Mini Episode that isn't mini at all lmao

"Hey! Sparkling! Over here!" Herb Cookie called out to Sparkling Cookie "What is it?" Sparkling asked as he caught up to Herb "I think I found a new entrance to the forest! Let's go in. Together!" Herb said with a cheery smile. Sparkling laughed "What is it about you that makes you so irresistible?" Sparkling asked jokingly "I dunno you tell me." Herb said and playfully punched Sparkling softly. "No need for violence dear. C'mon! I'll race you!" Sparkling said dashing into the forest. "S-Sparkling- Wait!! I can't run with this plant in my hands!! SPARKLING!!" Herb loved his plants very much- Maybe even more than Sparkling Cookie- So he made sure to be EXTRA cautious with them but by the time Herb managed to finally decide to hold onto the plant and run after him Sparkling had already been captured by Pomegranate Cookie. "You! Let Sparkling Cookie go you- You- You weed!" Herb Cookie said and pointed a stick at Pomegranate Cookie. Pomegranate laughed "You really think I'm scared of a damn stick?" Pomegranate had stopped laughing and started using her magic mirror on Herb. Herb became unconscious due to her magic and fell to the floor with his now broken plant. "Hey! What the hell did you do to him?! Herb?! Say something!" Sparkling yelled out "He's unconscious so please stop yelling. Your shrill voice is hurting my ears."

"I asked you to track the time they went in and out, not bring them here! You're going to lead the Cookies right to us! We must never let them go!" Dark Enchantress was furious. Licorice Cookie walked slowly to his room and slammed the door. "Wonder what's got him all mad." Red Velvet said and plopped down on the couch behind Dark Enchantress and Pomegranate "You're supposed to be at the Cake Tower." Pomegranate said and gave Red Velvet a dirty glare "Oh boo-hoo bitch. Fuck off. Can't I come home without you bitching at me? Shut the fuck up." Red Velvet said in response and shot Pomegranate the same look."Hey! Both of you! Knock it off!" Dark Enchantress snapped when suddenly they heard a window being opened from Licorice Cookie's room. "What's he doing up there..?" Dark Enchantress Cookie questioned aloud.

Herb Cookie finally opened his eyes "Herb?! Are you alright?!" Sparkling yelled out and rushed to Herb. Herb tried to say something when suddenly Sparkling kissed him ''I'm- I'm okay don't worry-" Herb said a little shocked "Sorry- I just couldn't help it- Like I said I don't know what it is about you that makes you so irresistible.." Sparkling said and took Herb into his arms "How the hell are we going to escape from this shit?" Herb said in a worried tone. It was rare for Herb to say curse words but when he does it usually means he's scared,worried,or very very angry. "No need to use curse words. Everything will be okay." Sparkling said and took Herb by the hand "Are you sure?..From the looks of it we may not even make it out alive.." Herb said in an even more worried tone "Hey look at me. Everything will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you. You have my word." Herb looked up at Sparkling still worried but smiled "But really- How are we going to get out of this?" Herb asked looking around the room they were in "I..Don't know.." Sparkling said and looked around when suddenly the door opened.

"HEY-" Sparkling yelled out "Shh! I'm here to help you guys-" Sparkling looked at the Cookie before realizing who it was and chuckled a bit "What's funny?" The Cookie asked "You're Licorice Cookie right? The one who got beat by a bunch of kids and a Pick-Pocketer?" Sparkling asked "That wasn't very nice Sparkling. Be nice. GingerBrave,Wizard,Custard,and Strawberry Cookie aren't just a bunch of kids! And Chili-Pepper isn't just a Pick-Pocketer either! They're the ones who started this whole "Explore the world" thing..And they're doing a great job." Herb said looking at Sparkling with a frown "Fine. You're the one who got beat by GingerBrave,Strawberry Cookie,Custard Cookie the- You know what this is taking too long. You're Licorice Cookie- Right?" Sparkling said annoyed "Yes. And I'm escaping this hellhole to see Clover Cookie so I need you guys to show me the way since I forgot. Don't worry, all of them know I'm not a threat..Except you guys since I don't think you were there when Clover brought me to the kingdom- " Licorice explained "Yeah! We can show you the way! But how are we going to get- Wait where's my plant?!" Herb had realized his plant was missing. "When that bitch of a Cookie knocked you out you dropped your plant and it broke." Sparkling explained "Bitch of a Cookie huh? Glad we can agree on something." Licorice said

"So. What's your plan of getting out?" Sparkling asked. Herb was looking down and Sparkling noticed "Hey? What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" Sparkling asked and got on his knees to get face to face with Herb. "I-I'm just upset with myself f-for running in...I-If I didn't maybe we w-wouldn't have been here- T-The both of us- A-And I would've found help a-and..." Herb tried to speak but his eyes were getting watery and his voice was cracking "Hey listen to me. This is not your fault. It's mine. You didn't have to run in and I shouldn't have run into an unknown area. It's not your fault Herb..Don't cry..Please.." Sparkling said and wiped a tear off Herb's face "Hey uh sorry to interrupt but the windows open- We can uhm- Climb out like that- Just be quiet okay?" Licorice said.

Licorice stabbed the tree with his scythe and started climbing out "Wait! Why'd you stab the tree?!" Herb yelled out. Sparkling ran over to Herb from the window and put his hand over Herb's mouth. "I know you don't like for plants to be harmed but just this once you're gonna have to let it slide..If you want to escape then you're gonna have to." Sparkling said and took Herb by the hand "Besides. It's only one tree." Sparkling said and sat on the windowsill with one leg sticking outside. Licorice was already at the ground since the tree wasn't too high up but it was far too high to jump down from. Sparkling noticed Herb was scared "What's wrong?" He asked and walked over to Herb "I-I'm just a little scared of heights..." Herb said with a scared look on his face. Sparkling lifted up Herb bridal style and carried him to the window "H-Hey what are you doing?" Herb said and held on tightly to Sparkling "Taking you out the window." Sparkling said and climbed out. Herb shoved his face into Sparkling's chest "Don't worry. I won't drop you." He said and grabbed onto the scythe while still holding Herb in one arm- Herb had to be one of the lightest adult Cookies out there- Sparkling put Herb on the ground while still holding onto the scythe "See? That wasn't so bad right?" Sparkling said and jumped down "Hey could you uh- Get that for me- I kinda need it- W-Well I don't but..I-It has something special on the ropes.." Licorice said- Sparkling was very tall so this shouldn't be a problem. "Yeah sure-" Sparkling said and yanked on the scythe which made it come loose from the tree. "Thanks.." Licorice said.

Herb kept on squeezing Sparklings hand as they walked through the forest due to all the sudden sounds. "Herb I know you're scared but please for the love of Witches stop holding my hand so tight." Sparkling said a little annoyed "S-Sorry!" Herb said and took his hand away fast "Well now I want you to hold it again damn it-" Sparkling said and grabbed Herb's hand again which made Herb blush a bit and smile. Licorice laughed a bit "Me and Clover were like that sometimes.. Especially when I first came to the kingdom with him..Heh..I was a nervous wreck but..He managed to comfort me in every way possible.." Licorice said unexpectedly "So- You and Clover are like- Dating?" Herb asked "Yep..Haven't seen him in awhi- Wait what's that sound? Is it- It is!" Licorice said and ran into some bushes "Uhm? Hey! Wait up!" Sparkling said and ran after Licorice while holding Herb's hand "CLOVER!" Licorice yelled out and ran into Clover Cookies arms "Licorice?! I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been?!" Clover said and spun Licorice around while hugging him "Dark Enchantress dragged me back...But I'm here now! I missed you so much!" Herb and Sparkling just stood there confused.

All four Cookies walked back to the kingdom and told Latte Cookie,Espresso Cookie, And Madeline Cookie about what had happened. Clover and Licorice continued to be together at all times and were very overprotective of each other. Sparkling and Herb continued their life without running into unknown areas and being more cautious around the unclaimed land around the kingdom.RedVelvet and Pomegranate? They still hate each other. Pomegranate and Dark Enchantress were obviously together which made RedVelvet mad since Dark Enchantress was like a mother to him and he thought she was too good for a fruit bitch but he had his own bitch to deal with- Dark Choco. Dark Choco seemed to be more silent after the day they "visited" Yam and Milk so he decided to go back- On his own this time..
