
(Lava, Pixane, and Jaya!)
"Finally!" The ninja cheer as they walk into the theme park. They've been waiting months to go to this park, but they've been swamped. Nya grabbed Jay's hand, dragging him along. "Let's get some food, and I'm starving!" Jay agreed and followed her. He waved goodbye to the rest of the team. Cole smiled at his friend; he was thrilled that his relationship had been going well. Cole could recall all the time's jay talked about his crush on Nya. He softly chuckled, turning his attention back to his friends. "What do you guys wanna do?" He asked. "Pixal said she was waiting on the other side of the park, and I'm going to find her." The ice ninja replied. "what!! Pixals here? Can I come?" The green ninja turned to Zane. "Lloyd, I think they want-" Kai's sentence gets cut off by Zane. He replies, rather happily, "Ok! Let's go now; I don't want to keep her waiting" Lloyd runs after Zane, yelling at him to slow down.
This leaves Kai and Cole alone. Kai looks over to cole. "Anything you wanna do? Are you hungry?" Cole smiles. "Not really; I'm not a bit fan of theme parks. I only came here for you guys." Kai unexpectedly lets out a dramatic gasp. "WHAT? You don't like theme parks? Why, bro!" He practically yells at cole, which causes him to move back a little "it's just not my thing." He lets out a dry laugh. "Aw, come on cole!! You've probably haven't been to a good theme park." He pouts, grabbing Coles's hand. He blushes, opening his mouth to speak but gets cut off by Kai, "I'll make sure you like theme parks by the end of the night, ok?" Kai pulls cole along, chuckling at his surprised expression. They run for a bit til a ride catches Kai's eye. He stops, looking over at cole before walking towards the line.
"Kai, are you sure about this? I wouldn't want to waste your free time.." He looks down, looking at their intertwined hands. Kai notices this and tightens his grip. " Cole, I'm not wasting my time!! I want you to have fun too, you're too nice cole." he sighs, adding more to this sentence. " You should have told us that you didn't like theme parks; I would've stayed with you at home." Cole blushes, looking back up at Kai. "Hey, I wanted you guys to be happy. I wouldn't mind sitting around, plus you wanted to go to this specific place more than anyone else; how could I argue with that?" Kai smiles, entering the door to the first ride. Sitting next to each other, they chuckle. Cole begins to look around. He feels strangely peaceful; I mean as peaceful as a theme park can feel. He looks over to Kai, smiling at his friend's excitement. "Hold on, I head this ride is super fast."
Kai says. Before cole can reply, the ride starts. He listens to Kai and grabs hold of the barrier. He holds on tightly, waiting slowly as the ride climbs to the top. Letting go as the ride stops, only to grab on again as it bolts down. He shuts his eyes. Feeling the wind flow past his face, he hesitantly opens his eyes, looking at his friend. Kai has his hands in the air, laughing as the ride twists and turns. Cole eased a bit as the ride came to a slow stop. "That was so quick!!" Kai whines, keeping his hands in the air as the barrier automatically lifts. Cole can only manage a shy smile, still shocked by the ride's velocity. "Ok, that was only the first one; we've got much more to go!" Kai runs up to cole, intertwining their hands again as he pulls cole along.

(With Jay and Nya)

"Wow! This food is delicious!" Jay smiles, eating the kid-sized chicken tenders he ordered. ( He's a very picky eater ) Nya chuckles. "You can't keep eating from the kid's menu, babe. When we go to nice restaurants, it looks like we're ten years old. Jay rolls his eyes, pouting. "Who cares? Nice restaurants are for stuck-up people anyway" he continues, happily eating his chicken. Nya smiles, looking around. "Wait? Isn't that Kai and Cole?" She points over at the crowd. Jay turns, scanning the crowd and nodding when he notices the two. "Aww, they look so cute" He says. Nya sighs, " I wonder when Kais going to confess to Cole " she lets out, causing jay to choke on his chicken. "wait? Kai has a crush on cole?" He says, coughing a few times. "Yeah???" She questions. Jay looks at her, shocked, "Cole has a huge crush on Kai too!!" Both of them stare at each other, unable to say anything. They stay like that, then burst out into laughter. "They're so dense!!" Both of them laugh.

( back to Cole and Kai )

They sit down in another ride; this time, they're at the Ferris wheel. Cole sighs; he's tired of the fast rides and is happy he's getting a break. "Tired?" Kai smiles, leaning closer to Cole. Cole blushes. "A bit"
Kai smiles. " So now do you like theme parks?" This earns a chuckle from Cole. "I mean I had fun, but I don't think I can do this again." Kai pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. Cole smiles. He will admit he had fun. Spending the whole night with Kai made the entire experience better. Cole lets his mind wander, leaning closer to Kai as he rests his head on Kai's shoulder. Unexpectedly, Kai doesn't try to push him off; he sits there. Cole smiles at this, blushing a little. "Next time, you should tell the group you wouldn't wanna go, ok?"
Kai says with a sad tone. Cole lifts his head. "Are you upset, Kai? Sorry, I know you tried hard to make me like it." He sighs. "No, it's just, really feel bad for making you come here. I kept saying we should have all gone, but I didn't know it was pressuring." Cole tenses, feeling as if he hurt Kai's feelings. He leans back. "Kai, you didn't pressure anyone; I just.." He stops, taking a deep breath. "I don't like you see you sad, Kai. It hurts. I'm always happy when you're happy, Kai, and seeing you super excited about the theme Park made me melt. I couldn't help but keep it a secret."
Cole lets out, and a light pink blush covers his face as he says the sentence. " You mean it, Cole?" The red ninja says, smiling sheepishly as he looks over to cole. "I mean it, Kai"
1120 Words
