Chapter 8

Army Cadet wording might be used, if unclear, check notes at the end of the chapter.

While Tinky Winky stood by, occupied by his new found amusement, Walten was attempting to rid of any traces that the disgustingly thrown at him fish could have possibly left. Last thing he'd want is some infected tubbie's spit on his kit or worse, his fur. The thought of it makes him shiver, and not from the cold that still surrounds the both of them. Ah yes, the cold. Walten finally managed to wipe the spit off to the best of his satisfaction and turned his head to look at the other tubbie, he could see the smirk on the other tubbie's face.

"Is this funny to you?" Walten asked Tinky Winky coldly and stiffly, raising his voice a bit as to break through all the wind and snow around them. Tinky Winky expression dropped to a still one the more intensely the white tubbie stared at him, he could have swore the other tubbie was staring into his soul. Tinky Winky realized he didn't make the white tubbie exactly happy. "Hey, answer me will you? I know you can hear me! And I know you can talk, so just answer me! And quit embarrassing yourself acting like a child!" Walten scolded him, continuing to firmly stare at him.

Tinky Winky lowered his ears and gaze, finally giving in. But that still didn't seem to satisfy the white tubbie enough. He really is awaiting a verbal answer. Tinky Winky sighed, no warm reaction forming due to his undead state and began to quickly close the gap between himself and the other tubbie. "Oh don't you even-!" Walten quickly reacted, but before getting to do anything else he was forcefully pulled into an embrace by the purple tubbie. Walten stiffened in place, displeased. But he knew there was nothing be could do, because as far as he's aware the purple tubbie's strength is much above his own.

Not a second passed when Walten was startled and flinched, feeling the already familiar to him texture on his neck. He clearly remembers how Tinky Winky's tongue felt back when the tubbie licked his wound, and it was the exact same feeling. But just why his neck? Of all places. Tinky Winky carried on trailing the tongue gently and softly alongside Walten's neck, following it from where his combat shirt begins up to where the white tubbie's head begins. They were long strokes.

Unconsciously Walten softly tilts his head to the side, allowing more room for Tinky Winky, which the purple tubbie took advantage of. While Tinky Winky was doing so to be apologetic for his behaviour, Walten seemed to get something else out of it. 'Of all places... Why my sensitive spot.. damn it...' He thought to himself as he was being pleasured slightly. Walten didn't realize he moved his arms up and very gently has gripped both of Tinky Winky's shoulders.

Tinky Winky was quite surprised, be thought the white tubbie would end up either pushing or punching him. But instead he allowed himself to be dominated. He can't say you didn't enjoy it, while the white tubbie normally likely meant to be threatening when angry, he instead just seemed cute to Tinky Winky. He couldn't resist himself and slightly moved back from the neck, taking a peek at Walten's face. The white tubbie's expression bore that of vulnerability. This wasn't happening because of the moment, the pretty tubbie is allowing himself to be topped.

Tinky Winky thought he convinced the white tubbie and gently wrapped his arms around the tubbie's waist. Pulling him closer, a whole lot more that Walten could ever agree on. Tinky Winky ended up leaning into Walten's face slightly, bringing the two quite close. Walten shook his head when he realized all that's happened around him. He felt his face burn up with a blush as he ended up kicking Tinky Winky in the gut. He winced and scooted back, pulling his arms away putting both of them on the kicked spot.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Walten shouted at him, swinging his arms around in irritation "Pervert!!". Tinky Winky's ears perked up, with an expression of confusion. The white tubbie literally allowed Tinky Winky to do this, and is now mad at him for doing it. "Moody much...?" The purple tubbie finally spoke, and it',$ the first thing he's said to Walten lately. "Are you actually serious right now?" Walten asked, irritated "You open you damn mouth once in a blue moon this is the first I hear? Not an apology but a complaint?" Walten carried on "Get lost already! I don't need you following me, I don't need you damn fish or you being a stalker and a pervert!"

Tinky Winky crossed his arms, pinning his ears down. "You liked it..." "No I fucking didn't! You took advantage of me!" "Don't deny it.." Tinky Winky rolled his eyes. "I tried to keep you safe, from the monster around here but I don't think you want the help... Fine, I'll leave.." Tinky Winky said firmly "But it's not me who's going to be scrapping you off the floor in a few hours.. Good luck.." He warned the white tubbie, and without awaiting a response he turned his own way and walked away. Walten just stood there for second or two, before thinking to himself 'What a dickhead..' He looked around himself.

Walten tried to get around his surroundings, but because of all the distraction he forgot what way he originally went, and which way he came from. Thinking about it, Tinky Winky likely returned to be main land, so he will just head the opposite way. Walten turned to walk his own way, and did so. It was cold, and the snow was so thick it poured into his boots even, his feet are going to freeze with the wet socks. It's going to be a nightmare walking soon, but he preferred to not stop until he left this frozen mess.

Kit - Full military clothing/uniform (not including boots)
Combat shirt - 2nd layer of top clothing. Is always covered by the top layer unless removed. [Walten does not have the top layer on himself]
