Okay... (chapter 8)

Sorry it took me so long to update ☹️

"Oh Mafuyu! What's up?? Come in!" I stepped inside and a wave of warm air hit me. Much better than the cold weather outside. Once we were in their bedroom, they asked me a question. "So, not to sound rude or anything, but why exactly are you here? It's late."

"Oh, uhm...my parents kicked me out." Mizuki looked absolutely shocked.

"Huh!? So that explains the baggage..." I nodded. "I'm sorry that happened, you can stay here tonight. Though, I'm not sure you can for too long, I'd have to ask my parents. I'm sure they'll let you stay 'till you have a hotel room or something, though." I thanked them and lay down on their carpet. I lay down my blanket and pillow. I climbed under the covers and thought about what the hell just happened.

-In the morning-

I woke up to see an empty room. Mizuki was probably in the kitchen. I checked my phone, Kanade and Ena were calling annd texting earlier asking if I was okay. 


Ena: Hey Mafuyu! Are you okay? Mizuki told us what happened because we you weren't on the call we're so worried!!

Kanade <3

Kanade <3: Hey, are you alright? I know you're having a rough time right now, but if you ever need a place to stay, talk to me. I'll let you stay for as long as you need

Me: Thanks, Kanade.

I yawned and got up. Mizuki, their sister, mom, and dad were staring at me.

"Ok, so...you can't stay," said their dad.

"Oh...uhm. That's okay, My other friend actually just offered to let me stay at her house." Their parents shooed me out and I groaned when I left. I texted Kanade, telling her I would like to stay with her for a while. "Well, this'll be fun..."
