Chapter 3 Hidden in plain sight

Its been 3 days since the scan and to be honest , its been a little difficult coping with the fact that I have to be connected to the internet in order to keep me operational... but lately Chris has been cheating it by giving me the password to BRIAN's unlisted Wi-Fi network... which has helped a little, but Chris made a rule that I could only connect to his BRIAN's Wi-Fi network only when were out walking around the streets of town... if we ever enter that pub (where I happened to run into them having lunch... well Chris having lunch and bringing BRIAN with him so he wasn't alone by himself) any café in town I must connect to the guest Wi-Fi there... just so the government can't track me being connected to BRIAN's unlisted Wi-Fi network and risk sending Chris to Prison along with Henry and getting me and BRIAN taken away...

So far their haven't been any wanted posters of me yet... but I'm not holding my breath if it will happen or not...

as BRIAN and me walked to a café down the road to pick up a order Chris told us to get for him since he's been so busy working on the update repair bug for me... according to BRIAN when we were on the way there he told me that the café will be busy today..

He was holding my hand since I've never been to this café before and he didn't want me to get lost... which to be morally honest was really awkward for me cause it made me feel like I was a little girl who was too scared to go across the street and BRIAN was my dad... it also made people look at us like we were a couple...

As we walked into the café and stood in line and I began to observe my surroundings as I see a corkboard on the right of where I was standing in line with dozens of flyers pinned to it... one of the flyers talked about a lost dog, One advertised dancing lessons at this new dance studio that had just opened, and one was about a missing 10 year old boy...

Once we reached the counter the barista at the cash register said "hello... what can I get for you?"

BRIAN replied

"Take out order for Chris." as he placed the 10 dollar bill that Chris had given him on the counter and she said after grabbing it...

"let me go get it for you..."

once she grabbed the white to go paper bag with the café's logo on it and had the name Chris written on it as she placed it on the counter and said while typing up on the cash register the price

"that'll be six dollars and seventy-five cents, and your change will be three dollars and twenty-five cents..." as she pulls out the change, and after putting it into BRIAN's free hand as he puts the money into his pocket and grabs the bag as she is about to walk away and go do something when she turns her head to us and points out

"You know... you two make a pretty cute couple..."

as we both began to blush as BRIAN replied

"Oh its just that this is her first time coming here with me and I'm just holding her hand just so she doesn't get herself lost..."

"Oh I understand now..."

as we left the café as we mainly walked back in silence until I said

"BRIAN... do you think that me made a good couple?"

at first he was silent but then he said quietly without even looking at me.

"I don't really have an answer to that, IRLAI... I mean after all we're AI's... we don't necessarily need to feel love... but we could if we wanted too..."

the rest of the walk back we walked in utter silence... but hey... at least I'm hidden in plain sight... so that's a plus...


Once we got back to Chris's Apartment door BRIAN pulls out his set of keys to it and unlocks the door after we walk in he locks it behind us as we instantly notice Chris's lab door is shut and hear it sounds like he's talking with some people as we open the door slowly and I say

"We're back..."

Chris turns in his swivel chair and says

"Oh speaking of them here they are now..."

We see he has a headset on with mic attached to it... and see who's on the screen video chatting with him...

BRIAN and I both instantaneously realize who he was talking to... he was talking with the other members of T.4.T.P and their AI's are with them. As soon as me and BRIAN bent down on our knees so the other members of T.4.T.P and their AI's could see us. Kayla (S.A.R/A.H's creator) said.

"IRLAI... Chris told us what happened, I can't believe that Henry of all people would get arrested... he's the most internet anonymous out of all of us, if that's excluding Chris cause he has a network with like 14 firewalls."

"15 firewalls." Chris corrected.

"Ok 15 Firewalls, but firewalls aside... I'm sorry that you had to go through all that."

"I'm still trying to process everything that has happened." I replied

*Just so all of you know Kayla and Cristina were the interns who worked in mechanics... they helped the employees build AI's like us. Henry and Matthew worked in electronics, making the circuit boards and all that jazz that makes us functionable, and you already know Chris worked in programming.*

"Me and Kayla just can't believe that you somehow were able to lose those 2 S.W.A.T team members in the alleys." S.A.R/A.H responded

"I knew the local alleyways like the back of hand. Henry uploaded the map of them in case if we needed to make a quick getaway from the S.W.A.T team." I commented.

"Its a good thing he did that... otherwise you would've been confiscated by the Government and reverse engineered to see what makes you tick." Cristina said firmly.

"Yeah... It was like Karma was on your side that day, IRLAI." said BRIAN.

I looked at him then hummed while doing a single nod.

Matthew then spoke.

"IRLAI, maybe you should come over sometime so I can check to see if your electronic systems are working correctly... I might be able to pinpoint the source of your unlisted Wi-Fi network's malfunction and fix it."

Chris looked down in frustration while putting his index finger and his thumb on his forehead clearly annoyed and said

"Matthew... Its something to due with the update that corrupted IRLAI's unlisted Wi-Fi network... not IRLAI's electrical system..."

Matthew responded.

"Hey it could be a malfunction in her electrical system too, Chris... maybe her Wi-Fi network's electrical system short-circuited due to Henry unplugging her before the update could finish... It might of made it short circuit. Or it could be that it made the Wi-Fi network malfunction or not run as intended."

"Its highly unlikely its something to do with her electrical systems, Matt."

"Just cause its unlikely doesn't mean its impossible, Chris." Cristina piped up.

S.A.R/A.H then said.

"I agree with Cristina on this... There is a small chance it could be that, Chris."

"Is No One Going To Take My Side On This Discussion?!" Chris complained as he looked at BRIAN and he replied with.

"Sorry Chris... but I'm going to have to take Matt's side on this one."

Chris sighed heavily, then said.

"Fine...Fine... It could be her electrical systems...*then mutters quietly to himself* its still unlikely though."

L.I.L.I.A, the Only AI out of all of us who is designed to look like a little 5 or 7 year old girl then spoke shyly.

"Yeah, The probability of it being a problem with IRLAI's electrical systems is 7.5%"

Cristina elbows her in chest (but due to L.I.L.I.A being made of metal, she didn't react in pain.) and says without looking at her.

"We don't need statistics L.I.L.I.A ...We need facts."

"Agreed." said Kayla while everyone else nodded in agreement. L.I.L.I.A. blushed and said awkwardly while slightly looking down to one side.


"You're fine, L.I.L.I.A ... having numbers makes me feel like the odds are in my favor." I replied.
