his features, fear in his beautiful deep azure eyes.

"N-Noct..y-you.." You sobbed out, clenching your fists tightly, the scene still rolling in your mind.

"'s alright, (y/n)..I'm right here.." He comforted, as he waltzed over to you, taking your body and wrapping his arms around it, enveloping you in his warmth.

He pushed your head into his chest, against his heart, as you grabbed onto his soft shirt, holding onto it like it he would slip through your fingers like water.

"Shh..shh..your safe..I'm here, don't worry.." He cooed into your ear, running his fingers through your (h/c) hair, muffled sobs coming from your mouth.

He planted a kiss on your forehead, your whole body shaking as sharp sobs escaped your throat, Noctis whispering comforting words to you.

"Y-you..the" You choked out between cries, lightly coughing. You couldn't describe the horror of it. Not now. You couldn't and didn't even want to think about Noctis in that state..

"I'm right's was just a nightmare." He whispered to you, lifting you up and sitting you on his lap, you curled up in his arms.

You looked up at him with tearful eyes, Noctis giving you a sad, but comforting smile, hoping to vaporize the fear that still lingered in you.

He cupped your cheek with his warm hand, pushing your cold tears off of your face with his thumb, gazing at you softly.

"I love you, (y/n). I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."

(A/N: Was that not angsty af, or is it just in my head? I'm sorry for that, by the way. I honestly didn't mean to sucker punch you in the heart. But hey, isn't that what a fanfic writer's job is anyways?
