Can of Worms

S1: E5

(Y/N)'s POV

Life has been great with the ninjas. I have been practicing my powers and I have been able to transform into two animals a day. I also have my own ninja gi. It looks like the other's ninja gi, but mine is purple.

Right now, I am with Nya in the bridge trying to figure out where the other serpentine tombs are. During our research, we heard the ninjas shouting in frustration.

I knew Lloyd was told to make the ninjas mad. It was said to be a new "lesson".

We were able to hear the ninjas shouting at each other.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score? You had to rub it in my face?" Kai asks.

"You know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days." Cole says.

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot." Jay says.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's pink!" Zane says.

The ninjas started to argue even more.

After a while of Sensei Wu explaining the lesson, Nya talks through the speakers.

"If you're done fooling around, we could use you guys on the bridge.We do still have a snake problem to attend to. Over and out." Nya says.

"It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis and purple ninja live with you, but having my sister here? I mean, come on, I thought this was a ninja headquarters." Kai says.

Wow, he doesn't even know that we can hear him. "You do know we can hear you." I say through the speaker.

"Over and out." Nya says.

The ninjas walk into the bridge.

Nya and I are standing in front of a map.

"Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd and is now on his way to open the last two serpentine tombs." Nya says to the ninjas.

Lloyd sighs before saying, "Don't remind me."

"Pythor's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed, there's no telling what he'll do." Sensei Wu says to us.

I walk to the other side of the room and grab a dart.

"But those tombs could be anywhere. Without the map, we might as well throw darts at a map." Jay says.

"Sure. Why not." I say to them as I pull out my bow. I use my bow to shoot a dart at the map. I also shoot another dart at the map. When both darts were being thrown, they almost hit Kai, which makes him duck.

"These are the two locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs." Nya says to the ninjas.

I shoot another dart at the map with my bow. I walk over to where Nya is standing.

"Show off." I hear Kai mutter.

"And this is Pythor's tomb." Nya says as she points to the dart I just threw. After many hours of ruminating on why the tombs were placed in these three precise locations, (Y/N) and I discovered a secret pattern." Nya says. She then grabs a flashlight with a symbol on it and shines it on the map.

"If you notice, all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for serpent." I say to the ninjas.

"So the last two tombs must be here and here." Jay says as he points to two locations on the map. "You two are so smart." Jay says to Nya and I.

"Was there any doubt?" Nya asks.

"There's little time. Kai an Jay, you head to the Venomari Tomb. Cole and Zane, you take the Constrictai Tomb." Sensei Wu says to the ninjas. He then looks at me. "(Y/N), I will allow you to go on this mission with the ninjas. You will go with Cole and Zane." Sensei Wu says to me.

I nod my head.

"And take this." Sensei Wu says as he gives a sacred flute to Cole. "You might need it if you run into Pythor. Good luck, ninjas."

"What am I going to do?" Nya asks Sensei Wu.

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?" Lloyd asks.

"Nya, I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble." Sensei Wu says.

"Yes, Sensei." Nya says with annoyance.

"Let's go, boys... and girl. We got some snakes to club." Cole says before we run out of the bridge.

Zane, Cole, and I are riding to the Condtricti Tomb. Cole is in his vehicle while I ride with Zane in his vehicle.

The vehicles disappear and we land on the ground.

Zane sighs because he is wearing the pink ninja suit. I pat his back in comfort.

"Well, our vehicles won't traverse the steps. We go the rest of the day on foot." Cole says.

"But this is the Mountain of a Million Steps. Aren't we pressed for time?" Zane asks.

"Then we'll take a shortcut." Cole says.

"I'll take my own shortcut." I say as I look at the mountain.

"Okay. See who gets there first?" Cole asks with competition in his voice.

"Sure. I'll give you guys a 30 second head start." I say to them.

Zane gets on Cole's back, and Cole starts to climb the mountain.

While they're up ahead, I transform into a hawk.

(This is your hawk form.)

I start flying towards the top of the mountain. I squawk to Cole and Zane and fly past them.

I land on the top of the mountain and wait for the others. I could hear Cole panting while climbing.

"Am I holding on too tight?" I hear Zane ask Cole.

"Light as a feather, Pinky." Cole says to Zane. "Almost there." He says afterwards.

They finally make it to the top, with me staring at them.

I squawk, which gets their attention.

"Don't give me that look." Cole says to me.

We see a hole, which is the entrance of the Constrictai tomb. There was also a rope tied near the hole.

"Looks like Pythor was already here. Perhaps we should investigate." Zane says to Cole and I.

"Give me a second. Phew. Go on and start without me." Cole says while panting.

Zane climbs down the rope while I fly down. Cole soon follows after us.

I transform back to normal once I land.

Zane pulls out a lit torch. (Where did he get the torch? It came out of nowhere.)

We walk around the tomb and see drawings on the wall.

"Huh. Didn't Momma Snake ever tell them not to draw on the wall?" Cole asks us.

I laugh a little at what Cole said.

"These images describe a legend about one tribe uniting them all." Zane says as he looks at the drawings.

"Those snakes had been at war with each other for centuries." Cole says.

"Well, it says here, once they unite, they can find the four Silver Fang Blades that will unleash the Great Devourer, an evil that will consume all of the land, turning day into night." Zane says to us. 

"You get all that from those little pictures?" Cole asks Zane in surprise.

It was quiet for a while.

"This gives me deep concern. If Pythor's not here, and unites all the tribes together before Kai and Jay find him-" Zane get's cut off by Cole.

"Relax, Zane. They're a bunch of dumb snakes who believe in fairy tales. If anything, we've got all the-" Cole stops when we feel rumbling under us.

"What was that?" I ask them.

"What?" Zane asks.

"There's something in the ground. Don't move." Cole says.

"When you say that, it makes me want to do the opposite." I whisper yell to Cole.

Just then, a Constrictai comes from behind me.

"(Y/N)!" Zane says as he pushes me out of the way.

The Constrictai wraps it's tail around Zane.

"I've been waiting for you. Pythor sends his regards." The Constrictai, who I also believe is the general of the Constrictai, says.

"Did you stay behind just to tell us that? Pathetic." Zane says to the Constrictai general.

"Look who's calling who pathetic, Pinky." The Constrictai general says.

"Only I call him Pinky." Cole says before slamming his scythe to the ground, which causes the whole place to shake.

The Constrictai general  lets go of Zane and goes back underground.

"Zane, (Y/N), go for the rope." Cole says to us.

We start running towards the rope. But Cole gets pulled into a hole.

"Cole!" I yell to him.

Cole gets thrown out of the hole and lands on his back.

We can see the Constrictai traveling underground, and it was heading for Cole.

Cole takes out the sacred flute and starts to play it. The Constrictai comes out from the ground covering his ears. The Constrictai wraps it's tail around Cole and chokes him.

"Zane, (Y/N)." Cole says as he is being choked. He then drops the flute.

Zane runs over and grabs the flute. He starts to play the flute, but the Constrictai grabs Zane by his neck and chokes him.

I had to act fast. I ran over and grabbed the flute from Zane. I started to play. But the Constrictai grabs me by the neck as well. Everything started to get blurry, but I continued to play the flute. It got to a point where everything turned black. But before I blacked out, The Constrictai lets us go and covers his ears.

I fall to the floor and start breathing for air. Zane helps me up as I start breathing normally.

"Wrap your head around this." Cole says as he hits the Constrictai's head with his scythe. The Constrictai was out cold.

"Good one." Zane says to Cole.

"Thanks. But if he was expecting us, I think Kai and Jay are walking into a trap. Come on. Let's get out of here." Cole says before we run to the rope.

I climb up the rope first and was followed by Zane and Cole. 

After a while of riding, we made to the Toxic Bogs. I saw the Venomari surrounding Kai and Jay.

Cole and Zane's vehicles disappear and we land on the ground next to the entrance of the Venomari tomb.

"Anyone order a little kick butt?" Cole asks while holding his scythe.

Since we are standing by the entrance of the tomb, it echoed the word "butt", which made Jay laugh.

Just then, Pythor comes out of the tomb saying, "Boo!"

Jay screams in fear.

We are now all surrounded by the Venomari

Zane took out the sacred flute and was about to play it. But Pythor took the flute out of his hands.

"No, let's not let music ruin things." Pythor says to us.

We back up to the edge of the acid, and we jump onto a giant log that was floating on top of it. But the log started to slowly sink.

"Oh, great." I say sarcastically.

"I've got a sinking feeling this may be the last I see you five." Pythor says before laughing.

"That's it. I used to hate dragons, but know I officially hate snakes." Cole says angrily.

"Wait, do you see that? A magic floating rope. We can climb to safety." Kai says as he was about to walk off the log.

But I grab the back of his hood and pull him back.

"Boy, that Venomari venom is some powerful stuff." Jay says to us.

Oh, no wonder Kai was acting weird.

"For whatever it is worth, it was an honor to fight beside you all." Zane says.

"Yeah. Even though I just joined the team." I say.

Just then, a rope dangles in front of us.

"Hey, what?" Cole asks with confusion.

"The magic rope." Kai says.

"Quick. Everyone, climb over." Jay says to us.

We climb on the rope just in time.

Just then, a giant samurai robot appears. It starts to scare the Venomari off until Pythor was the only one left.

The robot's chest plat opens up and the samurai comes out.

Pythor starts to slither away, but not before getting shot by a dart.

We start walking to the Samurai.

"Who are you?" Cole asks.

"How about the coolest thing I've ever seen?" Jay asks with amazement.

"Santa?" Kai asks, still having the venom on him.

I was the first to walk up to them.

"Thank you, mysterious Samurai. We owe you our lives for saving-" I was cut off by the Sanurai spraying something in my face. And before I knew it, I pass out on the floor

Third POV

(Y/N) passes out on the floor after being sprayed in the face.

"Now that wasn't nice." Jay says to the Samurai.

The Samurai then sprays the ninjas in the face. The ninjas pass out on the floor as well.

The Samurai goes back into the robot and flies off.

The Bounty arrives in time and spots the ninjas.

(Y/N)'s Pov

We are sitting on the table eating dinner. I was sitting in between Zane and Lloyd.

"So then, just when we were gonna bite it, this huge mechanical robot-" Jay starts to say.

"Samurai." Zane and I say at the same time.

"It was samurai." Zane says afterwards.

"A sama what?" Lloyd asks.

"Samurai. Highest level of warrior class. They would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield." Sensei Wu says to us.

"He was a hundred feet high, with weapons coming out every part of him." Kai says to us. He stilled had the venom on him. Kai then looks at Sensei Wu and gasps. "Look at Sensei's beard. It's moving like snakes." Kai whispers to Cole.

I looked at Kai and noticed that he was staring at me. I was a little confused by this. "Uh, guys, why is he staring at me like that?" I ask the others who just shrug.

"Are you an angel?" Kai asks me.

I was surprised he asked me this. "Uh, no?" I answer, even though it sounded like a question.

"When is this Venomari spit supposed to wear off? It's starting to get annoying." Nya says annoyed.

Kai is still staring at me and was going to put a piece of his food in his mouth, but he misses and his food hits his cheek.

We all just stare at him in confusion.

"Okay, don't let this mysterious samurai cloud what's really important. All the serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them, the legend states some Great Devourer is gonna consume the land and-" Cole gets cut off by Nya.

"Great Devourer?" Nya asks.

"Whatever it is, it's a can of worms I don't wanna see open." Cole says afterwards.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't opened the first hatch, none of this would've happened." Lloyd says sadly.

I side hug Lloyd to comfort him.

"We cannot change the past, but we can affect the future. At least we have the Sacred Flute in our possession, so-" Sensei Wu gets cut off by Jay.

"Yeah. Ahem. About that..." Jay starts to say.

"Pythor sort of stole it." Zane finishes for Jay.

"The last Sacred Flute gone? You five are Ninjago's last hope." Sensei says to us.

Just then, the alarm goes off.

"Cold-vision must have caught something. That means the serpentine are near." Nya says to us.

"Oh, no! Ninjago City?" Cole asks.

We all run to the bridge and look at the map of Ninjago.

"How many are there?" Jay asks.

"Looks like all of them." kai answers.

"Pythor must be trying to untie them." Zane adds in.

"Go. We mustn't let the five tribes unite." Sensei Wu says to us.

The Ninjas and I run out of the bridge and go to our rooms to change into our ninja gi.

We meet at the deck and get ready to jump off the ship. And since Kai still a little of the venom on him, he had to go with Jay.

Jay and Kai jump off first, then Cole, then Zane, and then me.

We are cheering and laughing while falling down.

"I love the smell of land hurtling towards you in the middle of the night." Cole yells to us.

The ninjas summon their vehicles with their golden weapons.

I transform into a bat and fly down to the city.

(This is the best picture I could find. This is what you look like in your bat form.)

The ninjas land on the ground and meet up by an alleyway.

I fly down and hang upside down on one of the electrical wires.

The ninjas gasp while looking around Ninjago City.

"Ninjago City. Amazing. Always heard stories of this place." Kai says in amazement.

"Biggest city in all of Ninjago. Always wanted to come here." Jay adds.

"Yeah, I always dreamed of one day being on a billboard here." Cole says.

"You too?" Jay asks Cole.

"Yeah, I did too." Kai says.

"Uh, but may I remind you, where are the snakes? We should be standing in the middle of a massive serpentine gathering. And where's (Y/N)?" Zane asks.

The ninjas start looking everywhere for me. I decided to fly by them. And that's what I did. But that only freaked Jay out.

"Ah! A bat! Get it away!" Jay says in fear.

"That's not just a bat. It's (Y/N)." Zane says to the others.

"Oh. Ha-ha. I knew that." Jay says nervously.

I transform back to normal and land on the ground.

"I think the serpentine decided to have this gathering underground." I say as I point to a manhole.

We walk over to the manhole and open open it.

"I hate snakes." Cole says before we go into the manhole.

We walk in to see a huge gathering of the five serpentine tribes. And Pythor was uniting them.

"Friends, enemies, and enemies who pretend to be friends." Pythor says, which causes everyone to laugh. "I welcome you." Pythor continues his speech.

"That's a lot of snakes." Cole whispers to us.

"What are we gonna do?" Jay asks.

"I have an idea. Follow my lead." Kai says before he runs off, with us following him.

Pyhtor was still giving his speech to everyone. "And what is with the Constrictai and their vice-like grip? Let it go, already." Pythor says which creates more laughter.

"It's funny because it's so true." A Fangpyre says.

"Heh, but in all seriousness, the reason why I called this gathering is because the good people of Ninjago imprisoned us in those insidious tombs,(Ha ha. Insidious. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to the horror movie called "Insidious".) and I want to return them the favor." Pythor says.

All of the serpentine start to cheer.

The ninjas and I watch Kai do what he had in mind.

"That sounds like a great plan, but you know the Hypnobrai will screw it up." Kai says in the crowd.

"Who said that?" A Hypnobrai asks.

It was now Jay's turn. "Those buck teeth can bite my rear end." He says in the crowd.

"I bet they're drinking their own venom." Cole says.

"All that digging must have given them dirt for brains." Zane says.

It was now my turn to say something. "Why should we follow this Anachondrai?" I say.

The serpentine started to talk among one another.

"What's going on? Why am I losing them?" I hear Pythor ask with anger.

I meet up with Kai, Zane, and Jay. We are just waiting for Cole. But while we were waiting , a Constrictai grabs Kai from below him.

A few more Constrictai come out from the ground and grab Jay. Zane and I were about to help Jay.

"Run!" Jay yells to Zane and I.

We start running, with more serpentine following behind us. We run by a pink sign, and Zane had an idea.

I jump down to the subway tracks and lay down, so I won't be seen, while Zane "camouflages" with the sign. And I'm surprised that even worked. The serpentine couldn't find us and walk back to the others.

I get out of my hiding spot and walk over to Zane. We decide to go back and get the others.

We walk back to the serpentine gathering and see our friends tied up.

We each grab a rope and swing above the serpentine.

"Look, a pink and purple ninja!" I hear a serpentine yell.

"Go, pink and purple ninja, go!" The other ninjas yell to us.

Zane kicks Scale while I kick Pythor, and we land next to the other ninjas.

Zane uses his shurikens and cut the rope.

"Now let's get out of here." Zane says to us.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I say as I start running.

We run through one of the tunnels, with the serpentine following behind us.

"Let us blow this Popsicle stand. Ninja, go!" Zane says as he freezes the whole tunnel and summons his ice motor bike.

The ninjas get on the bike, but there wasn't enough room for me.

"(Y/N), do you think you have enough energy to transform into one more animal?" Kai asks me.

"I'll try." I say to him.

I decided to transform into a penguin.

(Once again, I couldn't find any good pictures. I know this looks like a mix of pink and purple, but it's a purple. But anyway, this is your penguin form.)

Zane starts riding his motor bike, while I slide on my stomach. We are going really fast, and we lost the serpentine. We are now heading back to the Bounty.

And once we got back to the Boutny, and after I transformed back to normal, I past out. One of the ninjas had to carry me in the Bounty.

Third POV

The ninjas, except for (Y/N) who is sleeping in her room, are sitting on the table with Nya and Sensei Wu.

"You know, whether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage." Cole says to the others.

"And now the serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together." Kai adds.

"I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it hadn't been for Zane and (Y/N)." Jay says.

"Don't thank me. Thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for this "laundry skills," we all would've been found." Zane says. which causes everyone to laugh.

Just then, Lloyd walks in with Zane's ninja gi. "Well, it took me 20 loads, but your suit's no longer pink." Lloyd says to Zane. He then turns to Cole. "And to show that I'm sorry, Cole, I got you a can of nuts." Lloyd says as he hold out the can of nuts.

"Uh, ha-ha, yeah. Don't think I don't see what this is. When I open this, a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right? Yeah. No, thank you." Cole says as he starts walking to the fridge. Once Cole opens the fridge, a bunch of rubber snakes fly out and land on Cole.

Everyone starts to laugh at the scene in front of them.
