Chapter 18

Harumi's POV

"Woah, woah, woah", Kai said—waving his hands infront of him frantically,"So...let me get this straight; Jay got—an eyepatch?"

Everyone except myself groaned, I just rolled my eyes.

This was the nearly seventh time, of which Kai was still rambling on about Jay's so-called eyepatch when captured by Nadakhan and his pirate crew.

Jay smacked his face on his forehead,"Yes, Kai, Yes! But that's not important! Are you even listening?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We're listening Jay", Master Wu assured him,"Please...continue."

Jay looked at Nya, before turning back to us,"Well...I got the tiger widow venom...I was the only one of you guys to have one last wish left—and weakening Nadakhan was the key to make sure my wish came true, because, while he would be weak and dazed, I could have had the upper hand without being tricked by his pretty confusing way of accepting our wishes."

"How so Jay?", Misako asked curiously

"If you wish for something—he would twist your words in someway just to get the upper hand on your wish", jay clarified grimly.

We all stood in silence.

"Well?", Lloyd urged,"What happened?"

Jay looked down," Flintlocke shot him—but, it hit Nya too."

We gasped, and Nya side-hugged Jay as he stared at the floor.

"I—", Jay's voice cracked,"I didn't know what to do—it felt—as if my whole life was falling apart—watching Nya—in pain."He hung his head.

"Nya...", Kai drifted off, his eyes glassy,"Why didn't you tell me?"

Nya's face contorted into pain,"I—Im so sorry, Kai—I just—we thought it would be better to keep it to ourselves just so we don't risk it happening again—Ninjago was already falling and crumbling due to Nadakhan's weakened state—and—",Nya didn't finish.

"And Nya would've been gone—forever", Jay said quietly,"Im so sorry guys—I just—wasn't ready to tell you guys—and it was wrong—keeping this from you guys—I was—scared", Jay said sadly, looking up at us.

The others looked downcast, but—relieved. Jay and Nya were family to them. If they lost even one member of their team, they fall apart to pieces. I've seen it myself. But, when they were united, they were unstoppable and strong. I've witnessed that many, many times. It's admirable.

Cole was the first one to approach Jay and Nya, wrapping the two of them in a tight hug.

" Cole I—",Jay started but Cole interrupted him.

"Jay,"Cole said,"Nya—you guys are our best friends—and I understand why you kept this from us."

"We all do", Lloyd piped up, going toward them, Kai right behind him.

Jay and Nya turns toward them, eyes wide in shock.

"You were trying to protect us", Lloyd said simply.

"But not telling us—",Kai said, frowning,"You could have filled us in for something."

Jay lowered his head,"I know—but"

"But", Lloyd said, eyeing Kai,"considering the troubles we've faced—I think it was a good idea that Jay and Nya didn't say anything—it could have led to worse troubles."

Everyone murmured in assent.

"Come on", Cole said,"Show me the love guys—group hug!"

They all let out a laugh, the tension easing immediately.

"I can't believing we're having group hugs like this", Kai muttered,"We're adults, for goodness sake."

Nya put an arm around him, smirking,"We're not adults yet, airhead."

Zane chuckled, going towards them. The six of them were huddled in a tight hug—and it looked so sweet.

I sighed when I saw Lloyd's peaceful expression as he closed his eyes, enjoying the moment between him and his friends.

"So...", I started quietly, as everyone looked at me,"Do we drop the plan?"

The others looked ready to agree—but Lloyd's expression—made me stop my thoughts and stare at him.

He had a deep in thought face, as if he was actually considering the plan to still retrieve the teapot. Did he hear everything Jay and Nya told about their last encounter with Nadakhan? Clearly Not.

When Lloyd wished to become wise, Nadakhan made himself—older instead. And the capturing with the Djinn Blade—

I wasn't willing to lose anyone again.

I wasn't willing to lose Lloyd.

I shuddered. Lloyd looked over, his face distracted. I stared at him, but he just smiled, stretching his arm out.

"Well", Lloyd asked, raising a brow,"What are you waiting for?"

I managed a smile, shaking my head,"I gotta get a picture of this. Pix—"

I couldn't even finish my sentence as Lloyd pulled my arm, forcing me to be enraptured by the air-tight embrace.Oof.

Lloyd's arm slipped around my waist, and my cheeks burned.

I let out a huff and the others laughed.

"You didnt think you'd get away that easily, did you, Quiet One?", Lloyd asked me.

I rolled my eyes,"Har-Har."I said sarcastically.

Lloyd chuckled, tightening his grip around me.

"Ooh!",Jay exclaimed,"I wish I had my camera right now."

Misako came forward, holding a navy blue camera,"Is it this one Jay?"

"Yes!", Jay exclaimed excitedly, extending an arm around Lloyd's shoulder,"Thanks Mrs.G!! Ooh, this is gonna look so cool!"

Kai chuckled,"Only because I'm here."he said smugly, but, to his disappointment, the others groaned.

"Okay everyone!", Misako called,"Smile!"

I laughed, thinking how ridiculous this was—just a minute ago we were on the brink of fighting and now—cuddling and taking pictures.

But, I had to admit, I cant even remember the last time I've ever been hugged like this. Honestly, I don't think I have been hugged like this before. It felt—really nice. Especially NOT because a certain someone had his arm around me, leaning his head sideways towards mine. Nope.

"Okay guys",Lloyd said as we broke the hug,"Back to work, now."

They all groaned, but Master Wu jumped in.

"Yes, I believe Lloyd's right", Master Wu said," As happy as I am seeing you all like this—we must get back to training—I have a few surprises up my sleeve."

Master Wu winked at me and I beams, turning my head to Lloyd, who had a confused look on his face.

"You'll see", I said, grabbing his hand,"Come on!"

The others zipped past, going to the courtyard, but Lloyd just stood there, an unsure look on his face.

"I-uh", he said,"Ill catch up—you go ahead, Rumi." He smiled weakly.

I squinted my eyes, thinking that he was joking,"Are you scared of what's the surprise? Well, the surprise is just me being a part of your training session today!" I exclaimed, waving my hands.

He looked unsurprised, as he smiled,"I figured as much—but, its not that—I just need to—clear a few things up in my room—you go ahead Rumi."

I faltered, letting go of his hand,"Oh—o-okay! Ill see you around, then." I ran out of the room, not letting him see my face. I felt—


He was—not telling me something—that was for sure.

I stopped in my tracks, pondering. Instead of heading to the courtyard, I hid in the corridor, a little away from Lloyd's room.

In record timing, he headed towards his room, looking around him as if he was a fugitive in a heist or something. I rolled my eyes as he shut the door quietly.

Suddenly, I heard him—dialing? On his phone. I edged closer towards his room.

"Did you find it?", voice buzzed on low speaker.

"No", he replied grimly," And we're not planning to."

"What?!", the voice yelled,"Why not?! Do you not want to help your friends?"

"Ofcourse I do", Lloyd said," But I'm not risking anyone's life just for a teapot."

"Just for a—", the voice seemed to struggle with words,"Look—if you don't help them—there never be a chance, Lloyd. I know where the teapot is—and you know how to find it!"

"I do?", Lloyd asked in surprise.

"Yes, yes you do! The last champion of the teapot was with a legendary explorer named Clutch Powers."

I heard Lloyd groan,"Oh for the love of—

"And I know how you can find him and the teapot!", the voice said desperately," Just check the city's security cameras."

"But there's nothing—", Lloyd protested before being interrupted.

"Trust me on this, my friend.", the voice said smugly," But—answer me this: do you really want to doom Ninjago into your incapable hands?"

I gritted my teeth. Who was this guy?!

But I heard Lloyd sigh,"No. No I don't" He said wearily.

"Then find it—retrieve it—and give me a call—I will provide you a set of coordinates to carry on the mission to help your friends."

"But—", Lloyd stopped suddenly.

The guy must've hung up. So this was what he was hiding from me? To his friends?

Suddenly—I felt angry—at him.

I clenched my fists, facing the closed doorway, waiting for him to open it.

He took his time, sighing and pacing occasionally, until, finally, he opened the door and his eyes widened. His wide green eyes locked to my glaring ones.

I crossed my arms and stared at him, fuming.

"How much did you hear?", he asks slowly, his face still shocked.

"More than enough to know that you're a liar,"I growled.

Then  I lunged towards him.

A/N- Uh...i hope you liked this chapter! Wonder what Harumi's gonna do,huh? I literally got goosebumps myself not gonna lie XD. Okiee have a great day and I'll update soon! Let me know what you think abt this book!!!
