Part 11

"Is his mission successful?"

"Natalie, for the 13th time: I don't know! He hasn't reported since yesterday."

"That's troublesome."

"Ya, think?! I'm working my ass of to try and contact him"

"Do you think he can pull it off?"

"Hell yeah. Matthew can pull off anything."

"Remember day one of 6th grade? We told him to 'lay low' remember how that turned out?"

"Yeah, that did not end well. He ended up becoming the most recognized kid in the class."

"No kidding."

"You need to stop worrying so much, Nat. He'll pull it off."

"Highly doubt it."

"Pessimist mutch?"

"Shut up, Nathaniel."

"Ah, No."

"I hate you."

"You're just jealous!"

"Natx2, you there?"

"Nathaniel, Move over! Matthew. Is everything going as planned?"

"More or less."

"That's not the right answer."

"Well, Nathaniel's "fake injury" turned out to be real. Thanks for that."

"Sarcasm much?"

"Be quiet! The mission might have to wait until I'm healed, on the plus side-"

"I don't see a plus side Matt."

"Shut up for one second Natalie. The recovery time I need will give them more time to trust me. Mr. Reyes is very suspicious, but everyone else thinks I'm on the run from you two, and trying to stay alive while hurt. Pretty cool, right?"

"So, there is a plus side! Natalie, just stop being so grumpy."

"I'm the one who's trying to make sure this mission doesn't fail. We can make an example out of the families: anyone who goes outside of Ethis, will face the consequences. It'll be brilliant."

"Well, at least you seem excited about it."

"Shut up, Matt. Get back to the mission."

"Alright. Oh, and don't worry if I can't contact you all the time. Until Mr. Reyes trusts me, doing this too often could jeopardize everything."

"Fine, but when you do call, make sure you have info."

"Fine. Don't do anything exciting while I'm stuck here. Over and out."

"He'd better not screw up."

"I don't think that's possible for Matt."

"You're so stupid sometimes."

"Thank you very much Natalie."

"This is going to be a long mission."



