Beanie had been finishing up that day. It was sweltering hot. He bent down and noticed there was something in the broken nest. Carefully opening the crack in the nest, he saw a balled up baby squirrel. The baby lay very still. He looked around and saw no sign of the mother. He knew the baby would not survive alone.

Taking off his baseball hat, he eased the baby into it.

He began to run back to town. He had to get this baby some help. He hoped the running didn't injure the squirrel, but he knew he had to act fast. He ran until he felt like his lungs would burst. His heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer. Still, he ran.

As he neared the first of the two stoplights, he saw a car he recognized. He hoped Hadley would see him and give him a ride to the animal rescue center. He thought if she didn't, he just might die right here on the street like poor Harry had all those years ago.

Hadley spotted Beanie running for all he was worth. Pulling to the curb, she opened the passenger door and called out.

"What's wrong, Beanie? Are you all right?"

Beanie ran up to the car and jumped into the passenger seat.

"I got a sick baby squirrel in my hat. I found it at O'dell Deel's plot. I think it's still alive. Can we get to Miz Ruth before it dies? I don't want to have to dig a grave for a baby squirrel, Hadley. I think it would break my heart."

"Okay, Bean, shut the door and turn up the AC. We will get that baby there as fast as old Betsy can make it."

After looking to make sure there was nothing coming down the road, she did a quick U-turn and started for MEGA park. If Bill saw her, he would give her a ticket, but she would deal with that later.

She eased up to the security gate and was buzzed in. Together, she and Beanie, cradling the baby in his ball hat, hurried into the center. Ruth met them at the door and gingerly took the bundle from Beanie.

"Let's have a look at you," Ruth said as she took the baby squirrel into the exam room.

"Let's stay out here, Bean, so we don't get in Ruth's way," Hadley said.

They went into the little break room to wait. Hadley went to the vending machine and bought two sodas.

"Here, drink this. You look like you are about scared to death. Did you run all the way back from the cemetery with that squirrel in your hat?"

"Yeah, I knew it needed help, and it was the fastest way I could think of to get it back to town. I'm glad you saw me. I don't think I could have made it all the way up to the rescue center."

"I had to make a run to Pixies for more food for Onus," Hadley said. "I think he's trying to put on extra fat for spite or something. I'm glad I saw you, too."

"I'm glad I didn't fall over dead," Beanie said. "I might have squished the baby squirrel."

Ruth came out, and Beanie stood up. He had a worried look on his face that tugged at Hadley's heart.

"You were right to bring him in, Beanie," Ruth said. "He got a little banged up in the fall from the tree. He is resting comfortably in a warm bed. I've had to set his back ankle. He took some food. I'll watch him, but I think he'll be okay. I got him to tinkle, and that's always a good sign."

"Can I see him?" Beanie asked.

"Just a peek," she said.

Beanie went to the recovery and looked into the towel-lined box. The little squirrel was sleeping in his clean bed. His back leg was wrapped in a splint with a bright red bandage.

Beanie watched the up and down motion of the little squirrel's chest to make sure it was breathing okay. Satisfied that the squirrel comfortable, he turned around and hugged Ruth.

"Thank you for saving my little friend. I don't have too many, and I like to keep the ones I have."

"Come on, Beanie," Hadley said, "I think someone deserves a chocolate cream soda and a cheeseburger at the Spoon. I'll bet Delta will just swoon when you tell her how you saved a baby's life today."

They got back into the car and headed into town. Hadley looked over at her smiling friend and couldn't help but smile herself.
