They remembered

Mikans POV:

Today, May 12th is my birthday, but nobody celebrates with me.

I came to school today all normal but nobody greeted me...they must hate me now!
Not even Ibuki said hi, she ignored me as well... I must of screwed up.

I tried to open the door to the classroom but it was locked! I ran to the janitors closet to get the key but I slipped on a mop and fell. No one was there to help me up.

It felt so lonely walking back to the class and unlocking it.
I slowly opened the door and...

"SURPRISE!!!" My entire class yelled as I stared in shock! Ibuki ran up to me giving me a hug and everyone gave me a birthday gift, even Hiyoko.
I cried a ton, it was the first time anyone celebrated my birthday and I felt so greatful!
